Summary: topic: “Weapons of mass destruction. Man-made riders of the Apocalypse: the main types of weapons of mass destruction Nuclear weapons means of mass destruction

Chemical weapons are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • 1. the nature of the physiological effects of OM on the human body;
  • 2. tactical purpose;
  • 3. the speed of the onset of exposure;
  • 4. durability of the applied OM;
  • 5. means and methods of application.

The nature physiological effects Six main types of toxic substances are allocated to the human body:

  • · Nerve agentaffecting the nervous system. The purpose of the use of OS of nerve-paralytic effects is a quick and massive disabling of personnel with a possibly greatest number of deaths. Poisoning substances of this group include sarin, soman, herd and V-gases.
  • · OV skin abscesscausing damage mainly through the skin, and when applied in the form of aerosols and vapors - also through the respiratory system. The main toxic substances are mustard gas, lewisite.
  • · General toxic agents, which, entering the body, disrupt the transfer of oxygen from the blood to the tissues. These are some of the fastest operating agents. These include hydrocyanic acid and chlorocyan.
  • · Choking agentaffecting mainly the lungs. The main OM are phosgene and diphosgene.
  • · OS of psychochemical actioncapable of incapacitating the enemy’s manpower for some time. These toxic substances, acting on the central nervous system, disrupt the normal mental activity of a person or cause disorders such as temporary blindness, deafness, a sense of fear, and restriction of motor functions. Poisoning with these substances in doses that cause mental disorders does not lead to death. OM from this group is quinuclidyl-3-benzylate (BZ) and lysergic acid diethylamide.
  • · Irritant, or Irritants (from the English. irritant - irritating substance). Irritants are quick acting. At the same time, their effect, as a rule, is short-lived, since after leaving the infected zone the signs of poisoning disappear in 1-10 minutes. The lethal effect for irritants is possible only when doses are received in the body that are tens to hundreds of times the minimum and optimal doses. Irritating agents include tear substances, causing profuse lacrimation, and sneezing, irritating airways (can also affect the nervous system and cause skin lesions). Tear substances (lacrimators) - CS, CN (chloroacetophenone) and PS (chloropicrin). Sneezing substances (sternites) - DM (adamsite), DA (diphenylchloroarsin) and DC (diphenylcyanarsin). There are agents that combine tear and sneezing. Annoying agents are armed with the police in many countries and are therefore classified as police or special non-lethal means (special means).

According to the tactical classification, toxic substances are divided into groups for military purposes:

  • · Lethal - substances intended for the destruction of manpower, which include OM of nerve-paralytic, skin-boil, general toxic and asphyxiating;
  • · Temporarily incapacitating manpower out of order - substances that enable the enemy manpower to be incapacitated for a period of several minutes to several days. These include psychotropic (incapacitants) and irritating substances (irritants).

However, non-lethal substances can also cause death. In particular, during the Vietnam War, the U.S. Army used the following types of gases:

  • · CS - orthochlorobenzylidene malononitrile and its prescription forms;
  • · CN - chloroacetophenone;
  • · DM - adamsite or chlordigidrofenarsazin;
  • · CNS - prescription form of chloropicrin;
  • BA (BAE) - bromoacetone;
  • BZ - quinuclidyl-3-benzylate.

In a number of countries, tear-irritating substances are produced and allowed to be acquired by citizens as civilian weapons of self-defense, including:

  • · Individual balloon systems and aerosols (usually such systems are called gas canisters);
  • · Gas pistols and revolvers with gas cartridges.

Depending on the law, samples of civilian gas weapons may be freely sold or may require permission to purchase.

Destruction of chemical weapons in Russia

In 1993, Russia signed, and in 1997 ratified, the Chemical Weapons Convention. In this regard, the federal target program “Destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles in the Russian Federation” was adopted to destroy weapons accumulated over many years of their production. Initially, the program was designed until 2009, but due to underfunding, it was extended several times. As of April 2014, 78% of chemical weapons stockpiles were destroyed in Russia. As of December 1, 2014, Russia destroyed 84.5% of its chemical weapons stockpiles.

In Russia, there are eight chemical weapons storage facilities, each of which corresponds to an enterprise for its destruction:

  • · with. Pokrovka Bezenchuksky district, Samara region (Chapaevsk-11), the destruction plant was mounted by military builders one of the first in 1989, but has been mothballed to date);
  • · Gorny settlement (Saratov region) (completed processing in 2008);
  • · Kambarka city (Udmurt Republic) (completed processing in 2009);
  • · V. Kizner (Udmurt Republic) (put into operation in 2013);
  • · Shchuchye city (Kurgan region) (Entered into force since 2009);
  • · P. Maradykovo (object “Maradykovsky”) (Kirov region) (Put into effect since 2006);
  • · P. Leonidovka ( Penza region) (Penza region) (Put into effect since 2008);
  • · The city of Pochep (Bryansk region) (Put into effect since 2010).

Complexity is the destruction of highly toxic sarin and soman, which requires increased caution. Even with the construction of a modern factory in Kizner in Udmurtia, Russia will not be able to completely get rid of all ammunition until 2017-2019, predicts Alexander Gorbovsky, member of the International Scientific Advisory Council on Flooded Chemical Weapons

Information weapons, as well as information warfare, underwent changes with the development of society and information technologies. The scope of the use of information weapons is so wide that only they can win and lose wars. The information space has actually become a theater of war, where each opposing side seeks to gain an advantage.

Information weapon (hereinafter - IO) - these are means of destroying, distorting or stealing information arrays, extracting necessary information from them after overcoming protection systems, restricting or denying access to legitimate users, disorganizing the operation of technical equipment, disabling telecommunication networks, computer systems, all high-tech means of ensuring the life of society and the functioning of the state.

Information weapons combine a low cost and high efficiency. It does not destroy the enemy, it does not require the creation of complex structures and there is no need to cross borders.

Information weapons are inherently two-faced; electronic and human aspects are well traced in it. On the one hand, society is increasingly becoming dependent on information technology, so the normal operation of many computers and computer networks is, without exaggeration, vital. On the other hand, people remain the main strategic target of the impact of information weapons.

From a purely military point of view, information weapons can be divided into offensive and defensive.

Offensive information weapons are one of the most secret areas. Offensive weapons, for example, include the ability to penetrate the enemy’s computer systems. Defensive information weapons are a much more prosaic topic. Defensive weapons must ensure the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information and supporting infrastructure, despite the aggressive actions of the enemy.

Information weapons differ from conventional weapons:

Secrecy - the ability to achieve goals without visible preparation and declaration of war;

Scale - the ability to inflict irreparable damage without recognizing national borders and sovereignty, without restricting space in all spheres of human life;

Universality - the possibility of multivariate use of both military and civilian structures of the country of attack against military and civilian facilities of the country of defeat.

The scope of AI includes both military and economic, banking, social and other areas of a potential adversary in order to:

Disorganization of activities of management structures, traffic flows and means of communication;

Blocking the activities of individual enterprises and banks, as well as basic industries by violating multi-link technological links and the system of mutual settlements, through the implementation of monetary and financial fraud, etc .;

Initiation of major technological disasters in the territory of the enemy as a result of violation of the regular management of technological processes and facilities dealing with large quantities of hazardous substances and high energy concentrations;

Mass distribution and introduction into the minds of people of certain ideas, habits and behavioral stereotypes;

The cause of discontent or panic among the population, as well as provoking destructive actions of various social groups.

At the same time, the following are the main objects of application of AI in peacetime and wartime:

Computer and communication systems used by government organizations in the performance of their managerial functions;

Military information infrastructure that solves the tasks of command and control, collecting and processing information in the interests of the armed forces;

Information and management structures of banks, transport and industrial enterprises;

The media, primarily electronic (radio, television, etc.).

