How to get a foreign body out of a baby’s nose. Foreign body in the nose of a child: symptoms and rules of first aid

Foreign bodies in the nose - this is one of the common problems in pediatric otorhinolaryngology. Often parents do not know what to do in such cases. They can make mistakes with serious consequences. It is important to know what to do in this case, so as not to get confused when such a problem occurs.

How to understand that a child stuck a foreign body into his nose?

The child breathes weakly with his nose or mouth breathing predominates - this is one of the main signs. Instead of a nose, a mouth is used; breathing becomes whistling, dry, scratching.

Other additional symptoms:

Signs that something fell into the lungs:

  • blanching, and then blue skin;
  • bloody sputum;
  • noisy, wheezing breath;
  • behavior change: anxiety and mobility are replaced by apathy;
  • loss of consciousness.

Foreign body in the nose - how dangerous is it?

The nasal passages are associated with the trachea and bronchi. Plasticine, which got into the child’s nose, can easily get into the lungs. Then there is a risk of strangulation and death of the child. The following complications may also develop: emphysema, pneumothorax, suppuration of the lung. Small items (seeds, beads) can cause granulation and the appearance in the lung of a chronic inflammatory focus. On a radiograph, it can be confused with a tumor. These features force one to take all cases of a foreign body into the nasal passage seriously.

A foreign body left for a long time in the body can cause a focus of inflammation. The nasal vessels also supply the eyes, brain, and facial tissues, so suppuration can spread to these areas. This will lead to meningitis, encephalitis, endophthalmitis.

If the baby swallowed a vitamin or other small body and it got into any sinus of the nose - this can lead to calcification and the formation of a nasal stone. He, in turn, can cause sinusitis, osteomyelitis, damage the nerve of the face.

First aid at home

First you need to reassure the child. Ask to tell what he played with, to show things with which he had contact. Sometimes children themselves tell adults that they put something in their nose. Next, wash your hands, seat the victim on a hard surface and ask him not to move. The room should be clean, not cluttered with things, so that you can get out and see the thing dropped out of the nose, then:

Memo to parents: what can not be done

You can’t try to stick tweezers, cotton buds, sharp objects at home to pull out a foreign body. No matter how simple it may seem, for such manipulations you need proven skills that the parent may not have. Do not give your child food or drink before the foreign body is removed. An operation may be necessary - you can not eat food before it.

What to do:

  • rinse your nose with saline;
  • squeeze out an object by clicking on the nose bridge.
  • if you can’t get it, you need to leave the item in your nose and urgently show the child to the doctor.

Which doctor should I contact if I can’t get the item?

If all attempts are unsuccessful, you need to go to the ENT department of the nearest hospital. The child needs to breathe through the mouth, as nasal breathing can drive the subject even further. Keep your head slightly tilted forward.

If in the near future it is impossible to deliver the baby to a narrow-profile doctor, you can contact the nearest emergency room or the surgical department. In the full-time department you can contact the clinic.

Methods for retrieving an item in a medical facility

First, an x-ray is assigned to more accurately determine the location of the stuck item. But it helps if it is metallic. If the material is plastic or organic (for example, a drug pellet is stuck), you have to resort to endoscopy, bougienage or MRI.

Using thin tweezers or a hook, the doctor removes the object from the nasal passage. Before this, the nose is anesthetized with a spray with novocaine or lidocaine. If the child is very small, the manipulation is carried out under anesthesia.

  It is possible to carry out manipulations from the side of the nasopharynx. The child is given his tongue and with the help of a mirror they take out an object at the end of the nasal passage. Next, nasal and sinus rinses are prescribed with saline, vasodilators, healing ointments, sometimes antibiotics. Staying in the clinic for a short time, often the victim is immediately discharged under the supervision of a local pediatrician.

Possible complications and prevention

The subject can move into the trachea, which will cause it to clog and stop breathing. A long stay of an object in the body can lead to the formation of a nose stone - rhinolitis. In this case, nasal breathing is disturbed, the septum is bent, and skull bones may be deformed in young children. In such cases, the treatment is only surgical.

A lacrimal sac may fester - this, in turn, will cause dacryocystitis, which passes to the tissues of the eye. Under such conditions, bacteria multiply well. As a result, the child can completely lose sight.

Prevention is the exclusion of small items in the reach of small children. Before buying toys you need to inspect them for small removable parts. If the child is playing with beads and other small objects, it is worth putting on a gauze bandage mask.

