Russian multiple launch rocket systems. From Katyusha to Tornado: how Russian multiple launch rocket systems are being improved Multiple launch rocket systems

In the ordinary mind, defense technology is usually associated with the cutting edge of science and technology. In fact, one of the main properties military equipment - its conservatism and continuity. This is due to the colossal cost of weapons. Among critical tasks in the development of a new weapon system, the use of the backlog on which money was spent in the past.

Precision versus mass

And the guided missile of the Tornado-S complex was created according to this logic. Its ancestor is the Smerch MLRS shell, developed in the 1980s at the Splav Scientific and Production Association under the leadership of Gennady Denezhkin (1932−2016) and has been in service since 1987 domestic army... It was a 300 mm projectile with a length of 8 m and a weight of 800 kg. He could deliver a warhead weighing 280 kg at a distance of 70 km. The most interesting feature of the Tornado was the stabilization system introduced into it.

Russian modernized multiple launch rocket system, heir to the 9K51 Grad MLRS.

Prior to this system missile weapons were divided into two classes - managed and unmanaged. The guided missiles had high accuracy, achieved through the use of an expensive control system - usually inertial, to improve accuracy, supplemented by correction using digital maps (like the American MGM-31C Pershing II missiles). Unguided rockets were cheaper, their low accuracy was compensated by either the use of a thirty-kiloton nuclear warhead (as in the MGR-1 Honest John rocket), or a salvo of cheap, mass-produced ammunition, as in the Soviet Katyushas and Grads.

"Smerch" was supposed to hit targets at a distance of 70 km with non-nuclear ammunition. And in order to hit an area target at such a distance with an acceptable probability, a very large number of unguided missiles in a salvo were required - after all, their deviations accumulate with distance. This is unprofitable neither economically nor tactically: there are very few targets that are too large, and it is too expensive to scatter a lot of metal to guarantee coverage of a relatively small target!

Soviet and Russian rocket launcher system of 300 mm caliber. At present, the Smerch MLRS is being replaced by the Tornado-S MLRS.

"Tornado": new quality

Therefore, a relatively cheap stabilization system, inertial, operating on gas-dynamic (deflecting gases flowing from the nozzle) rudders was introduced into the Smerch. Its accuracy was sufficient for the salvo - and each launcher had a dozen launch tubes - to cover the target with an acceptable probability. After being put into service, the Smerch was improved along two lines. The nomenclature of warheads grew - cluster antipersonnel fragmentation units appeared; cumulative fragmentation, optimized for the destruction of lightly armored vehicles; anti-tank self-aiming combat elements. In 2004, the thermobaric warhead 9M216 "Excitement" entered service.

And at the same time, the fuel mixtures in solid-fuel engines were improved, due to which the firing range increased. Now it is in the range from 20 to 120 km. At some point, the accumulation of changes in quantitative characteristics led to a transition to a new quality - to the emergence of two new MLRS systems under the common name "Tornado", continuing the "meteorological" tradition. "Tornado-G" is the most widespread car, it will have to replace the "Grads" that have honestly served their time. Well, "Tornado-S" is a heavy machine, the successor of "Tornado".

As you can understand, the Tornado will retain the most important characteristic - the caliber of the launch tubes, which will ensure the possibility of using expensive older generation ammunition. The length of the projectile varies within a few tens of millimeters, but this is not critical. Depending on the type of ammunition, the weight may "walk" slightly, but this is again automatically taken into account by the ballistic calculator.

Minutes and again "Fire!"

Most noticeably, the loading method has changed in the launcher. If earlier the 9T234-2 transport-loading vehicle (TZM), using its crane, loaded 9M55 missiles into the launch tubes of the combat vehicle one by one, which took a prepared crew a quarter of an hour, now the launch tubes with Tornado-S missiles are placed in special containers and the crane will install them in minutes.

Needless to say, how important the reload speed is for MLRS, rocket artillery, which must unleash volleys of fire at critical targets. The fewer the breaks between volleys, the more missiles can be fired at the enemy and the less time the vehicle will remain in a vulnerable position.

And the most important thing is the introduction of long-range guided missiles into the Tornado-S complex. Their emergence became possible thanks to the presence of Russia's own global navigation satellite system GLONASS, which has been deployed since 1982 - another confirmation of the colossal role of technological heritage in the creation of modern weapons systems. 24 GLONASS satellites deployed in an orbit with an altitude of 19,400 km, at working together with a pair of Luch transponder satellites provide meter accuracy in determining coordinates. By adding a cheap GLONASS receiver to the existing missile control loop, the designers received a weapon system with a KVO in a few meters (exact data for obvious reasons are not published).

Rockets for battle!

How is the combat work of the Tornado-S complex carried out? First of all, he needs to get the exact coordinates of the target! Not only to detect and recognize the target, but also to "tie" it to the coordinate system. This task should be performed by space or aerial reconnaissance using optical, infrared and radio-technical means. However, it is possible that the artillerymen will be able to solve some of these tasks themselves, without the Aerospace Forces. The 9M534 experimental projectile can deliver the Tipchak UAV to the previously explored target area, which will transmit information about the coordinates of the targets to the control complex.

Further from the control complex, the coordinates of the targets go to the combat vehicles. They have already taken up firing positions, tied themselves topographically (this is done by GLONASS) and determined in what azimuth and at what elevation angle the launch tubes should be deployed. The control of these operations is carried out using the combat control and communication equipment (ABUS), which replaced the standard radio station, and the automated guidance and fire control system (ASUNO). Both of these systems operate on a single computer, thereby achieving the integration of digital communication functions and the operation of a ballistic computer. The same systems, presumably, will enter the exact coordinates of the target into the missile control system, having done this at the last moment before launch.

Let's imagine that the target range is 200 km. The launch tubes will be deployed to the maximum angle for the "Tornado" of 55 degrees - this will save on drag, because most of the projectile's flight will take place in the upper atmosphere, where there is much less air. When the rocket comes out of the launch tubes, its control system will start autonomous operation. The stabilization system will, on the basis of data received from inertial sensors, correct the projectile movement with the gas-dynamic rudders - taking into account the thrust asymmetry, gusts of wind, etc.

Well, the receiver of the GLONASS system will begin to receive signals from satellites and determine the coordinates of the rocket from them. As everyone knows, a satellite navigation receiver needs some time to determine its position - navigators in phones strive to get attached to cell towers to speed up the process. There are no telephone towers on the flight path - but there is data from the inertial part of the control system. With their help, the GLONASS subsystem will determine the exact coordinates, and on their basis the corrections for the inertial system will be calculated.

Not by chance

What algorithm is the basis for the guidance system is unknown. (The author would apply the Pontryagin optimization, created by a domestic scientist and successfully applied in many systems.) One thing is important - constantly refining its coordinates and adjusting the flight, the rocket will go to the target located at a distance of 200 km. We do not know how much of the gain in range is due to new fuels, and what is achieved due to the fact that more fuel can be put into the guided missile, reducing the weight of the warhead.

The diagram shows the operation of the MLRS "Tornado-S" - high-precision missiles are guided to the target using space-based means.

Why add fuel? More precision! If we lay the projectile with an accuracy of a few meters, then we can destroy a small target with a smaller charge, the energy of the explosion decreases quadratically, we shoot twice as accurately - we get a fourfold gain in destructive power. But what if the target is not a point one? Say, a division on the march? Will the new guided missiles, if equipped with cluster warheads, become less effective than the old ones?

But no! The stabilized missiles of the early versions of the Smerch delivered heavier warheads to a closer target. But - with big mistakes. The volley covered a significant area, but the discarded cassettes with fragmentation or cumulative fragmentation elements were distributed randomly - where two or three cassettes opened nearby, the density of the lesion was excessive, and somewhere insufficient.