According to the field of application, information weapons are divided into military and non-military AI.

AI, the use of which is possible in conditions of open war (electronic suppression), includes means that provide:

The defeat of enemy targets with conventional ammunition according to the target designation of their own means of radio and electronic intelligence and partial homing in the final section of the trajectory;

The defeat of high-precision ammunition of a new generation, intelligent ammunition with an independent search for the target and homing on its vulnerable elements;

Radar suppression of communications by masking interference;

The creation of imitating interference that impedes entry into communication, synchronization in data transmission channels, initiating the functions of interrogation and duplication of messages;

Disabling electronic components due to exposure to large levels of electromagnetic or ionizing radiation;

Power impact by a pulse. High voltage through a power network;

Violation of the properties of the radio wave propagation medium (for example, disruption of HF radio communication due to modification of the ionosphere parameters);

Impact using special methods of communication systems on computers;

The generation of natural speech of a particular person.

A special danger is posed by AI for information computer systems of government bodies, command and control of troops and weapons, finances and banks, the country's economy, as well as for people with informational-psychological (psychophysical) impact on them with the aim of changing and managing their individual and collective behavior.

Information weapons, the use of which is possible both in war and in peacetime, can include weapons of information computer systems and weapons of destruction of people (their psyche).

The peculiarity of information weapons is that it affects the human brain, destroys the methods and forms of identification of a person in relation to fixed communities, transforms the individual's memory matrix, creating a person with predetermined parameters (type of consciousness, artificial needs, forms of self-determination, etc.) satisfying the requirements of the aggressor, incapacitates the control system of the enemy state and its armed forces.

Organization of protection against such weapons involves the fulfillment of a number of conditions.

Firstly, the presence of a developed basic concept of “information weapon”, which allows one to determine the psychophysiological and sociocultural means and mechanisms that are necessary to protect the Russian society, state and individual on the basis of “considering society as an organized, autonomous and self-governing system with a mentality and a set of sociocultural traditions.

Secondly, creating a classification of the main methods and forms of defeat and destruction of government and the individual’s consciousness in the information war, taking into account the characteristics of the civilizational and cultural context. This classification will allow, on the basis of the characteristics of Russian civilization, to develop psychological, cultural and conceptual attitudes that form a protective filter system from the enemy disorganizing public and individual consciousness by blurring the “meanings” of Russian culture, changing values \u200b\u200bin the system of accepted values, erasing the differences between good and evil, truth and delusion, beautiful and ugly, etc.

Thirdly, determining the mechanisms of influence of the so-called “software bookmarks” (speech in speech, images in the image) using computers and other audiovisual means on the neurophysiological substrate of the human mental world, neuro-linguistic programming acting on the left and right hemispheres of the human brain, and the development of measures aimed to protect the individual from the damaging effects of these "program bookmarks" on the matrix of memory and the psyche of the individual.

A great threat to humanity throughout its history has been the dangers arising from armed conflicts, especially with the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Wartime emergencies are characterized by the types of weapons used (nuclear, chemical and biological, conventional, incendiary, high-precision, etc.).

- This is a weapon of great striking ability, designed to inflict massive losses and destruction. Weapons of mass destruction or destruction include: nuclear, chemical, and biological (bacteriological) weapons.

Weapons of mass destruction and protection against it

One of the main tasks still remains to protect the population from weapons of mass destruction and other modern means enemy attacks. Of course, the modern multipolar world does not imply, as in the last century, an open military confrontation between the two superpowers and military-political blocs. But does this mean that studying protection against WMD has become unnecessary? The explosions of apartment buildings in Russia, the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings and other facilities in the United States, as well as other large-scale terrorist acts of recent years, indicate that a new danger has replaced the state-political hostility - international terrorism. International terrorists do not stop at nothing. And if weapons of mass destruction fall into their hands, they will use it without a shadow of doubt. This is confirmed by the latest public statements by leaders. terrorist organizations. Based on this, it becomes clear that the need to train the population in the field of protection against weapons of mass destruction has not lost its relevance today.

Nuclear weapon

- This is one of the main types of weapons of mass destruction. It is able in a short time to incapacitate a large number of people and animals, destroy buildings and structures in vast territories. The massive use of nuclear weapons is fraught with catastrophic consequences for all of humanity, therefore the Russian Federation aggressively and steadily waging a struggle for its prohibition.

The population must know and skillfully apply the methods of protection against weapons of mass destruction, otherwise huge losses are inevitable. Everyone knows the terrible consequences of the atomic bombings in August 1945 of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - tens of thousands of victims, hundreds of thousands of victims. If the population of these cities knew the means and methods of protection against nuclear weapons, they would be warned of the danger and took refuge in shelters, the number of victims could be much less.

The striking effect of nuclear weapons is based on the energy released during explosive-type nuclear reactions. Nuclear weapons include nuclear weapons. The basis of a nuclear weapon is a nuclear charge, the power of an explosive explosion which is customary to be expressed with TNT equivalent, that is, the amount of an ordinary explosive substance, during the explosion of which as much energy is released as it will be released in the explosion of a given nuclear weapon. It is measured in tens, hundreds, thousands (kilo) and millions (mega) tons.

The means of delivery of nuclear ammunition to targets are missiles (the main means of deposition nuclear strikes), aviation and artillery. In addition, nuclear mines may be used.

Nuclear explosions are carried out in the air at various heights, near the surface of the earth (water) and underground (water). In accordance with this, they are usually divided into high-altitude (produced above the boundary of the Earth's troposphere - above 10 km), air (produced in the atmosphere at an altitude at which the luminous region does not touch the surface of the earth (water), but not higher than 10 km), ground ( carried out on the surface of the earth (contact) or at such a height when the luminous region touches the surface of the earth), underground (produced below the surface of the earth with or without ejection of soil), surface (carried out on the surface of the water (contact) or at such a height from it, when the luminous region of the explosion touches the surface of the water), underwater (produced in water at a certain depth).

The point at which the explosion occurred is called the center, and its projection onto the surface of the earth (water) is called the epicenter of a nuclear explosion.

The shocking factors of a nuclear explosion are shock wave, light radiation, penetrating radiation, radioactive contamination and electromagnetic pulse.

Shock wave - the main damaging factor of a nuclear explosion, since most of the destruction and damage to structures, buildings, as well as damage to people are caused, as a rule, by its impact. The source of its occurrence is strong pressure that forms in the center of the explosion and reaches billions of atmospheres in the first instants. The region of strong compression of the surrounding layers of air formed during the explosion, expanding, transfers pressure to neighboring layers of air, compressing and heating them, and they, in turn, act on the following layers. As a result, a high pressure zone propagates in air with supersonic speed in all directions from the center of the explosion. The front boundary of the compressed air layer is called shock wave front.

The degree of shock of various objects depends on the power and type of explosion, mechanical strength (stability of the object), as well as on the distance at which the explosion occurred, the terrain and the position of objects on it.

The shocking effect of the shock wave is characterized by the magnitude of the excess pressure. Overpressure Is the difference between the maximum pressure in the front of the shock wave and the normal atmospheric pressure in front of the wave front. It is measured in Newtons per square meter (N / m 2). This unit of pressure is called Pascal (Pa). 1 N / m 2 \u003d 1 Pa (1 kPa% "0.01 kgf / cm 2).

With an excess pressure of 20-40 kPa, unprotected people can get mild lesions (mild bruises and concussions). The impact of a shock wave with an excess pressure of 40-60 kPa leads to moderate lesions: loss of consciousness, damage to hearing organs, severe dislocation of the extremities, bleeding from the nose and ears. Severe injuries occur with overpressure above 60 kPa and are characterized by severe concussion of the whole organism, fractures of the extremities, and damage to internal organs. Extremely severe lesions, often fatal, are observed at overpressure above 100 kPa.