Meanwhile, there is no need to worry and panic. A foreign body in the nose of a child is easier to pull out immediately. It is necessary to deliver the child to a medical facility on time.

A foreign object accidentally caught in the nasal cavity: a bead, berry seed, a seed, a small part of a toy, a mosquito or other insect, a piece of wood, plastic, food, cotton or paper. The foreign body of the nose may be asymptomatic. But more often it manifests itself in pain, unilateral nasal congestion and discharge from the affected half of the nose. Diagnose a foreign body of the nose with the help of anamnesis, the results of an otolaryngological examination and rhinoscopy, CT and radiography data. Treatment of a foreign body of the nose consists in its elimination as early as possible by blowing, endoscopic or surgical removal.

General information

Most often, specialists in the field of pediatric otolaryngology have to deal with foreign bodies of the nose. Children, playing, deliberately inject various objects into themselves and each other's nose. Foreign bodies that have fallen into the nasal cavity in this way are usually located in the lower nasal passage. They make up 80% of the total number of foreign bodies of the nose. Alien objects are less commonly observed, one wedged into the nasal septum, and the other into the lower nasal concha. A foreign body of the nose, which got into it randomly, can have any localization.


The ingestion of a foreign body into the nose can occur naturally from the environment through the nostrils and from the pharynx through the choanal openings. Foreign bodies of the nose that got through the nostrils are found mainly in preschool children, who, for the sake of interest, put various small objects into their nose. In a random way, living organisms in the inhaled air or in water from open sources and ponds can get into the nose. In some cases, the foreign body of the nose is iatrogenic in nature and represents a cotton swab left in the nose or a broken off part of a surgical instrument used during otolaryngological procedures or operations (septoplasty, correction of atresia of the choanas, resection of the nasal concha, removal of the tumor of the nasal cavity, etc.).

The foreign body of the nose can be the result of choking while eating or vomiting. In this case, pieces of food or other objects located in the cavity of the pharynx can be thrown into the nose through the openings of the choan that connect the nose to the pharynx. The appearance of a foreign body of the nose is also possible with a trauma to the nose and damage to the adjacent structures of the face. In this case, a splinter of glass, a piece of wood, a sharp object, a bullet or a free bone fragment can become a foreign body of the nose.

Classification of foreign bodies of the nose

By their nature, foreign bodies of the nose are classified into: inorganic (pebbles, beads, beads, cotton wool, pieces of glass, plastic parts), metal (coins, screws, metal constructor parts, needles, nails, buttons, fragments of firearm shells), organic (seeds various plants, peas, small beans, slices of vegetables and fruits, fruit bones, parts of foods used in food), living (insects, larvae, leeches, roundworms).

Depending on whether the foreign body of the nose is visualized during X-ray examination or not, radiopaque and radiopaque foreign bodies are isolated. X-ray contrasting bodies are metal objects, glass, bones, buttons, parts of toys.

Symptoms of a foreign body of the nose

Typically, a foreign object entering the nasal cavity is accompanied by reflex sneezing, watery discharge from one half of the nose and lacrimation. However, these symptoms quickly disappear and in the future, the foreign body of the nose may not bother the patient at all. A small foreign body of the nose, which has a smooth surface, may not produce any clinical manifestations for a long period. There are cases when the rough foreign bodies of the nose and even objects with sharp angles did not cause patient complaints for a long time.

Over time, as a result of irritation and chronic injury to the mucous membrane with a foreign object of the nose, an inflammatory reaction can occur, leading to the appearance of clinical symptoms in the form of pain in the nose, mucous or mucopurulent discharge from one half of the nose. The swelling of the nasal mucosa resulting from inflammation causes difficulty in nasal breathing.

In other cases, the foreign body of the nose immediately, from the moment it enters the nose, causes various kinds of discomfort: tickling, irritation, feeling of a foreign object, pain in the affected half of the nose. Pain associated with a foreign body may be accompanied by radiation to the forehead, cheek, or throat.

The most intense pain syndrome is characteristic of a foreign body of the nose with sharp edges or protrusions. Such items can cause significant damage to the internal tissues of the nose with the occurrence of nosebleeds. In some cases, the foreign body of the nose is accompanied by headaches, dizziness. Severe nose pain can lead to sleep disturbance, increased irritability, in children - to anxiety, tearfulness and frequent moods.