Now it is possible to open the cassette or throw out a cloud of thermobaric mixture for a volumetric explosion with an accuracy of several meters, exactly where it is necessary for optimal destruction of an area target. This is especially important when firing at armored vehicles with expensive self-aiming combat elements, each of which is capable of hitting a tank - but only with an accurate hit ...

The high accuracy of the Tornado-S missile also opens up new opportunities. For example, for the Kama MLRS 9A52-4 with six launch tubes based on KamAZ - such a machine will be lighter and cheaper, but it will retain the ability to deliver long-range strikes. Well, in mass production, which allows to reduce the cost of onboard electronics and precision mechanics, guided missiles can have a price comparable to the cost of conventional, unguided missiles. This will be able to bring the firepower of domestic rocket artillery to a qualitatively new level.

Multiple launch rocket systems

The priority of Russia in the creation of multiple launch rocket systems (PC30 / MLRS) does not raise doubts among specialists. In addition to the Katyusha volley near Orsha, which stunned the Hitlerite army, there is also an official document confirming this priority. This is a patent issued in 1938 to three designers - Guay, Kostikov and Kleimenov for a multi-barreled installation for firing rocket charges.

They were the first to achieve a high for that time level of combat effectiveness of unguided missile weapons, and they did it due to its salvo use. Single missiles in the 40s could not compete with cannon artillery shells in terms of accuracy and accuracy of fire. The firing of a multi-barreled combat installation (the BM-13 had 16 guides), which fired a salvo in 7-10 seconds, gave quite satisfactory results.

During the war years in the USSR, a number of rocket launchers were developed (the so-called MLRS). Among them, in addition to the already mentioned Katyusha (BM-13), were BM-8-36, BM-8-24, BM-13-N, BM-31-12, BM-13SN. The guards mortar units, armed with them, made a huge contribution to the victory over Germany.

In the post-war period, work on jet systems continued. In the 50s, two systems were created: BM-14 (caliber 140 mm, range 9.8 km) and BM-24 (caliber 140 mm and range 16.8 km). Their turbojet projectiles rotated to increase accuracy in flight. It should be noted that at the end of the 50s, most foreign experts were very skeptical about the future prospects of the MLRS. In their opinion, the level of the weapon's combat effectiveness achieved by that time was marginal and could not provide it with a leading place in the system of missile and artillery weapons of the ground forces.

However, in our country, work continued on the creation of MLRS. As a result, in 1963, the Grad MLRS was adopted by the Soviet Army. A number of revolutionary technical solutions, first applied at the Grad, have become classical and are in one way or another repeated in all systems existing in the world. This primarily applies to the design of the missile itself. Its body is made not by turning from a steel blank, but using a technology borrowed from a sleeve production - by rolling or drawing from a steel sheet. Secondly, the projectiles have a folding tail, and the stabilizers are installed in such a way that they provide rotation of the projectile in flight. Primary twisting occurs even while moving in the launch tube due to the movement of the guide pin along the groove.

The Grad system was widely implemented in the ground forces. In addition to the 40-barrel installation on the chassis of the Ural-375 vehicle, a number of modifications were developed for various types of combat use: Grad-V: for the airborne troops, Grad-M - for the landing ships of the Navy, Grad -P "- for use by units waging a partisan war. In 1974, the Grad-1 system, a 36-barreled 122-mm installation on a tracked chassis, appeared in order to ensure higher cross-country ability in joint actions with armored units.

The high combat effectiveness demonstrated by the Grad MLRS in a number of local wars and conflicts attracted the attention of military specialists from many countries. Currently, in their opinion, multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) are an effective means of increasing the firepower of ground forces. Some countries have mastered production by purchasing licenses, others acquired the system in the Soviet Union. Someone just copied it and began not only to make, but also to sell. Thus, at the IDEX-93 exhibition, a number of countries practically demonstrated similar systems, including South Africa, China, Pakistan, Iran, Egypt. The similarity of these "developments" with "Grad" was very noticeable.

In the 60s, a number of changes took place in military theory and practice, which led to a revision of the requirements for the combat effectiveness of weapons. In connection with the increase in troop mobility, the tactical depth at which combat missions are accomplished and the areas on which targets are concentrated have increased significantly. The Grad could no longer ensure the possibility of delivering preemptive strikes against the enemy along the entire depth of his tactical formations.

This was only possible with a new weapon, which was born on the Tula soil - the 220-mm army rocket launcher "Uragan", which was put into service in the early 70s. Its tactical and technical data are impressive even today: at ranges from 10 to 35 km, a salvo of one launcher (16 barrels) covers an area of \u200b\u200bover 42 hectares. When creating this system, specialists solved a number of scientific problems. So, they were the first in the world to design an original cassette warhead, worked out combat elements for it. Many new products were introduced into the design of combat and transport-loading vehicles, where the ZIL-135LM chassis is used as a base.

Unlike Grad, Hurricane is a more versatile system. This is determined not only by the greater firing range, but also by the expanded range of used ammunition. In addition to the usual high-explosive fragmentation warheads, cassette warheads for various purposes have been developed for it. Among them: incendiary, high-explosive fragmentation with overhead detonation, as well as combat elements for remote mining of the area.

The latest development adopted by the Russian army, the Prima system, is a logical development of the Grad system. The new MLRS, in comparison with the previous one, has a 7-8 times larger area of \u200b\u200bdestruction and 4-5 times less time spent in a combat position with the same firing range. The increase in combat potential was achieved due to the following innovations: an increase in the number of launch tubes on a combat vehicle to 50, and much more effective Prima shells.

This system can fire all types of Grad rounds, as well as several types of completely new ammunition of increased efficiency. Thus, the "Prima" high-explosive fragmentation projectile has a detachable warhead, on which is installed a detonator not of contact, but of remote contact action. At the end of the trajectory, the warhead meets the ground almost vertically. In this design, the Prima MLRS high-explosive fragmentation projectile provides a circular dispersion of the striking elements, increases the area of \u200b\u200bcontinuous destruction.

Work on improving the combat capabilities of multiple launch rocket systems in Russia continues. According to Russian military experts, this class of artillery weapons is the best fit for the new military doctrine of Russia, and indeed of any other state striving to create mobile and effective Armed Forces with a small number of professional military personnel. There are few examples of military equipment, the few calculations of which would control such a formidable striking power. When solving combat missions in the nearest operational depth, MLRS has no competitors.

Each type of missile and artillery weapons of the Ground Forces has its own tasks. The defeat of individual remote objects of particular importance (warehouses, command posts, missile launchers and a number of others) is a matter of guided missiles. The fight, for example, against tank groupings, troops dispersed over large areas, the defeat of front-line runways, remote mining of the terrain is the task of the MLRS.

The Russian press notes that new modifications and samples of this weapon will have a number of new properties that make it even more effective. According to experts, further improvement of reactive systems is as follows: first, the creation of homing and self-aiming submunitions; secondly, pairing the MLRS with modern systems intelligence, target designation and combat control. In this combination, they will become reconnaissance and strike complexes capable of hitting even small targets within their reach. Thirdly, due to the use of more energy-intensive fuel and some new design solutions, in the near future, the firing range will be increased to 100 km, without a significant decrease in accuracy and increased dispersion. Fourthly, the reserves for reducing the number of personnel in the MLRS units have not been fully exhausted. Automation of the launcher loading operations, carrying out the necessary preparatory operations at the combat position will not only reduce the number of members of the combat crew, but also reduce the time it takes to roll up and deploy the system, which will have the best effect on its survivability. And finally, the expansion of the range of used ammunition will significantly expand the range of tasks solved by the MLRS.