The speed of movement and the distance over which the shock wave propagates depends on the power of a nuclear explosion; with increasing distance from the place of the explosion, the speed drops rapidly. So, with an explosion of ammunition with a power of 20 kt, the shock wave travels 1 km in 2 seconds, 2 km in 5 seconds, 3 km in 8 seconds. During this time, a person after an outbreak can take cover and thereby avoid being hit by a shock wave.

Light emission - This is a stream of radiant energy, including ultraviolet, visible and infrared rays. Its source is the luminous region formed by the hot products of the explosion and hot air. Light radiation propagates almost instantly and lasts, depending on the power of a nuclear explosion, up to 20 seconds. However, its strength is such that, despite its short duration, it is capable of causing burns to the skin (skin integument), damage (permanent or temporary) to people's organs of vision, and ignition of combustible materials of objects.

Light radiation does not penetrate through opaque materials, so any obstacle that can create a shadow protects from the direct action of light radiation and eliminates burns. Significantly attenuated light radiation in dusty (smoky) air, fog, rain, snowfall.

Penetrating radiation Is a stream of gamma rays and neutrons. It lasts 10-15 seconds. Passing through living tissue, gamma radiation ionizes the molecules that make up the cells. Under the influence of ionization, biological processes occur in the body, leading to a violation of the vital functions of individual organs and the development of radiation sickness.

As a result of the passage of radiation through environmental materials, the radiation intensity decreases. It is customary to characterize the attenuating effect with a half-attenuation layer, that is, with such a thickness of the material, passing through which radiation is halved. For example, the intensity of gamma rays is halved twice: steel 2.8 cm thick, concrete 10 cm, soil 14 cm, wood 30 cm.

Open and especially covered slots reduce the impact of penetrating radiation, and shelters and anti-radiation shelters almost completely protect against it.

Main sources radioactive contamination are nuclear fission products and radioactive isotopes formed as a result of neutrons acting on the materials of which the nuclear munition is made, and on some elements that make up the soil in the region of the explosion.

In a ground-based nuclear explosion, a luminous region touches the earth. Inside it, masses of evaporating soil are drawn in, which rise upward. When cooled, the fumes of fission products and soil condense on solid particles. A radioactive cloud forms. It rises to a multi-kilometer height, and then moves with the speed of 25-100 km / h in the wind. Radioactive particles, falling from the cloud to the ground, form a zone of radioactive contamination (trace), the length of which can reach several hundred kilometers. At the same time, the terrain, buildings, structures, crops, water bodies, etc., as well as air, become infected.

Radioactive substances pose the greatest danger in the first hours after deposition, since their activity during this period is the highest.

Electromagnetic pulse - these are electric and magnetic fields that arise as a result of the action of gamma radiation from a nuclear explosion on the atoms of the environment and the formation of a stream of electrons and positive ions in this medium. It can cause damage to electronic equipment, disruption of radio and electronic equipment.

The most reliable means of protection against all the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion are protective structures. In the field you should take cover behind strong local objects, reverse slopes of heights, in the folds of the terrain.

During actions in the zones of infection, respiratory protection (gas masks, respirators, dusty fabric masks and cotton-gauze dressings) and skin protection are used to protect the respiratory system, eyes, and exposed areas of the body from radioactive substances.

Basis neutron ammunition constitute thermonuclear charges in which nuclear fission and fusion reactions are used. An explosion of such ammunition has a devastating effect, first of all, on people due to the powerful flow of penetrating radiation.

In the explosion of a neutron munition, the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected area by penetrating radiation exceeds the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected area by the shock wave several times. In this zone, equipment and structures can remain unscathed, and people will receive fatal injuries.

Hotbed of nuclear damage called the territory directly affected by the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. It is characterized by massive destruction of buildings, structures, blockages, accidents in the networks of public utilities, fires, radioactive contamination and significant losses among the population.

The size of the focus is greater, the more powerful nuclear explosion. The nature of the damage in the outbreak also depends on the strength of the structures of buildings and structures, their number of storeys and building density. For the external boundary of the center of nuclear damage take the conditional line on the distance drawn at such a distance from the epicenter (center) of the explosion, where the magnitude of the overpressure of the shock wave is 10 kPa.

The center of nuclear damage is conventionally divided into zones - areas with approximately the same destruction in nature.

A zone of complete destruction is a territory exposed to a shock wave with an excess pressure (at the outer boundary) of more than 50 kPa. In the zone, all buildings and structures, as well as radiation protection shelters and part of shelters are completely destroyed, solid blockages are formed, and the communal energy network is damaged.

The zone of severe destruction - with excess pressure in the front of the shock wave from 50 to 30 kPa. In this zone, ground-based buildings and structures will be severely damaged, local blockages will form, and solid and massive fires will occur. Most shelters will be preserved; individual shelters will be littered with entrances and exits. People in them can get defeated only because of violation of the sealing of shelters, their flooding or gas contamination.

The zone of medium damage is with excess pressure in the front of the shock wave from 30 to 20 kPa. In it, buildings and structures will receive medium damage. Shelters and shelters of the basement type will be preserved. From light radiation continuous fires will arise.

The zone of weak destruction - with excess pressure in the front of the shock wave from 20 to 10 kPa. Buildings will receive minor damage. From the light radiation there will be separate foci of fires.

Radioactive contamination zone - this is the territory that has been contaminated with radioactive substances as a result of their fall out after ground (underground) and low air nuclear explosions.

The damaging effect of radioactive substances is mainly due to gamma radiation. The harmful effects of ionizing radiation is estimated by the radiation dose (radiation dose; D), that is, the energy of these rays absorbed in a unit volume of the irradiated substance. This energy is measured in existing X-ray dosimetry devices (P). X-ray - this is such a dose of gamma radiation that creates in 1 cm 3 of dry air (at a temperature of 0 ° C and a pressure of 760 mm Hg) 2.083 billion pairs of ions.

Typically, the radiation dose is determined over a period of time called the exposure time (time spent by people in the contaminated area).

To assess the intensity of gamma radiation emitted by radioactive substances in an infected area, the concept of "radiation dose rate" (radiation level) is introduced. The dose rate is measured in x-rays per hour (R / h), small dose rates are measured in x-rays per hour (mR / h).

Gradually, radiation dose rates (radiation levels) are reduced. So, dose rates (radiation levels), measured 1 hour after a ground-based nuclear explosion, will halve in 2 hours, after 4 hours - 4 times, after 7 hours - 10 times, and after 49 hours - 100 times.

The degree of radioactive contamination and the size of the infected area of \u200b\u200bthe radioactive trail in a nuclear explosion depend on the power and type of explosion, meteorological conditions, as well as on the nature of the terrain and soil. The sizes of the radioactive trace are conventionally divided into zones (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The formation of a radioactive trace from a ground nuclear explosion

Hazardous area. At the outer border of the zone, the radiation dose (from the moment radioactive substances fall from the cloud to the area until they completely decay) is equal to 1200 R, the radiation level 1 hour after the explosion is 240 R / h.

Zone of severe infection. At the outer border of the zone, the radiation dose is 400 R, the radiation level 1 hour after the explosion is 80 R / h.

Moderate infection zone. At the outer border of the zone, the radiation dose is 40 R, the radiation level 1 hour after the explosion is 8 R / h.

As a result of exposure to ionizing radiation, as well as when exposed to penetrating radiation, people have radiation sickness. A dose of 100-200 R causes radiation sickness of the first degree, a dose of 200-400 R causes radiation sickness of the second degree, a dose of 400-600 R causes radiation sickness of the third degree, and a dose of more than 600 R causes radiation sickness of the fourth degree.

The dose of a single exposure for four days up to 50 P, as well as multiple doses up to 100 P for 10-30 days, does not cause external signs of the disease and is considered safe.

Chemical weapon

  - This is a weapon of mass destruction, the action of which is based on the toxic properties of certain chemicals. It includes chemical warfare agents and their means of use.

Signs of the use of chemical weapons by the adversary are: a weak, dull sound of explosions of ammunition on the ground and in the air and the appearance of smoke breaks in places that quickly dissipates; dark stripes that stretch behind the plane, settling to the ground; oily spots on leaves, soil, buildings, as well as near the craters of exploding bombs and shells, a change in the natural color of vegetation (green leaves); people at the same time feel irritation of the nasopharynx, eyes, narrowing of the pupils, a feeling of heaviness in the chest.

(OB) - These are chemical compounds that, when used, are capable of infecting people and animals over large areas, penetrating various structures, and infecting areas and bodies of water.

They are equipped with missiles, aerial bombs, artillery shells and mines, chemical land mines, as well as airborne pouring devices (VAPs). When using OM, they can be in a droplet-liquid state, in the form of gas (vapor) and aerosol (fog, smoke). They can penetrate into the human body and affect it through the respiratory, digestive, skin and eyes.

According to the effect on the human body, poisonous substances are divided into nerve agents, skin-boils, asphyxiators, general toxic, irritating and psychochemical.

Toxic substances nerve action (VX - Vi-X, GB - sarin, GD - soman) affect the nervous system when it acts on the body through the respiratory system, when it penetrates in a vaporous and drip-liquid state through the skin, and also when it enters the gastrointestinal tract with food and water. Their resistance in the summer for more than a day, in the winter for several weeks and even months. These OM are the most dangerous. To defeat a person, a very small number of them are enough.

Signs of damage are: salivation, constricted pupils (miosis), shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, paralysis. In severe cases, signs of poisoning develop very quickly. After about 1 minute, a loss of consciousness occurs and severe cramps occur, turning into paralysis. Death occurs in 5-15 minutes from paralysis of the respiratory center and heart muscle.

As means of individual protection, a gas mask and protective clothing are used. To provide the affected first aid, they put on a gas mask and inject him with a syringe tube or by taking an antidote pill. In case of exposure to nerve agents with skin or clothing, the affected areas are treated with liquid from an individual anti-chemical package.

Toxic substances blistering action (mustard gas, lewisite) have a multilateral damaging effect. In a droplet-vapor and vapor state, they affect the skin and eyes, when inhaled vapors - the respiratory tract and lungs, when ingested with food and water - the digestive organs. Characteristic feature mustard gas - the presence of a period of latent action (the lesion is not detected immediately, but after a while - 4 hours or more). Signs of damage are redness of the skin, the formation of small blisters, which then merge into large ones and burst after two to three days, turning into difficult healing ulcers. Eyes mustard mustard. If drops or aerosol O B get into your eyes, after 30 minutes a burning sensation, itching and intensifying pain appear. The lesion quickly develops in depth and for the most part ends in loss of vision. With any local lesion, OM causes a general poisoning of the body, which manifests itself in an increase in temperature, malaise.

In conditions of the use of skin-blasting agents, it is necessary to be in a gas mask and protective clothing. If drops of OB get on skin or clothing, the affected areas are immediately treated with liquid from an individual anti-chemical bag.

Toxic substances asphyxiating (phosgene, diphosgene) affect the body through the respiratory system. Signs of damage are a sweetish, unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, cough, dizziness, general weakness. These phenomena disappear after leaving the focus of infection, and the victim feels normal within 2-12 hours, not suspecting the damage received. During this period (latent action) pulmonary edema develops. Then breathing can sharply worsen, a cough with profuse sputum, headache, fever, shortness of breath, palpitations may appear. Fatal outcome usually occurs on the second or third day. If this critical period has passed, then the condition of the affected person will gradually begin to improve, and recovery may occur in 2-3 weeks.

In case of defeat, a gas mask is put on the victim, they are taken out of the infected area, sheltered warmly and provided with peace. In no case should the victim be given artificial respiration.

Toxic substances poisonous action (hydrocyanic acid, chlorocyanine) are only affected by inhalation of air contaminated by their vapor (they do not act through the skin). Signs of damage are a metallic taste in the mouth, throat irritation, dizziness, weakness, nausea, sharp cramps, and paralysis. To protect against them, it is enough to use only a gas mask.

To assist the victim, it is necessary to crush the ampoule with the antidote and introduce it under the gas mask helmet. In severe cases, the victim is given artificial respiration, warmed, and sent to a medical center.

Toxic substances annoying (CS - CS, adamsite, etc.) cause acute burning and pain in the mouth, throat and eyes, severe lacrimation, coughing, difficulty breathing.

Toxic substances psychochemical action (BZ - Bi-Zet) specifically act on the central nervous system and cause mental (hallucinations, fear, depression) or physical (blindness, deafness) disorders. Signs of damage are manifested in the expansion of the pupils, dry mouth, increased heart rate, dizziness, muscle weakness.

After 30-60 minutes, weakening of attention and memory, a decrease in reactions to external stimuli are observed. The affected person loses orientation, there are phenomena of psychomotor agitation, periodically replaced by hallucinations. Contact with the outside world is lost, and the afflicted is unable to distinguish reality from the illusory representations occurring in his mind. A consequence of impaired consciousness is insanity with partial or complete loss of memory. Individual signs of damage persist for up to 5 days.

If irritant and psychochemical effects are affected, it is necessary to treat the infected parts of the body with soapy water, thoroughly rinse the eyes and nasopharynx with clean water, and shake out the clothes or brush them. Victims should be removed from the infected area and provided with medical care.

The territory within which as a result of exposure to chemical weapons there were massive injuries of people and farm animals is called the center of chemical damage. Its dimensions depend on the scale and method of application of OM, type of OM, meteorological conditions, terrain and other factors.

Especially dangerous are persistent OMs of nerve-paralytic action, the pairs of which propagate in the wind over a rather large distance (15–25 km or more). Therefore, people and animals can be struck by them, not only in the area where chemical munitions are used, but also far beyond.

The duration of the damaging effect of OM is the shorter, the stronger the wind and ascending air currents. In forests, parks, ravines, narrow streets, OM last longer than in open areas.

The territory directly affected by the enemy’s chemical weapons and the territory over which a cloud of contaminated air has spread in striking concentrations is called chemical contamination zone.   Distinguish between primary and secondary zones of infection. The primary zone is formed as a result of exposure to a primary cloud of contaminated air, the source of which is vapors and aerosols of OM, which appeared immediately after the rupture of chemical munitions; secondary zone - as a result of exposure to a cloud, which is formed by the evaporation of OM droplets that have settled after the rupture of chemical munitions.

Biological weapons

It is a means of mass destruction of people, farm animals and plants. Its action is based on the use of the pathogenic properties of microorganisms (bacteria, rickettsia, fungi, as well as toxins produced by some bacteria). Biological weapons include recipes of pathogens and their delivery vehicles to the target (missiles, aerial bombs and containers, aerosol sprays, artillery shells, etc.).

Biological weapons can cause massive dangerous diseases of people and animals in large areas, it has a damaging effect for a long time, has a long latent (incubation) period of action. Microbes and toxins are difficult to detect in the environment, they can penetrate with unpressurized shelters and rooms with the air and infect people and animals in them. Signs of the use of biological weapons by the adversary are: a dull, uncharacteristic sound of conventional ammunition, the explosion of shells and bombs; the presence of large fragments of fragments and individual parts of ammunition; the appearance of drops of liquid or powdery substances on the ground; unusual accumulation of insects and ticks in places of rupture of ammunition and falling containers; mass diseases of people and animals. In addition, the use of biological agents by an adversary can be determined using laboratory tests.