Currently, there are about 3 thousand Grad installations in service with foreign states. GNPP Alloy, together with allied enterprises, offers interested foreign customers several options for modernizing this system

1998 was a significant year for the head developer russian systems multiple launch rocket launchers (MLRS) - State Research and Production Enterprise Alloy and JSC Motovilikha Plants. It has been 80 years since the birth of the outstanding designer of the MLRS Alexander Nikitovich Ganichev and 35 years since the adoption of his brainchild - the Grad system. These jubilee events were widely celebrated in Tula and St. Petersburg. The jubilee gift was the appearance of the improved Grad and Smerch systems. When they were created, a new organizational technology for the interaction of enterprises was also implemented: GNPP Alloy with related enterprises develops weapons and translates ideas into specific samples, and the State Company Rosvooruzhenie ensures the promotion of these weapons to the foreign market.

On October 15, 1998, at a military training ground near Orenburg, at the initiative of the State Corporation Rosvooruzhenie and GNPP Splav, demonstration firing of a long-range Grad was conducted for military attachés from more than 30 countries in Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. At the firing range, GNPP Alloy together with Motovilikhinskiye Zavody (Perm) and Signal Research Institute (Kovrov) presented a modernized BM-21 combat vehicle, as well as long-range shells for it, providing a firing range of up to 40 km. The increased combat capabilities of the world's longest-range MLRS Smerch, capable of firing at a distance of 90 km, were also demonstrated.

The military attaches were personally convinced of the exceptional combat capabilities of the new City - the conditional enemy was completely destroyed. It should be noted that a number of countries have a license to manufacture the Grad, while statements were made about the possibility of increasing the firing range to 40 km. But only Russia was able to confirm these characteristics with practical shooting.

In general, the comprehensive modernization of the MLRS Grad

made it possible to significantly increase the automation of the process of combat work, the firing range (up to 40 km), hitting accuracy (for a doubled firing range) and the effectiveness of destruction.

Let's consider specific ways of modernization.

1. Character modern combat urgently requires a significant reduction in the time for preparation, transmission and reception of target designation, aiming BM and opening fire. These requirements were successfully solved by introducing a Kapustnik-B battery fire control post into the system, equipped with a high-speed computer Baget-41, the required number of radio stations, a navigation system and a meteorological complex. Automated data exchange between the control room and the combat vehicle, as well as deep modernization of the BM itself, can reduce the time from target detection to opening fire to one minute.

The launcher is additionally equipped with hardware and a laptop-type computer, navigation equipment, radio communications. The listed funds provide:

Guidance of the BM guide package without leaving the combat crew from the cockpit and reducing the combat crew to 2 people. The commander can receive target designation on the march;

Guidance of the BM guide package without using aiming points;

Autonomous initial orientation: determination of the current azimuth and coordinates of the vehicle while moving and at a stop;

Presentation on the display of graphic information for guiding a package of guides, the route of the BM, indicating its location, destination and direction of movement;

Reducing the preparation time for firing from the moment the control center is received until the opening of fire as part of the battery:

a) in an unprepared position - from 25-35 to 6 minutes;

b) in a prepared position - from 10 to 1 minute;

Increased survivability by reducing the presence of BM in a firing position;

Increased autonomy through the use of navigation and topographic reference means allows for independent movement to the firing position and the assembly point;

Improving the operator's working conditions in bad weather and at night.

2. A significant increase in the firing range (from 20 to 40 km) is achieved by improving the rocket engine (new composite fuel, reducing the weight of the engine body from 20 to 9 kg) and improving the aerodynamic quality of the projectile.

3. With a twofold increase in the flight range, the accuracy characteristics of the new projectile remained within the same limits as those of projectiles with a range of up to 20 km in service. This was achieved by improving the design of the projectile, improving centering, as well as the use of a fundamentally new tail stabilizer in it.

4. The effectiveness of destruction has increased due to the creation of new types of warheads (CU) and the improvement of existing ones. So, for high-explosive fragmentation warheads, their power is increased and two types of fragments are used, which increased the type of targets hit. The development of detachable warheads made it possible to increase the effectiveness of the fragmentation action by more than 6 times. The development of a warhead with detachable self-aiming sub-elements, increasing the likelihood of hitting armored targets, and a cluster warhead with 45 separate sub-elements is being completed.

In the arsenal of the Grad there are rockets that ensure the setting of anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, radio interference, smoke screens and illumination of the theater of operations at night.

Currently, there are about 3 thousand Grad installations in service with foreign states. GNPP Alloy, together with allied enterprises, offers interested foreign customers several options for modernizing this system:

1. Full-size modernization with the delivery of the Kapustnik-B fire control post (to be placed on any chassis at the customer's request), modification of the BM-21 combat vehicle at the customer's site.

2. Supply of rockets to the existing BM-21. Other options are possible.

In general, it can be argued that the improved Grad is a powerful weapon of the XXI century.


Today the Russian MLRS Grad, Uragan and Smerch are known all over the world no less than the Kalashnikov assault rifle, T-34 tank, MiG-29 and Su-27 aircraft. And in 1957, the outstanding designer Ganichev had to work hard to revive and defend the idea of \u200b\u200bMLRS, in the effectiveness of which few people believed at that time.

In 1998, the State Scientific and Production Association Alloy celebrated two significant anniversaries - the 80th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding designer of modern multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Alexander Nikitovich Ganichev, and the 35th anniversary of the adoption of his brainchild - the most massive in the world MLRS Grad.

Alexander Ganichev was born on August 25, 1918 in the village of Sudakovo, Tula Region, into a peasant family. In 1938 he graduated from the Tula Industrial Institute. He began his career at the Tula Cartridge Plant. During the war he worked at the defense enterprises of Novosibirsk and Zelenodolsk, and from 1945 until the end of his life - at the Research Institute-147 (later - the famous GNPP Alloy).

An exceptional natural mind, organizational skills and dedication allowed A.N. Ganichev, in a relatively short period of time, go from an ordinary engineer to a chief designer - first deputy general director.

At GNPP Alloy Ganichev, work was widely deployed to create artillery casings and to improve the technology for their mass production, and in 1957 work began on a new generation of multiple launch rocket systems and rockets for them.

Analyzing the development paths of MLRS, Ganichev proposed new approaches and original technical solutions in the design of unguided rockets, new technologies for the production of rocket engines and warheads (warheads). In particular, for the production of shells, he used sleeve technology - deep drawing, used a drop-down tail, a rocket engine with a tandem arrangement of checkers.

The result of this work was the adoption in 1963 of the first of the modern MLRS - Grad with a firing range of 20 km, a caliber of 122 mm and 40 guides, which gave a powerful impetus to the intensive development of MLRS around the world.

In the Soviet Union, the Grad became the basic system for interspecies jet weapons, which, in terms of technology, have no equal in the world today. System modifications were created for the Airborne Forces and the Navy.

In 1965, an important government task was completed in three months - a light, portable single-barreled MLRS Grad-P with a firing range of 11 km, known as Partizan, was put into mass production. The ideas of unification were most clearly manifested in it, and the 122 mm caliber system was further developed. In 1967, the troops entered the Grad-V MLRS with a firing range of more than 20 km and a combat vehicle with 12 guides, and in 1976 - the regimental Grad-1 MLRS with a 15 km firing range and 36 guides.

Being an outstanding technologist, Ganichev applied the principle of an integrated design and technological approach, which made it possible for 15 years of production to reduce the labor intensity of making the Castle tenfold.

At the turn of the 70s - 90s, Ganichev formulated a concept for the development of a high-power multiple launch rocket system called Prima. Alexander Nikitovich set a seemingly impossible task: to create a system that would be several times more powerful than the Grad, but based on technological and production solutions mastered by the industry.

In Prima Ganichev laid fundamentally new design solutions, primarily concerning the projectile. At the desired point of the trajectory, on command from the electronic fuse, the warhead was separated from the engine and, with the help of a special parachute system, lowered and covered the target. In December 1982, the factory tests of the Prima were successfully completed.