As biological agents, the enemy can use the causative agents of various infectious diseases: plague, anthrax, brucellosis, glanders, tularemia, cholera, yellow and other types of fever, spring-summer encephalitis, typhus and typhoid fever, flu, malaria, dysentery, smallpox and etc. In addition, botulinum toxin can be used, causing severe poisoning of the human body. For the defeat of animals, along with the causative agents of anthrax and glanders, it is possible to use the viruses of foot and mouth disease, plague of cattle and birds, cholera of pigs, etc. For the defeat of agricultural plants, it is possible to use the causative agents of rust of cereals, late blight of potatoes, late withering of corn and other crops; insects - pests of agricultural plants; phytotoxicants, defoliants, herbicides and other chemicals.

Infection of people and animals occurs as a result of inhalation of contaminated air, microbes or toxins entering the mucous membrane and damaged skin, eating contaminated food and water, biting infected insects and ticks, contact with infected objects, and injuries from fragments of ammunition equipped with biological agents, as well as a result of direct communication with sick people (animals). A number of diseases will be quickly transmitted from sick people to healthy ones and cause epidemics (plague, cholera, typhoid, flu, etc.).

The main means of protecting the population from biological weapons include: vaccine-serum preparations, antibiotics, sulfonamide and other medicinal substances used for special and emergency prevention of infectious diseases, personal and collective protective equipment, and chemicals used to neutralize infectious disease pathogens.

If signs of the use of biological weapons by the adversary are found, immediately put on gas masks (respirators, masks), as well as skin protection equipment and report this to the nearest civil defense headquarters, director of the institution, head of the enterprise, organization.

Centers of biological damage are cities, towns and national economy objects that have been directly affected by biological agents that create a source of the spread of infectious diseases. Its boundaries are determined on the basis of biological intelligence data, laboratory studies of samples from objects the external environment, as well as the identification of patients and the spread of infectious diseases. Armed guards are established around the outbreak, entry and exit, as well as the export of property, are prohibited,

To prevent the spread of infectious diseases among the population, a complex of anti-epidemic and sanitary-hygienic measures is carried out in the lesion focus: emergency prevention; Observation and quarantine; sanitization of the population; disinfection of various infected objects. If necessary, destroy insects, ticks and rodents (disinfestation and pest control).

It is important to know that throughout the course of its history, threats to mankind have been posed by dangers arising during armed conflicts, especially with the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Wartime emergencies are characterized by the types of weapons used (nuclear, chemical and biological, conventional, incendiary, high precision, etc.)

- ϶ᴛᴏ weapons of great striking ability, designed to inflict massive losses and destruction. Weapons of mass destruction or destruction include: nuclear, chemical and biological (bacteriological) weapons.

Weapons of mass destruction and protection against it

It is important to note that one of the main tasks of civil defense is still protecting the population from weapons of mass destruction and other modern means of attack of the enemy. Of course, the modern multipolar world does not imply, as in the last century, an open military confrontation between the two superpowers and military-political blocs. But does ϶ᴛᴏ mean that studying protection against WMD has become unnecessary? The explosions of apartment buildings in Russia, the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings and other facilities in the United States, as well as other large-scale terrorist acts of recent years, indicate that a new danger has replaced the state-political hostility - international terrorism. International terrorists stop at nothing. And if weapons of mass destruction fall into their hands, they will use it without a shadow of doubt. This is confirmed by recent public statements by leaders of terrorist organizations. Based on this, it becomes clear that the need to train the population in the field of protection against weapons of mass destruction has not lost its relevance today.

Nuclear weapon

Nuclear weapon - ϶ᴛᴏ one of the main types of weapons of mass destruction. It is worth noting that it is able in a short time to incapacitate a large number of people and animals, destroy buildings and structures in vast territories. The massive use of nuclear weapons is fraught with catastrophic consequences for all of humanity, so the Russian Federation is persistently and steadily fighting for its ban.

The population must know and skillfully apply the methods of protection against weapons of mass destruction, otherwise huge losses are inevitable. Everyone knows the terrible consequences of the atomic bombings in August 1945 of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - tens of thousands of victims, hundreds of thousands of victims. If the population of these cities knew the means and methods of protection against nuclear weapons, they would be warned of the danger and took refuge in shelters, the number of victims could be much less.

The striking effect of nuclear weapons is based on the energy released during explosive-type nuclear reactions. Nuclear weapons carry nuclear weapons.
  It is worth noting that the basis of a nuclear munition is a nuclear charge, the power of an explosive explosion of which is commonly expressed as the TNT equivalent, that is, the amount of a conventional explosive, the explosion of which releases as much energy as it will be released during the explosion of a given nuclear weapon. It is measured in tens, hundreds, thousands (kilo) and millions (mega) tons.

The means of delivery of nuclear ammunition to the targets will be missiles (the main means of delivering nuclear strikes), aviation and artillery. Except as stated above, nuclear mines may be used.

Nuclear explosions are carried out in the air at various heights, near the surface of the earth (water) and underground (water). In Russia, it is customary to divide them into high-altitude (produced above the boundary of the Earth's troposphere - above 10 km), aerial (produced in the atmosphere at an altitude of for which the luminous area does not touch the surface of the earth (water), but not higher than 10 km), ground (carried out on the surface of the earth (contact) or at such a height as the luminous area touches the surface of the earth), underground (produced below the surface of the earth with an ejection or without ejection of soil), surface (carried out on the surface of the water (contact) or at such a height from it when the luminous region of the explosion touches the surface of the water), underwater (produced in water at a certain depth)

The point at which the explosion occurred is called the center, and its projection onto the surface of the earth (water) is called the epicenter of a nuclear explosion.

The shocking factors of a nuclear explosion will be a shock wave, light radiation, penetrating radiation, radioactive contamination and an electromagnetic pulse.

Shock wave - the main damaging factor of a nuclear explosion, since most of the destruction and damage to structures, buildings, as well as the defeat of people due to traditional exposure. The source of its occurrence is strong pressure that forms in the center of the explosion and reaches billions of atmospheres in the first instants. The region of strong compression of the surrounding air layers formed during the explosion, expanding, transfers pressure to neighboring layers of air, compressing and heating them, and those in turn act on the following layers. As a result, a high pressure zone propagates in air with supersonic speed in all directions from the center of the explosion. The front boundary of the compressed air layer is called shock wave front.

The degree of shock of various objects depends on the power and type of explosion, mechanical strength (stability of the object), as well as on the distance at which the explosion occurred, the terrain and the position of objects on it.

The shocking effect of the shock wave is characterized by the magnitude of the excess pressure. Overpressure - ϶ᴛᴏ the difference between the maximum pressure in the front of the shock wave and normal atmospheric pressure in front of the wave front. It is worth noting that it is measured in Newtons per square meter (N / m 2). By the way, this unit of pressure is called Pascal (Pa) 1 N / m 2 \u003d 1 Pa (1 kPa% "0.01 kgf / cm 2)

With an excess pressure of 20-40 kPa, unprotected people can get mild lesions (slight bruises and concussions) Exposure to a shock wave with an excess pressure of 40-60 kPa leads to moderate lesions: loss of consciousness, damage to hearing organs, severe dislocation of the extremities, nosebleeds and ears. Severe injuries occur with overpressure above 60 kPa and are characterized by severe concussions of the whole organism, fractures of the extremities, and damage to internal organs. Extremely severe lesions, often fatal, are observed at overpressure above 100 kPa.

The speed of movement and the distance over which the shock wave propagates depend on the power of the nuclear explosion; with increasing distance from the place of the explosion, the speed drops rapidly. So, with an explosion of ammunition with a power of 20 kt, the shock wave travels 1 km in 2 seconds, 2 km in 5 seconds, 3 km in 8 seconds. In ϶ᴛᴏ time, a person after an outbreak can take cover and thereby avoid being hit by a shock wave.