Ganichev's creative thought was always directed to the future. Back in 1964, when the production of the Grad was just beginning to be mastered, at the initiative of the designer, an engineering note was prepared on the further development of multiple launch rocket systems. It proposed to develop a highly effective 200-mm army system Hurricane with 16 guides. In this system, Alexander Nikitovich for the first time implemented the principle of cluster warheads for MLRS, which made it possible to create weapons with a large area of \u200b\u200bdestruction in a volley. The system had a range of 35 km and was equipped with new rockets: fragmentation cassettes, high-explosive shells, anti-tank mines and others.

Back in the late 60s. Alexander Nikitovich conceived a 300-mm MLRS with a firing range of up to 70 km. Under his leadership, range correction and angular stabilization systems were developed, which increased the efficiency of the entire system by several times.

This MLRS was named Smerch. However, Ganichev was not able to complete work on it. On January 2, 1983, the designer died. The work on the Tornado was carried out by a student of Alexander Nikitovich - the chief designer of the MLRS, Hero of Socialist Labor Gennady Denezhkin. Today Tornado has no analogues in the world and is the basic system for future MLRS.

Ganichev had scientific intuition and foresaw that the development of MLRS lay in the field of creating highly intelligent weapons. In 1980, he demonstrated the first self-aiming warhead. And at one of the scientific and technical councils, the first project of a homing warhead was considered. Since the 60s, he has successfully developed technologies for civilian MLRS - to combat the hail of Cloud and Sky.

Ganichev, the founder of a new scientific school, trained a galaxy of highly qualified specialists. Many of the current designers, scientists, engineers of the Alloy and allied enterprises are grateful to Alexander Nikitovich for his help in creative development. Under his leadership, about 10 multiple launch rocket systems were created, more than 40 ammunition for them. Almost 400 copyright certificates have been received for technical solutions proposed by Ganichev personally and in co-authorship.

For the 80th anniversary of Alexander Ganichev, the Alloy team prepared a worthy gift: as a result of deep modernization, the range of the Castle was increased from 20 to 40 km.

For his outstanding contribution to the development of weapons, A.N. Ganichev was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor and twice laureate of the State Prize.

Significant anniversaries of the designer and his weapons were solemnly celebrated in Tula and St. Petersburg. The memory of a glorious son, a nugget of the Russian land, a brilliant designer, is immortalized with memorial plaques, memorials of the MLRS, scholarships for the best students of Tula University.


122 mm BM-21 Grad

In 1965, the production of a 40-barreled multiple launch rocket system BM-21 "Grad" was mastered.

At that time, a new aerodynamic stabilization system was created - the projectile stabilizers, being in the closed position, open and rigidly fixed when they exit the guide tube. This made it possible to create a compact rail package. The multiply charged rocket systems, which have small-sized and simple-to-design launchers, determine the possibility of simultaneous destruction of targets over large areas, and volley fire provides surprise and a high impact on the enemy. They are highly mobile, capable of opening fire in a matter of minutes after arriving at a position and leaving it immediately, having escaped return fire. More than 2000 pieces of MLRS BM-21 have been supplied by Motovilikhinskie Zavody OJSC for service in various countries of the world.

Installation "Grad" is designed to destroy manpower and unarmored vehicles in the nearest tactical depth.

Main characteristics

Caliber, mm122

Firing range, km:



Salvo time, s20 Number of guides, pcs 40 Main PC weight, kg 66.6 BM weight, t 13.7 Calculation, people 6 Reload time, min 7

220-mm MLRS "Uragan"

In 1975 the production of 220-mm MLRS "Uragan" was mastered.


Fighting vehicle (BM) 9P140

Transport and loading vehicle (TZM) 9T452

Rocket projectiles (RS)

Educational and training means.

The combat vehicle is intended for firing rockets with the aim of destroying enemy personnel and equipment in areas of concentration, on the march and in battle formations, helicopters and aircraft at airfields, command posts, fuel depots and other targets. BM allows you to transport projectiles in guides, is equipped with an electric guidance drive, communications and a night vision device. Firing is possible both from the exit from the BM and from the cockpit. MLRS "Uragan" has the ability to transport by rail, water, air. Operation of the complex is possible at any time of the year and day, in different climatic conditions and in contaminated areas.

Main characteristics

Caliber, mm220

Firing range, km:


Minimum 8.5

Volley time, s20 Number of guides, pieces 16 Main PC weight, kg 280 BM weight, t 20.2 Calculation, people 4 Reload time, min 15 Number of RS carried on TPM, pieces 16

300-mm MLRS "SMERCH"

In 1987 the production of 300-mm MLRS "Smerch" was mastered. According to many experts, the Russian Smerch MLRS is considered the best rocket artillery system in the world. A number of fundamentally new technical solutions embodied in the design of the missile make it possible to classify it as a completely new generation of weapons of this kind. First of all, this refers to the system for correcting the flight of a rotating rocket projectile created for the first time in the world. Correction of flight in pitch and yaw angles, carried out according to signals from the control system, is performed by a gas-dynamic actuator, the design of which has no analogues in world practice.

The composition of the MLRS "Smerch":

Combat vehicle (BM) 9А52-2

Transport and loading vehicle (TZM) 9T234-2

Rocket projectiles

Educational and training means

Arsenal equipment

Main characteristics

Caliber, mm 300

Number of launch tubes, pcs. 12

Firing range, km:

Maximum 70

Minimum 20

The affected area in one salvo, ha 67.2

Full volley time, from 40

Progress in store for a combat vehicle, km 900

Calculation, people 4

The Ministry of Defense has set the task of increasing the range and accuracy of the multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) in service. This was stated in an interview with RIA Novosti by the managing director of NPO Splav (part of the state corporation Rostec) Alexander Smirnov.

“In addition, we are working on increasing autonomy and, in the future, introducing robotization elements into some complexes. There is a wide range of developments that we are introducing on our own initiative. The Ministry of Defense gives us technical assignments for the improvement and modernization of MLRS, and we are confident that these tasks will be fulfilled, "Smirnov said.

In an interview with RT, Dmitry Drozdenko, a columnist for the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, noted that the importance of MLRS in the theater of military operations is still great. Reactive systems allow the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation to almost guaranteed to destroy the enemy force grouping and any engineering fortifications in a certain square.

“MLRS work in areas and are capable of dramatically changing the balance of forces on the battlefield. The main advantage of such a weapon is incredible firepower and mobility. Within a few minutes, there may literally be nothing left of the enemy. Russia is a continental power. Our country, even from a geopolitical point of view, needs to have various types of MLRS in its arsenal and continuously improve them, ”Drozdenko explained.

  • Servicemen load MLRS "Tornado" during exercises of artillery units of the 5th combined arms army
  • Vitaly Ankov / RIA Novosti

From "Grad" to "Tornado"

Multiple launch rocket systems are mainly in service with the artillery units of the Ground Forces. The Russian troops operate BM-21 Grad (122 mm), Tornado-G (122 mm), Tornado-S (300 mm), Smerch (300 mm). MLRS are designed to destroy accumulations of armored vehicles, firing points, command posts, engineering fortifications, including reinforced concrete structures.

BM-21 Grad is considered a veteran of rocket artillery - a deep modernization of the famous one. This complex was put into service on March 28, 1963. "Grad" was used in dozens of local conflicts and is now in service with about 40 countries. In Eastern Europe, China and the DPRK, copies and modified versions of the Soviet machine are widespread.

BM-13 has established itself as a reliable and unpretentious weapon. "Grad" was repeatedly improved - the chassis, equipment and ammunition were changed. The range of this rocket system, depending on the type of projectile, can exceed 30 km. However, as a rule, during exercises, firing is conducted at a distance of 5 to 20 km.