Light emission - ϶ᴛᴏ flux of radiant energy, including ultraviolet, visible and infrared rays. Its source is the luminous region formed by the hot products of the explosion and hot air. Light radiation propagates almost instantly and lasts, depending on the power of a nuclear explosion, up to 20 seconds. Moreover, its strength is such that, despite its short duration, it is capable of causing burns to the skin (skin integument), damage (permanent or temporary) to people's organs of vision, and the burning of combustible materials of objects.

Light radiation does not penetrate through opaque materials, so any obstacle that can create a shadow protects from the direct action of light radiation and eliminates burns. Significantly attenuated light radiation in dusty (smoky) air, fog, rain, snowfall.

Penetrating radiation - ϶ᴛᴏ gamma ray and neutron flux. It is worth noting that it lasts 10-15 seconds. Passing through living tissue, gamma radiation ionizes the molecules that make up the cells. Under the influence of ionization, biological processes occur in the body, leading to a violation of the vital functions of individual organs and the development of radiation sickness.

As a result of the passage of radiation through environmental materials, the radiation intensity decreases.
It is worth noting that the attenuation effect is usually characterized by a half-attenuation layer, that is, such a thickness of the material passing through which radiation is halved. For example, the intensity of gamma rays is halved twice: steel 2.8 cm thick, concrete 10 cm, soil 14 cm, wood 30 cm.

Open and especially covered slots reduce the impact of penetrating radiation, and shelters and anti-radiation shelters almost completely protect against it.

Main sources radioactive contamination there will be nuclear fission products and radioactive isotopes resulting from the action of neutrons on the materials from which the nuclear munition is made, and on certain elements that make up the soil in the region of the explosion.

In a ground-based nuclear explosion, a luminous region touches the earth. Inside it, the masses of evaporating soil are drawn in, which rise up. When cooled, the fumes of fission products and soil condense on solid particles. A radioactive cloud forms. It is worth noting that it rises to a multi-kilometer height, and then moves at a speed of 25-100 km / h in the wind. Radioactive particles, falling from the cloud to the ground, form a zone of radioactive contamination (trace), the length of which can reach several hundred kilometers. At ϶ᴛᴏm, the terrain, buildings, structures, crops, water bodies, etc., as well as air, become infected.

Radioactive substances pose the greatest danger in the first hours after deposition, since their activity during this period is the highest.

Electromagnetic pulse - ϶ᴛᴏ electric and magnetic fields resulting from the influence of gamma radiation from a nuclear explosion on the atoms of the environment and the formation of a stream of electrons and positive ions in the third medium. It is worth noting that it can cause damage to electronic equipment, disruption of radio and electronic equipment.

Protective structures will be the most reliable means of protection against all the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. In the field you should take cover behind strong local objects, reverse slopes of heights, in the folds of the terrain.

When acting in areas of infection, respiratory protection (gas masks, respirators, dusty fabric masks and cotton-gauze dressings) and skin protection can be used to protect the respiratory system, eyes, and exposed areas of the body from radioactive substances.

Basis neutron ammunition constitute thermonuclear charges, in which nuclear fission and fusion reactions can be used. An explosion of such ammunition has a devastating effect, first of all, on people due to the powerful flow of penetrating radiation.

In the explosion of a neutron munition, the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected area by penetrating radiation exceeds the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected area by the shock wave several times. In the зоне zone, equipment and structures can remain unharmed, and people will receive fatal injuries.

Hotbed of nuclear damage called the territory directly affected by the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. It is worth noting that it is characterized by massive destruction of buildings, structures, blockages, accidents in the networks of public utilities, fires, radioactive contamination and significant losses among the population.

The size of the focus is greater, the more powerful a nuclear explosion. The nature of the damage in the outbreak also depends on the strength of the structures of buildings and structures, their number of storeys and building density. For the external boundary of the center of nuclear damage take the conditional line on the distance drawn at such a distance from the epicenter (center) of the explosion, where the magnitude of the overpressure of the shock wave is 10 kPa.

The center of nuclear damage is conventionally divided into zones - areas with approximately the same destruction in nature.

The zone of complete destruction - ϶ᴛᴏ the territory exposed to the shock wave with excess pressure (at the outer boundary) of more than 50 kPa. In the zone, all buildings and structures, as well as radiation protection shelters and part of shelters are completely destroyed, solid blockages are formed, and the communal energy network is damaged.

The zone of severe destruction - with excess pressure in the front of the shock wave from 50 to 30 kPa. In the зоне zone, ground buildings and structures will be severely damaged, local blockages will form, and solid and massive fires will occur. It is important to know that most shelters will be preserved; individual shelters will be littered with entrances and exits. People in them can get defeated only because of violation of the sealing of shelters, their flooding or gas contamination.

The zone of medium damage is with excess pressure in the front of the shock wave from 30 to 20 kPa. In it, buildings and structures will receive medium damage. Shelters and shelters of the basement type will be preserved. From light radiation continuous fires will arise.

The zone of weak destruction - with excess pressure in the front of the shock wave from 20 to 10 kPa. Buildings will receive minor damage. From the light radiation there will be separate foci of fires.

Radioactive contamination zone - ϶ᴛᴏ territory contaminated by radioactive substances as a result of their fallout after ground (underground) and low air nuclear explosions.

The damaging effect of radioactive substances is mainly due to gamma radiation. The harmful effect of ionizing radiation is estimated by the radiation dose (radiation dose; D), that is, the energy of these rays absorbed in a unit volume of the irradiated substance. By the way, this energy is measured in existing dosimetry devices in x-rays (P) X-ray -϶ᴛᴏ such a dose of gamma radiation, which creates 1 cm 3 of dry air (at a temperature of 0 ° C and a pressure of 760 mm Hg), 2.083 billion pairs of ions.

Typically, the radiation dose is determined over a period of time called the exposure time (time spent by people in the contaminated area)

To assess the intensity of gamma radiation emitted by radioactive substances in the contaminated area, the concept of “radiation dose rate” (radiation level) has been introduced. The dose rate is measured in x-rays per hour (R / h), small dose rates are measured in x-rays per hour (mR / h )

Gradually, radiation dose rates (radiation levels) are reduced. So, dose rates (radiation levels), measured 1 hour after a ground-based nuclear explosion, will halve in 2 hours, after 4 hours - 4 times, after 7 hours - 10 times, and after 49 hours - 100 times.

The degree of radioactive contamination and the size of the infected area of \u200b\u200bthe radioactive trail in a nuclear explosion depend on the power and type of explosion, meteorological conditions, as well as on the nature of the terrain and soil. The sizes of the radioactive trace are conventionally divided into zones (Fig. 1)

Figure No. 1. Formation of a radioactive trace from a ground nuclear explosion

Hazardous area. At the outer border of the zone, the radiation dose (from the moment radioactive substances fall from the cloud to the area until they completely decay) is equal to 1200 R, the radiation level 1 hour after the explosion is 240 R / h.

Zone of severe infection. At the outer border of the zone, the radiation dose is 400 R, the radiation level 1 hour after the explosion is 80 R / h.

Moderate infection zone. At the outer border of the zone, the radiation dose is 40 R, the radiation level 1 hour after the explosion is 8 R / h.

As a result of exposure to ionizing radiation, as well as when exposed to penetrating radiation, people have radiation sickness. A dose of 100-200 R causes radiation sickness of the first degree, a dose of 200-400 R causes radiation sickness of the second degree, a dose of 400-600 R causes radiation sickness of the third degree, and a dose of more than 600 R causes radiation sickness of the fourth degree.