The main disadvantage of the BM-13 is its low accuracy and insufficient range in a modern theater of military operations. The development of the Grad resulted in the Tornado-G system, developed in the late 1990s on the Ural-4320 chassis. The complex is equipped with a fire control system with satellite navigation. The range of damage increased to 40 km. "Tornado-G" can fire ammunition with cluster and high-explosive fragmentation warheads.

In the second half of the 1970s, the Uragan MLRS began to enter the Soviet army. Due to the larger caliber (220 mm) and the increased mass of ammunition, the system was able to inflict more devastating blows than the Grad, over areas at a distance of 10 to 35 km.

The culmination of the development of Soviet artillery was the Smerch MLRS. The system was able to hit the enemy at a distance of up to 70-90 km, and with the latest ammunition - up to 120 km. This complex in one salvo can cover 67 hectares of enemy territory. "Smerch" can fire homing ammunition. The commander can give a flight mission for each of the 12 missiles.

  • BM-30 Smerch multiple launch rocket system during a demonstration of military equipment at the Alabino training ground
  • Grigory Sysoev / RIA Novosti

The mass of one ammunition is 800 kg. When approaching the target, 72 striking elements are launched from the missile head. They search for targets independently. The circular probable deviation from the target is about 150 m. This figure is considered very high for MLRS. In addition, the Smerch's accuracy is one of the largest in the world. It takes about 4 minutes to prepare for a volley.

Tornado-S is the successor to Tornado. Its main feature is the emergence of long-range guided missiles that can use the GLONASS global navigation system. Satellite navigation helps to correct the movement of the rocket in the initial and final phases of flight. According to unconfirmed reports, the circular deviation of the Tornado-S ammunition does not exceed several meters.

In the future, the latest system will be able to hit targets at a distance of up to 200 km. The preparation time for a salvo in the Tornado-S has been reduced to 30 seconds, and the deployment of the system on the ground takes 60 seconds. Another advantage of "Tornado-S" is the automatic fire control system "Success-R", which significantly accelerated the data processing.

"Russia is the world leader"

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the modernization of multiple launch rocket systems is mainly due to the introduction of modern equipment, artillery reconnaissance means such as radar stations and drones, corrected and guided munitions.

"Experience of local wars and armed conflicts recent years showed that hostilities are impossible without effective use artillery reconnaissance equipment, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles. The artillery reconnaissance means Zoo-1M and Aistenok that entered service with the rocket forces and artillery proved to be positive in the course of practical testing, "Lieutenant-General, Chief of the Missile Forces and Artillery of the RF Armed Forces, said in an interview with Krasnaya Zvezda on November 19, 2018 Mikhail Matveevsky.

  • Multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) 9K57 "Uragan" at the Trans-Baikal test site "Tsugol"
  • Vadim Savitsky / RIA Novosti

One of the unique developments of NPO Splav is a project of an unmanned vehicle that will be launched in the Smerch projectile. The drone will transmit information about the situation on the battlefield to the artillery crews and adjust the MLRS fire. It is expected that this will significantly increase the accuracy of reactive systems.

According to Drozdenko, relatively low accuracy is still one of the key disadvantages of multiple launch rocket systems. In this regard, Russian specialists are improving fire control systems, reconnaissance equipment, launchers and ammunition.

“In fact, the MLRS turns into a high-precision and long-range weapon. In the process of improving this type of artillery, Russia is the undisputed world leader. This advantage is largely due to historical reasons. Our country has always prepared for continental wars. MLRS have not lost their relevance today and can be used in all types of conflicts, "Drozdenko summed up.

Foreign multiple launch rocket systems

The successes of the Soviet Union in the creation of MLRS, undoubtedly, had an impact on other states, the most development of which was only in 1970-1980. were able to create modern samples of this formidable weapon.

MLRS is one of the most effective means of field artillery for ground forces. The most important advantages of this weapon are considered to be surprise and high density of fire on area targets both in the offensive and in defense in any weather, day and night. With the advent of cluster warheads, MLRS were able to inflict continuous defeat on manpower and equipment over the entire area of \u200b\u200bmissile distribution when fired in a salvo. The positive qualities of the MLRS also include the ability to maneuver with fire, the high mobility of self-propelled launchers (PU). reducing their vulnerability to artillery fire and air strikes, simple design, relatively low cost.

One of the main tasks of MLRS abroad is considered to be the fight against armored vehicles using cluster warheads equipped with self-aiming, homing, cumulative fragmentation cluster elements (CE) and anti-tank mines (PTM).

Multiple launch rocket systems are in service with the US Army. Germany. Japan, Spain, Israel, China, South Africa, Austria, Brazil and other countries.

A bit of history

For the first time, MLRS were used in combat conditions by the Soviet Union at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (WWII). In turn, foreign samples of rocket artillery, which appeared during the Second World War and in the post-war period, were significantly inferior in their tactical and technical characteristics to the Soviet MLRS. German towed six-barreled mortars were significantly less effective than the Soviet BM-13 MLRS, both in terms of volley size and maneuverability. In the US, field rocket artillery began to develop in 1942.

In the postwar period, rocket artillery begins to take root in many foreign armies, but only in the 1970s. Germany became the first NATO country in which the LARS MLRS entered service with the ground forces, which meets modern requirements in terms of its tactical and technical characteristics.

In 1981, the United States adopted the MLRS MLRS, the production of which began in the summer of 1982. The program for equipping the army with this system was designed for many years. Most of the production of the MLRS system was carried out at the Vout plant in East Camden, PA. Arkansas. It was planned to produce about 400,000 missiles and 300 self-propelled launchers in 15 years. In 1986, to equip the NATO bloc, an international consortium for the production of MLRS MLRS was organized, which included firms from the USA, Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy. At the same time, the 8th period from 1981 to 1986. Germany, France, Italy and others continued to complete their programs to create their own MLRS designs.


The MLRS system is designed to defeat armored vehicles, artillery batteries, accumulations of openly located manpower, air defense systems, command posts and communication centers, as well as other targets.

MLRS MLRS includes a self-propelled launcher (PU), missiles in transport and launch containers (TPK) and fire control equipment. The artillery unit of the launcher, mounted on the tracked base of the American BMP M2 "Bradley", includes: a fixed base mounted on the chassis; a turntable with a swinging part fixed on it, in an armored box truss of which there are two TPK; loading and guidance mechanisms. The required rigidity of the installation at the firing position is ensured by switching off the suspension of the chassis.

The armored cabin accommodates a crew of three people: the commander, gunner and driver. The fire control equipment was also mounted there, including a computer, navigation and topographic reference equipment, as well as a control panel. MLRS fire control equipment can be interfaced with automated field artillery fire control systems. The overpressure created in the cockpit and the filtering unit protect the crew from gases generated during firing and from damaging factors when using atomic and chemical weapons.

The MLRS launcher has no traditional rails. Two TPK with missiles are placed in an armored box truss of the swinging part of the launcher. They are a package of six fiberglass tubular guides mounted in two rows in an aluminum alloy box truss. TPK are equipped with missiles at the manufacturing plant and are sealed, which ensures the safety of missiles without maintenance for 10 years. Prelaunch preparation of missiles for firing is practically not required.

The fire control system uses signals from satellites of the US Department of Defense's global navigation system, allowing the MLRS crew to accurately establish their position on the earth's surface before launching missiles.

After the introduction of firing installations into the fire control equipment, the launcher is guided by command using electrohydraulic power drives. In case of failure, manual drives are provided.

The missiles consist of warheads, solid propellants and a stabilizer that can be deployed in flight.

Warhead MLRS MLRS can be multipurpose or anti-tank. The multipurpose warhead is designed to destroy manpower, fire weapons and armored vehicles. This warhead is equipped with 644 HE M77 cumulative fragmentation with 70 mm armor penetration. The anti-tank warhead is equipped with six SADARM self-aiming ECs (armor penetration - 100 mm) or 28 anti-tank mines of the AT-2 type (armor penetration - 100 mm). At the same time, work continued on the creation of the FE TGCM. VAT, as well as high-explosive EC and anti-helicopter mines.

In 1990, the US Army adopted the ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System) tactical missile for use with MLRS MLRS. In 1986, LTV (USA) received an order for the development of this rocket, and in February 1989 its serial production began. The events in the Persian Gulf led to the deployment in 1991 of these missiles in Saudi Arabia.

Self-propelled launcher MLRS MLRS on the tracked base of the American BMP M2 "Bradley" (above); Rocket launch ATACMS MLRS MLRS (left)

AT-2 anti-tank mine

Installation of anti-tank mines AT-2 using MLRS

In 1984, in relation to the equipment of the warhead of the ATACMS missile, the Electronics Systems division of the American company Northrop began developing the CE BAT (Brilliant Anti-Tank). The abbreviation "BAT" is translated as "bat" and carries a certain semantic meaning. Just as bats use ultrasound for orientation in space, so the CE VAT has acoustic and IR target detection sensors in the GOS.

KE BAT is capable of detecting and tracking moving armored targets, followed by the use of an IR sensor to target vulnerable areas of tanks and other armored vehicles. BAT cassette elements are designed to equip warheads of ATACMS missiles (Block 2). As soon as they are thrown out of the warhead, the CE BAT begins to free fall. Each element weighs 20 kg, length 914 mm, and diameter 140 mm. After separation from the missile, the KE BAT uses an acoustic sensor system, consisting of four probes, the action of which is differentiated in time to detect and track armored vehicle units. CE BAT can hit targets in difficult meteorological conditions with low clouds. strong winds and even with a high dustiness of the atmosphere.

The MLRS system was created by the LTV Missiles and Electronics Group, which includes Atlantic Research Corporation (manufacturing solid propellant rocket motors), Brunswick Corporation (manufacturing launch containers), Morden Systems (creating fire control systems) and Sperry-Vickers (manufacturing launcher drive). targets at long ranges, the American company Boeing Military Airplane has developed a remotely piloted Robotic Air Vehicle-3000 (RAV-3000) vehicle launched with MLRS MLRS. RPV RAV-3000 is equipped with an air-jet engine. The MLRS is equipped with twelve RPVs that can be launched simultaneously. Before launching, RPVs are programmed to perform various tasks, including searching for targets, taking into account electronic countermeasures. The RPV is housed in a container at the factory and can be stored for five years without maintenance.

Production of MLRS MLRS for NATO

The United States does not miss the slightest opportunity to make money on the arms trade. An exception is not the action of the Americans on the introduction of MLRS MLRS in all NATO countries. It was envisaged in advance that by 2010 this system would be the same not only for the American army, but also for all countries of this military bloc.

In 1986, within the framework of NATO, an international consortium for the production of MLRS MLRS was formed. which included firms from the USA, Germany, Great Britain. France and Italy.

Serial production of MLRS systems in Europe is carried out by the Tactical missiles division of Aerospatiale (France) under US license.

MLRS system characteristics

Missile system

Combat crew 3 people

Combat weight 25000 kg


Chassis type BMP M2 "Bradley"

Engine power 373 kW

Maximum travel speed 64 km / h

Mileage length (without refueling) 480 km


Number of launch tubes 12

Rate of fire 12 shots in 50 s


Caliber 227/237 mm

Length 3.94 m

Weight 310 kg

Firing range 10-40 km

Warhead C KE or PTM

Fuse Remote

MLRS system in the exercises of the German army

MLRS missile launch

Rocket with cluster warhead:

1 - explosive device; 2 - cumulative fragmentation FE: 3 - cylindrical polyurethane block; 4 - fuse; 5 - nozzle, 6 - stabilizer blades: 7 - solid-propellant rocket engine; 8 - over-gauge nozzles.

ATACMS missiles in the Persian Gulf

The events in the Persian Gulf clearly showed how effective the use of MLRS was there. During the hostilities, over 10,000 conventional missiles and 30 ATACMS missiles with a range of 100 km were fired from the MLRS.

In total, 30 ATACMS missiles (Block 1) were fired at armored targets in the Gulf War. The warheads of Block 1 missiles contain 950 M74 cumulative fragmentation cluster elements. The trajectory of the ATACMS missile is not completely parabolic: in its descending section, the missile is aerodynamically controlled, which prevents the enemy from detecting the launch point. The direction of movement of the rocket when fired can deviate from the direct direction to the target at an angle of up to 30 degrees, in azimuth. The height and ejection time of the cluster elements of this rocket are programmable.

Before the outbreak of hostilities, ATACMS missiles were deployed in Saudi Arabia, from where they were launched at air defense facilities and rear services on enemy territory. At the same time, the combined use of MLRS with M109 and M110 batteries has always been observed to provide direct fire support for advanced units. Representatives of the Iraqi armed forces reported that the effect of such fire was simply devastating, as after a week of bombing of the B-52. For example, when conducting counter-battery fire from MLRS, 250 people were killed by one battery within 10 minutes.

Based on the experience of waging the war in the Persian Gulf, the maximum firing range of MLRS MLRS when using missiles with EC was increased from 32 to 46 km. To achieve such a firing range, it was necessary to reduce the length of the warhead by 27 cm, and lengthen the solid fuel charge by the same amount. The XR-M77 warhead (with extended range) contains two less EC layers (518 pcs.). But the decrease in the number of FE is compensated for by an increase in firing accuracy, which provided the same effectiveness new rocket... Prototypes of the new missile were tested in November 1991 at the White Sands test site (USA). The development of this missile was prompted by military operations in the Persian Gulf.

Self-propelled PU system HIMARS

Unloading the self-propelled launcher of the HIMARS system from the VTS C-130


At one time, the American company Loral Vought Systems was engaged in the creation of an artillery missile system increased mobility (HIMARS), designed to meet the needs of the US Army for a light mobile version of MLRS MLRS. which can be transported by plane C-130 Hercules.

The existing MLRS MLRS installation can be transported only on the C-141 and C-5 aircraft, but not on the C-130 aircraft due to its large dimensions and weight. The ability to transport the HIMARS system on a C-130 aircraft was demonstrated at a missile test site in New Mexico. According to the firm Loral, it will take 30% fewer flights to transfer the battery of the HIMARS system, compared to the transportation of the battery of the existing MLRS MLRS.

The HIMARS system includes a chassis of a medium tactical truck (6x6) weighing 5 tons, on the stern of which a launcher is mounted with a container for 6 MLRS missiles. The existing MLRS MLRS has two containers with missiles and a mass of 24889 kg, while the HIMARS system has a mass of only 13668 kg.

The containers of the new system are the same as in the MLRS system of serial production. The HIMARS system has a single block of six MLRS missiles and the same characteristics as the MLRS MLRS system, including an OMS, electronics and communications systems.

Development trends of foreign MLRS

The creation of the European consortium MLRS-EPG led to the replacement of outdated MLRS in NATO countries with the MLRS system. It can be assumed that MLRS MLRS will be imposed and put into service not only to NATO countries. For this reason, the MLRS, created in Germany, France, Italy and other countries, after being adopted by the MLRS, became the property of history. All of them were inherent in the already known general design and circuit solutions.

Launchers consist of artillery and chassis. The artillery unit includes: a package of a certain number of barrels, a swing frame, a pedestal, lifting swing mechanisms, electrical equipment, sighting devices, etc.