The dose of a single exposure for four days up to 50 P, as well as multiple doses up to 100 P for 10-30 days, does not cause external signs of the disease and is considered safe.

Chemical weapon

Chemical weapon   - ϶ᴛᴏ weapons of mass destruction, whose action is based on the toxic properties of certain chemicals. To him are chemical warfare agents and their means of use.

Signs of the enemy’s use of chemical weapons will be: a faint, dull sound of explosions of ammunition on the ground and in the air and the appearance of smoke explosions in places that quickly dissipates; dark stripes that stretch behind the plane, settling to the ground; oily spots on leaves, soil, buildings, as well as near the craters of exploding bombs and shells, a change in the natural color of vegetation (green leaves); people with Em feel irritation of the nasopharynx, eyes, narrowing of the pupils, a feeling of heaviness in the chest.

Toxic substances (OV)   - ϶ᴛᴏ such chemical compounds that, when applied, are capable of infecting people and animals over large areas, penetrating various structures, and infecting areas and bodies of water.

They equip missiles, aerial bombs, artillery shells and mines, chemical land mines, and poured aircraft devices (VAPs). When used, they can be in a droplet-liquid state, in the form of gas (steam) and aerosol (fog, smoke). Penetrate into the body. they can also affect a person through the respiratory, digestive, skin and eyes organs.

According to the effect on the human body, poisonous substances are divided into nerve agents, skin-boils, asphyxiators, general toxic, irritating and psychochemical.

Toxic substances   nerve action(VX - Vi-X, GB - sarin, GD - soman) affect the nervous system when it acts on the body through the respiratory system, when it penetrates in a vaporous and drip-liquid state through the skin, and also when it enters the gastrointestinal tract with food and water. Their resistance in the summer for more than a day, in the winter for several weeks and even months. These OM are the most dangerous. It is worth saying that a very small number of them are enough to defeat a person.

Signs of damage will include: salivation, constricted pupils (miosis), shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, cramps, paralysis. In severe cases, signs of poisoning develop very quickly. After about 1 minute, a loss of consciousness occurs and severe cramps occur, turning into paralysis. Death occurs in 5-15 minutes from paralysis of the respiratory center and heart muscle.

As personal protective equipment, a gas mask and protective clothing can be used. It is worth saying that to provide the affected first aid, they put on a gas mask and inject him with a syringe tube or by taking an antidote pill. In case of exposure to nerve agents with skin or clothing, the affected areas are treated with liquid from an individual anti-chemical package.

Toxic substances blistering action (mustard gas, lewisite) have a multilateral damaging effect. In a droplet-vapor and vapor state, they affect the skin and eyes, when inhaled vapors - the respiratory tract and lungs, when ingested with food and water - the digestive organs. A characteristic feature of mustard gas is the presence of a period of latent action (the lesion will not come out immediately, but after some time - 4 hours or more) The signs of the lesion will be redness of the skin, the formation of small blisters, which then merge into large ones and burst after two or three days, turning into difficult healing ulcers. Eyes mustard mustard. If drops or aerosol O B get into your eyes after 30 minutes, you will get a burning sensation, itching and intensifying pain. The lesion quickly develops in depth and for the most part ends in loss of vision. With any local lesion, OM causes general poisoning of the body, which will awaken in a rise in temperature, malaise.

In conditions of the use of skin-blasting agents, it is extremely important to be in a gas mask and protective clothing. If drops of OB get on skin or clothing, the affected areas are immediately treated with liquid from an individual anti-chemical bag.

Toxic substances asphyxiating (phosgene, diphosgene) affect the body through the respiratory system. Signs of damage will be a sweetish, unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, cough, dizziness, general weakness. These phenomena disappear after leaving the focus of infection, and the victim feels normal within 2-12 hours, not suspecting the damage received. In this period (latent action) pulmonary edema develops. Then breathing can sharply worsen, a cough with profuse sputum, headache, fever, shortness of breath, palpitations may appear. Fatal outcome usually occurs on the second or third day. If the critical period has passed, then the condition of the affected person will gradually begin to improve, and recovery may occur in 2-3 weeks.

In case of defeat, a gas mask is put on the victim, they are taken out of the infected area, sheltered warmly and provided with peace. In no case should the victim be given artificial respiration.

Toxic substances poisonous action (hydrocyanic acid, chlorocyanine) are only affected by inhalation of air contaminated by their vapor (they do not act through the skin). Symptoms will be a metallic taste in the mouth, throat irritation, dizziness, weakness, nausea, sudden cramps, and paralysis. It is worth saying that to protect against them it is enough to use only a gas mask.

To assist the victim, it is necessary to crush the ampoule with the antidote and introduce it under the gas mask helmet. In severe cases, the victim is given artificial respiration, warmed, and sent to a medical center.

Toxic substances   annoying (CS - CS, adamsite, etc.) cause acute burning and pain in the mouth, throat and eyes, severe lacrimation, coughing, difficulty breathing.

Toxic substances   psychochemical action   (BZ - Bi-Zet) specifically act on the central nervous system and cause mental (hallucinations, fear, depression) or physical (blindness, deafness) disorders. Signs of damage will awaken in the expansion of the pupils, dry mouth, heart palpitations, dizziness, muscle weakness.

After 30-60 minutes, weakening of attention and memory, a decrease in reactions to external stimuli are observed. The affected person loses orientation, there are phenomena of psychomotor agitation, periodically replaced by hallucinations. Contact with the outside world is lost, and the afflicted is unable to distinguish reality from the illusory representations occurring in his mind. The result of impaired consciousness will be insanity with partial or complete loss of memory. Individual signs of damage persist for up to 5 days.

If irritant and psychochemical effects are affected, it is extremely important to treat infected areas of the body with soapy water, rinse eyes and nasopharynx thoroughly with clean water, and shake out or brush clothes. Victims should be removed from the infected area and provided with medical care.

It should be noted that the territory within which as a result of exposure to chemical weapons there were massive injuries of people and farm animals is called   the center of chemical damage. Its dimensions depend on the scale and method of application of OM, type of OM, meteorological conditions, terrain and other factors.

Persistent toxic agents of nerve activity are especially dangerous, pairs of which propagate along the wind over a rather large distance (15–25 km or more). Therefore, people and animals can be struck by them, not only in the area where chemical munitions are used, but also far beyond it. .

The duration of the damaging effect of OM is the shorter, the stronger the wind and ascending air currents. In forests, parks, ravines, narrow streets, OM last longer than in open areas.

Note that the territory directly affected by the enemy’s chemical weapons, and the area over which a cloud of contaminated air has spread in striking concentrations, is called   chemical contamination zone. Distinguish between primary and secondary zones of infection. The primary zone is formed as a result of exposure to a primary cloud of contaminated air, the source of which will be vapors and aerosols of OM, which appeared immediately after the rupture of chemical munitions; secondary zone - as a result of the action of a cloud, which is formed by the evaporation of OM droplets that have settled after the rupture of chemical munitions.

Biological weapons

Biological weapons   will be a means of mass destruction of people, farm animals and plants. Its action is based on the use of pathogens of microorganisms (bacteria, rickettsia, fungi, as well as toxins produced by certain bacteria). Biological weapons contain recipes for pathogens and their means of delivery to the target (missiles, air bombs and containers, aerosol sprays, artillery shells and artillery shells .)

Biological weapons can cause massive dangerous diseases of people and animals in large areas, it has a damaging effect for a long time, has a long latent (incubation) period of action. Microbes and toxins are difficult to detect in the environment, they can penetrate with unpressurized shelters and rooms with the air and infect people and animals in them. Signs of the use of biological weapons by the adversary will be: a dull, unacceptable to conventional ammunition sound of the burst of shells and bombs; the presence of large fragments of fragments and individual parts of ammunition; the appearance of drops of liquid or powdery substances on the ground; unusual accumulation of insects and ticks in places of rupture of ammunition and falling containers; mass diseases of people and animals. Except as stated above, the use of biological agents by an adversary can be determined using laboratory tests.