MLRS missiles have a solid-propellant engine operating on a small section of the trajectory. The fight against armored vehicles led to the equipment of missiles with cluster warheads with cumulative fragmentation EQs or with anti-tank mines. At one time, great attention was paid to remote mining in European countries. Sudden mining of the terrain prohibits or complicates the maneuver of enemy tanks, while simultaneously creating favorable conditions for their destruction by other anti-tank weapons. The aiming angles are set and their recovery from shot to shot is carried out automatically using power drives.

Among the disadvantages inherent in MLRS, especially of old designs, one can name the following: significant dispersion of ammunition: limited ability to maneuver with fire due to the difficulties of obtaining short firing ranges (since the rocket engine works until the fuel is completely burned out): structurally, the rocket is more complex than an artillery shot ; shooting is accompanied by well-visible unmasking signs - flame and smoke; there are significant breaks between salvos due to the need to change position and reload the launchers.

Consider the features of some foreign MLRS. created before the penetration of MLRS into various countries

Rocket launch ATACMS MLRS MLRS

MLRS LARS-2 on the chassis of a 7-ton off-road vehicle of the German army during exercises;

110 mm 36-barreled MLRS LARS (bottom);

MLRS LARS (Germany)

In the 1970s. Germany was the only NATO country to have in service with the ground forces the LARS (Leichte Artillerie Raketen System) multiple launch rocket system. MLRS LARS is a 110-mm 36-barreled self-propelled launcher. which was developed in two versions, with one pack of 36 barrels and two packs of 18 barrels each.

A 7-ton off-road army vehicle was used as a chassis. The driver's cab is lightly armored to protect the windows from projectile gas jets. LARS missile warheads were equipped with the following ammunition: AT-2 anti-tank mines, fragmentation elements and smoke bombs.

But despite the modernization, by the 1980s. MLRS LARS in terms of firing range, caliber of missiles and the effectiveness of their action against various targets no longer met the new requirements.However, as a means of quickly setting mine barriers in front of advancing enemy tanks, MLRS LARS continued to remain in service with the German army.

As a result of the modernization carried out in the early 1980s, the LARS MLRS was named LARS-2. The new system was also mounted on a 7-ton off-road vehicle. MLRS LARS-2 is equipped with devices for checking technical condition missiles and fire control. The maximum firing range is 20 km.

The LARS-2 MLRS battery includes the Fera system, which includes special sighting missiles and a radar for tracking their flight paths. The radar together with the computing unit are mounted on one car. One system "Fera" serves 4 launchers. Reflectors and amplifiers of radar signals are installed in the warhead of sighting missiles. Four missiles are launched sequentially at a set interval. The trajectories of their flight are automatically monitored by a radar. The computing unit compares the average value of the four trajectories with the calculated ones and determines the corrections, which are introduced into the settings of the sighting devices. This takes into account errors in determining the coordinates of the target and the firing position of the launcher, as well as deviations of meteorological and ballistic conditions at the time of firing from the actual ones.

LARS system characteristics

Combat crew 3 people

Combat weight 16000 kg


Type Vehicle MAN

Engine power 235 kW

Maximum travel speed 90 km / h

Mileage length (without refueling) 800 km


Number of launch tubes 36

Vertical guidance angle up to +55 degrees.

Horizontal aiming angle ± 95 degrees.

Fire type Large, small series, single fire

Rate of fire 36 shots / 18s

Recharge time Approx. 10 min.


Caliber 110 mm

Length 2.26 m

Weight 32 ... 36 kg

Firing range 20 km

Warhead With EC or AT-2 mines

Impact fuse (remote)

MLRS LARS-2 in firing position


In service with the Brazilian ground forces, the ASTROS II MLRS provides firing of three types of missiles of various calibers (127, 180 and 300 mm) depending on the type of target. The missiles have high-explosive fragmentation or cluster warheads. The MLRS battery includes a fire control machine, from four to eight launchers and one transport-charging machine for each installation. The chassis of the ten-ton TECTRAN off-road vehicle is used for all battery components. The fire control machine is equipped with a Swiss fire control radar, a computing device and a radio communication device.

The Brazilian company Avibras, during Operation Desert Storm in the Persian Gulf, did not miss an opportunity to test its ASTROS II MLRS, which was equipped with three types of warheads. MLRS ASTROS II can fire three different types of missiles: SS-30. SS-40 and SS-60 for various firing ranges. These missiles carry double-action ammunition (against armored vehicles and manpower) with an effective area of \u200b\u200bdestruction, depending on the installation of an electronic fuse at a certain triggering height. Avibras has developed three new warheads that allow to increase the types of targets hit at long ranges, that. according to the firm. can to some extent replace the use of aviation in such cases. The first option is a high-explosive incendiary warhead equipped with white phosphorus to combat manpower, quickly set up a smoke screen and destroy material objects. The second version of the warhead is intended for the installation of three different types of mines: antipersonnel mines with a range of 30 m. To destroy material objects and anti-tank mines, providing penetration of 120-mm armor. The third version of the warhead ensures the conduct of hostilities to prohibit the use of airfields by the enemy and carries a significant number of cluster elements with a delayed-action fuse and a powerful TNT charge, which ensures the penetration of reinforced concrete with a marsh of more than 400 mm. The radius of the crater formed in the concrete pavement is 550–860 mm, and the crater depth is 150–300 mm. In addition, according to the firm, such prohibition ammunition also destroys aircraft, hangars and aircraft restoration equipment.


In Spain, in 1984, the MLRS TERUEL-3 was created, which includes two launch containers (20 tubular guides in each), a fire control system, topographic and communications equipment, and meteorological equipment. The MLRS control equipment and the crew of five are placed in an armored cabin of an all-terrain vehicle. The MLRS includes an ammunition delivery vehicle capable of transporting 4 containers of 20 missiles. The fire control system includes a computing device that determines the initial data for firing and the amount of ammunition, depending on the characteristics of the target. The missile can be equipped with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead or a cluster warhead with cumulative fragmentation EC or anti-tank (anti-personnel) mines.

Total ground forces Spain had previously planned to supply about 100 TERUEL-3 systems.


MLRS RAFAL-145 (France)

MLRS RAFAL-145 was put into service in 1984, PU consists of three packages of tubular guides, the total number of which is 18 Caliber rocket - 160 mm. The maximum firing range is 30 km. minimum - 9 km. Rocket weight - 110 kg, warhead weight - 50 kg. PU is mounted on the vehicle chassis. The missile launch and fire control equipment is located in the vehicle cab. A cluster warhead of missiles can be equipped with HE or PTM.


Italian MLRS FIROS-30

MLRS FIROS-30 (Italy)

The Italian firm SNIA BPD in 1987 put into service the army with the FIROS-30 MLRS, which includes: PU, 120-mm unguided missiles, and a transport-loading vehicle. PU contains two replaceable packages with 20 tubular guides in each, lifting and rotating mechanisms, as well as a missile launch system. PU can be placed on a car or tracked armored personnel carrier, or on a trailer. The maximum firing range is 34 km. The warhead of missiles can be high-explosive, fragmentation or cluster, equipped with anti-personnel or anti-tank mines.

Ways to improve the combat characteristics of foreign MLRS

The main directions of development of foreign MLRS are: increasing the range and improving the accuracy of shooting; increased fire performance; expanding the number of tasks solved by MLRS; increased mobility and combat readiness.

The increase in the firing range was carried out by increasing the caliber of missiles, using high-energy rocket fuels and using lightweight warheads. As a rule, with an increase in the diameter of the engine, the mass of the solid fuel charge increases, which increases the firing range.So, increasing the caliber of the American MLRS MLRS from 227 to 240 mm made it possible to increase the firing range to 32 km. In another case, by reducing the mass of the warhead from 159 to 107 kg, it was possible to increase the firing range to 40 km.

An increase in firing accuracy was achieved through the creation of cassette homing and self-aiming elements, as well as the use of automated control systems (ACS) for the fire of the MLRS battery, the use of special sighting missiles, the supply of launchers with automatic guidance recovery systems, the improvement of designs and technologies for the manufacture of launchers and unguided missiles.

ACS with MLRS battery fire significantly reduces the time required to prepare for the opening of fire and increase the firing accuracy due to less aging of the target coordinate data. After receiving the order to hit the target, its coordinates are entered into the computer system. The fire control system indicates the launcher, which can most effectively perform the task, calculates the installation of sighting devices and warhead fuses for it. transmitting them through coded radio communication channels.

The use of devices for automatic input of corrections and installation of the sight to compensate for the tilt of the launcher on the ground eliminates the need for its leveling and hanging on jacks or other supporting devices. It is enough to turn on the braking device of the chassis and turn off its suspension. At the same time, the time for transferring the launcher from the traveling position to the combat position and vice versa is reduced to 1 min. which is very important for MLRS. strongly unmasking itself at the time of salvo firing.

The dynamic loading of the launcher during the salvo changes its position on the ground and causes elastic vibrations of structures, often with an increasing amplitude, as a result of which the guidance angles go astray. The use of the system of automatic restoration of the launcher guidance angles from shot to shot increases the firing accuracy and reduces the dispersion of missiles when firing in a salvo.

An increase in the fire performance of the MLRS was carried out by mechanizing the loading and reloading of the launcher. automation of guidance and launch systems, the use of automated fire control systems, devices for selecting the type of warhead from among the missiles charged in the launcher.

Loading mechanization is based on the use of pre-loaded packages of guides, truck cranes, cranes for transport-loading machines. The most promising solution is the charging device, which is part of the PU design.

The expansion of the number of combat missions solved by the MLRS is being achieved. mainly by the creation of various types of main and special missile warheads. To increase the effectiveness of missiles at the target, most of the warheads are made in cluster.

Increasing the mobility and readiness of MLRS is ensured by the creation of self-propelled launchers based on tracked or wheeled vehicles of high cross-country ability, the use of modern georeferencing means, the use of high-speed mechanisms for transferring the launcher from the traveling position to the combat position and vice versa, mechanizing the launcher loading process and automating the guidance and fire control systems.

The ground forces of NATO countries, which have modern MLRS, are capable of:

Effectively engage missiles with cluster HFs that significantly outnumber enemy artillery;

Install anti-tank minefields at a great distance;

Hit the advancing armored columns of the enemy with the help of homing and self-aiming spacecraft.

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Modern meaning

Rocket artillery is a formidable weapon in the hands of an experienced gunner in the modern army of the world. One volley of fire is enough to wipe out two or even three enemy mechanized battalions from the face of the earth, or to destroy everything on an area of \u200b\u200bseveral hundred thousand square meters. Unlike Russia, other world powers underestimate the entire power of the MLRS, preferring a point type of weapon. But no one says that countries such as the United States, Israel, China have completely abandoned the hot flame of rocket artillery.

We propose to consider the best multiple launch rocket systems in the world and choose from them the strongest representative of the "fiery kind".

"Lynx" (Israel)

The creator of the country's leading MLRS is the legendary Israel Military Industries concern, which has developed a whole series of innovative weapons over its long history. Lynx was no exception in this case.

The main feature of the Israeli MLRS is its modular component. Depending on the target being fired, "Lynx" can be equipped with different types of container packages: from 122-mm Grada missiles to 300-mm LORA missiles. Shells, in turn, can be stuffed with various types of warheads, including fragmentation, incendiary, smoke, lighting, or cluster with high-explosive or anti-tank elements.

Like all modern MLRS "Lynx", thanks to a computerized system, it has the functions of fully autonomous ballistic calculations and firing. It also has a fast deployment time, allowing you to open fire within minutes of the march. Reloading usually takes place at a sufficient distance from the firing position to avoid counter-battery fire.


HIMARS was created by BAE Systems in conjunction with Lockheed Martin, who created the missile component for the system. It turned out to be a kind of hybrid MLRS, but quite solid.

As a package of guides, standard disposable transport and launch containers (TPK) of the MLRS MLRS combat vehicle are used. In contrast to the Russian representative, the shot TPKs are replaced with new ones. The containers themselves weigh about 2270 kg and include six pipes, that is, six guides. The fire control system is fully automated. It has improved interfaces (i.e., elements and blocks that are used to operate) weapons systems, a horizontal guidance mechanism, a navigation system unit processor and a communication interface.

The firing range of "HIMARS" is 80 km, which is quite satisfactory for the US military. Fire from MLRS is carried out by various projectiles: an unguided rocket with a cluster warhead, a cluster rocket - a mine designer. There are also tactical missiles with a range of up to 300 km.

Wm-80 (China)

The world community knows quite a bit about Chinese MLRS, and about Chinese weapons in general. But ignorance of certain points concerning the defense capability of the PRC does not mean that Asians are not developing or producing anything.

Systematic modernization has increased the mobility and range of the system, increased the range and accuracy of fire and, of course, increased the firepower of the MLRS. The main feature of the WM-80 was an improved fire control system, which, unlike its previous model, fully automated combat work.

The WM-80 multiple launch rocket system has a formidable caliber of 273 mm. with a coverage area of \u200b\u200bseveral hundred thousand square meters and is designed to defeat manpower, military equipment, fortifications, command and control points of the enemy's administrative and population centers at ranges up to 80 km.

The main problem of the Israeli MLRS is still the high cost of ammunition. Yes, Lynx projectiles are a high-precision product that allows you to accurately spread the “blast carpet”. However, if Israel enters a full-fledged local war, the use of such luxurious systems will cost the army a pretty penny. And unprofitability in war, as you know, is not welcome.

« Pinaka II"(India)

Considering the fact that India has never claimed to be a militarily strong power for a long time, in the past few decades it has noticeably tightened up its military-industrial complex.

The Pinaka MLRS was developed by the Indian Arms Research and Development Agency (ARDE) and almost immediately entered service with the army. Outdated MLRS BM-21 "Grad" went to "canned", and the new rocket artillery successfully proved itself in the place of the Soviet old-timer. Indian installations were used to destroy buildings, infrastructure, manpower and armored vehicles. In addition, with the help of the Pinaka MLRS, anti-tank and anti-personnel minefields were remotely installed.

But progress does not sleep. Already in 2016, the ranks of the Indian army will be replenished. The newest jet systems "Pinaka II" will replace their forefather. The main differences between the MLRS and the previous model are in the use of new missiles capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 60 km (Pinaka I - up to 40 km), as well as in the improvement of command vehicles equipped with a new computerized fire control system. The 214-mm caliber and the affected area of \u200b\u200b130,00 m2 remained the same.

"Tornado" (Russia)

On the this moment the Tornado family is one of the most advanced salvo systems in the world.

"Tornado" is supplied with multipurpose packages of rockets for various purposes. You can use packages of both "Grad" and "Tornado" - the caliber does not matter. For stability when launching shells, the tractor platform is equipped with hydraulic retractable stops, two on both sides. Moreover, the time during which the system is "assembled" (about 30-50 seconds) allows maximum range firing to leave the position before the shells reach the target. That significantly improves the survivability of the "Tornado".

The firing range of the MLRS is about 120-150 km, which is a huge advantage in a combat situation. You can fire both in one gulp and in single shots. One salvo covers an area of \u200b\u200b672 thousand square meters. m., i.e. 67 hectares. It is also necessary to take into account a wide range of projectiles used: a rocket with a cluster warhead, with self-aiming warheads, a projectile with a thermobaric warhead (so that the earth burns in flames), a projectile with a high-explosive warhead, a projectile with anti-tank mines (for laying a certain area) ...

Ivanov Erema