As biological agents, the enemy can use causative agents of various infectious diseases: plague, anthrax, brucellosis, glanders, tularemia, cholera, yellow and other types of fever, spring-summer encephalitis, typhus and typhoid fever, flu, malaria, dysentery, smallpox and etc. Excluding the foregoing, botulinum toxin can be used, causing severe poisoning of the human body. It is worth saying that for the defeat of animals, along with the causative agents of anthrax and glanders, it is possible to use foot-and-mouth disease viruses, cattle and bird plague, pig cholera, etc. It is worth mentioning that it is possible to use pathogens of cereal rust, potato late blight, to wither agricultural plants. corn and other crops; insects - pests of agricultural plants; phytotoxicants, defoliants, herbicides and other chemicals.

Infection of people and animals occurs as a result of inhalation of contaminated air, microbes or toxins entering the mucous membrane and damaged skin, eating contaminated food and water, biting infected insects and ticks, contact with infected objects, and injuries from fragments of ammunition equipped with biological agents, and also as a result of direct communication with sick people (animals) A number of diseases will quickly be transmitted from sick people to healthy ones and cause epidemics (plague, cholera, typhoid, flu, etc.)

The main means of protecting the population from biological weapons include: vaccine-serum preparations, antibiotics, sulfanilamide and other drugs used for special and emergency prevention of infectious diseases, personal and collective protective equipment, chemicals used to neutralize infectious pathogens.

If signs of the use of biological weapons by the adversary are found, immediately put on gas masks (respirators, masks), as well as skin protection equipment and report it to the nearest civil defense headquarters, director of the institution, head of the enterprise, organization.

Centers of biological damage are cities, towns and national economy objects that have been directly affected by biological agents that create a source of the spread of infectious diseases. Its boundaries are determined on the basis of biological intelligence, laboratory studies of samples from environmental objects, as well as the identification of patients and the spread of infectious diseases. Armed guards are established around the outbreak, entry and exit, as well as the export of property, are prohibited,

To prevent the spread of infectious diseases among the population, a complex of anti-epidemic and sanitary-hygienic measures is carried out in the lesion focus: emergency prevention; Observation and quarantine; sanitization of the population; disinfection of various infected objects. If necessary, destroy insects, ticks and rodents (disinfestation and pest control)

Biological (bacteriological) weapons - these are pathogenic microorganisms or their spores, viruses, bacterial toxins, infected people and animals, as well as their delivery vehicles (missiles, guided missiles, automatic balloons, aviation), intended for mass destruction of enemy manpower, farm animals, crops, as well as damage to certain types of military materials and equipment. It is a weapon of mass destruction and is prohibited according to the Geneva Protocol of 1925.

The amazing effect of biological weapons is based primarily on the use of pathogenic properties of pathogenic microorganisms and toxic products of their vital activity.

Biological weapons are used in the form of various ammunition; some types of bacteria are used to equip them, which cause infectious diseases that take the form of epidemics. It is intended to infect people, agricultural plants and animals, as well as to infect food and water sources.

Chemical weapon - weapons of mass destruction, the action of which is based on the toxic properties of toxic substances (OM), and the means of their use: artillery shells, missiles, mines, aircraft bombs, gas guns, balloon systems, VAPs (poured aircraft devices), grenades, drafts. Along with nuclear and biological (bacteriological) weapons, it refers to weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

The use of chemical weapons has been banned several times by various international agreements:

The Hague Convention of 1899, article 23 of which prohibits the use of ammunition, the sole purpose of which is to poison the enemy’s manpower;
Geneva Protocol of 1925;
The 1993 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction
Chemical weapons are distinguished by the following characteristics:

The nature of the physiological effects of OM on the human body;
tactical purpose;
the speed of the onset of exposure;
durability of the applied OM;
means and methods of application.

By the nature of the physiological effect on the human body, six main types of toxic substances are distinguished:

Nervous agents affecting the central nervous system. The purpose of the use of OS of nerve-paralytic effects is a quick and massive disabling of personnel with the largest possible number of deaths. Poisoning substances of this group include sarin, soman, herd and V-gases.
OS of skin-boiling action, causing damage mainly through the skin, and when applied in the form of aerosols and vapors - also through the respiratory system. The main toxic substances are mustard gas, lewisite.
OM of a generally poisonous action, which, entering the body, disrupt the transfer of oxygen from the blood to the tissues. These are some of the fastest OBs. These include hydrocyanic acid and chlorocyan.
OM suffocating, affecting mainly the lungs. The main OM are phosgene and diphosgene.
OM of psychochemical action, capable for some time of incapacitating the enemy’s living force. These toxic substances, acting on the central nervous system, disrupt the normal mental activity of a person or cause disorders such as temporary blindness, deafness, a sense of fear, and restriction of motor functions. Poisoning with these substances in doses that cause mental disorders does not lead to death. OM from this group is quinuclidyl-3-benzylate (BZ) and lysergic acid diethylamide.
OV irritant, or irritants (from the English. Irritant - an irritating substance). Irritants are quick acting. At the same time, their effect, as a rule, is short-lived, since after leaving the infected zone the signs of poisoning disappear after 1-10 minutes. The lethal effect for irritants is possible only when doses are received in the body that are tens to hundreds of times the minimum and optimal doses. Irritating agents include tear substances, causing profuse lacrimation, and sneezing, irritating airways (can also affect the nervous system and cause skin lesions). Tear substances (lacrimators) - CS, CN (chloroacetophenone) and PS (chloropicrin). Sneezing substances (sternites) - DM (adamsite), DA (diphenylchloroarsin) and DC (diphenylcyanarsin). There are agents that combine tear and sneezing. Annoying agents are armed with the police in many countries and are therefore classified as police or special non-lethal means (special means).

However, non-lethal substances can also cause death. In particular, during the Vietnam War, the U.S. Army used the following types of gases:

CS - orthochlorobenzylidene malononitrile and its prescription forms;
  CN is chloroacetophenone;
  DM - adamsite or chlordigidrofenarsazin;
  CNS - prescription form of chloropicrin;
  BA (BAE) - bromoacetone;
  BZ - quinuclidyl-3-benzylate.

Nuclear weapon   - the totality of nuclear weapons, their means of delivery to the target and controls; refers to weapons of mass destruction along with biological and chemical weapons. Nuclear ammunition is an explosive weapon based on the use of nuclear energy released during a chain nuclear fission reaction of heavy nuclei and / or a thermonuclear fusion reaction of light nuclei.

When a nuclear weapon is detonated, a nuclear explosion occurs, the damaging factors of which are:

Shock wave
  light emission
  penetrating radiation
  radioactive contamination
  electromagnetic pulse (EMP)
  x-ray radiation

  "Atomic" - single-phase or single-stage explosive devices in which the main energy output comes from the nuclear fission reaction of heavy nuclei (uranium-235 or plutonium) with the formation of lighter elements.

Thermonuclear weapons (also “hydrogen”) are two-phase or two-stage explosive devices in which two physical processes are sequentially developed, localized in different regions of space: in the first stage, the main energy source is the fission reaction of heavy nuclei, and in the second fission and thermonuclear fusion reaction, in various proportions, depending on the type and setting of the ammunition.

It is customary to divide nuclear weapons in power into five groups:

Ultra small (less than 1 ct);
small (1 - 10 ct);
medium (10 - 100 ct);
large (high power) (100 ct - 1 Mt);
Extra large (extra high power) (over 1 MT).

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