Classical for a foreign body of the nose is the triad of symptoms: pain, discharge from the nose and nasal congestion. A characteristic feature that distinguishes these symptoms from the manifestations of rhinitis, allergic rhinitis and sinusitis is their one-sided nature. In children, most often the foreign body of the nose is accompanied only by a runny nose with secretions coming from only one half of the nose. In some cases, with a deep breath, the foreign body of the nose can migrate to the throat or larynx. Then the symptoms of a foreign body of the pharynx or foreign body of the larynx appear in the clinical picture.

Separate foreign bodies of the nose when they are in it for a long time undergo some changes. So, peas and beans from the moist environment of the nose begin to increase in size, often completely blocking the nasal breathing of that half of the nose in which they are located. Some foreign bodies of the nose break up into parts over time, soften or completely decompose. If the foreign body of the nose retains its original appearance, then it can become the nucleus of a nasal calculus formed by the deposition of salts contained in the secretion of the nasal mucosa. With a long-existing foreign body of the nose, the development of granulation tissue is possible, the growth of which is provoked by constant trauma to the mucosa. The developed granulations often hide the foreign body of the nose, making it difficult to visualize and diagnose it.


Difficulty in nasal breathing and impaired ventilation due to a foreign body of the nose can lead to inflammatory changes in the paranasal sinuses. With a long stay of a foreign body in the nose, ulceration of the mucous membrane, the development of polypous growths, necrosis of the nasal concha, suppuration of the lacrimal sac, disturbances from the lacrimal ducts are possible. Joining a secondary infection causes the development of purulent rhinosinusitis, very rarely - osteomyelitis of the nasal bone structures. In severe cases, the foreign body of the nose can perforate its wall.


In most cases, a foreign body of the nose can be diagnosed by an otolaryngologist based on an anamnesis, results of examination of the nasal cavity and rhinoscopy. Difficulties in diagnosis occur in young children, in the history of which there may be no indication of a foreign object in the nose. The long-existing foreign body of the nose is difficult to detect. During rhinoscopy, it may not be visualized due to severe edema, inflammatory changes in the mucosa, or granulation formed. In such cases, a metal probe is used to detect a foreign body of the nose. However, this allows only dense foreign objects to be detected.

In addition, with a foreign body of the nose, a nasal discharge is carried out, ultrasound, CT or X-ray of the paranasal sinuses, CT or X-ray of the skull, pharyngoscopy.

Removing a foreign body from the nose

Removal of the foreign body of the nose should be carried out as early as possible, until puffiness and an inflammatory reaction have developed, making it difficult to extract. The foreign body of the nose that has recently entered it can be eliminated by simple blowing. The patient is asked to take in more air, close his mouth, cover a healthy nostril with his finger and blow out the air he blows strongly. This method can only be used in older children and in adults.

In adults, after a failed attempt to blow the foreign body of the nose naturally and in young children, endoscopic removal of the foreign body is performed. In adults, the procedure is performed using local anesthesia; in young children, general anesthesia may be required for this. In rare cases, when endoscopic removal was unsuccessful, the foreign body is removed surgically.

If necessary, rinse the nasal cavity with antiseptic solutions, instill vasoconstrictor drops in the nose, drainage and rinse the paranasal sinuses, and treat complications.

Small objects - buttons, beads, food, insects - can get into the nasal passage by accident or deliberately. During the game or out of interest, children introduce objects of suitable size into the nasal cavity. For parents, the main thing is to detect these bodies and remove them as quickly as possible independently or from the otolaryngologist. Timely removed item will help to avoid inflammation, the occurrence of rhinolitis and lowering it into the middle sections or pharynx.

The causes of the appearance of a foreign body in the nasal cavity

Most often, children aged 3–7 years turn to otolaryngologists about a foreign object in the nose. A child can, in the process of playing, or, thinking, insert a small object into his nostril. Sometimes children choke on food, a piece of which can also get into the nasal cavity. Vomiting may be the cause of food pieces. When it occurs, part of the child's vomit can flow into the nasal passages, and large pieces get stuck in them.

It is necessary to be wary if the child has the following symptoms:

  • hard breath;
  • clear mucus is secreted from one nostril;
  • bleeding started;
  • nasalness appeared in his voice;
  • the child notes pain, dizziness;
  • impaired appetite and sleep.

When a foreign body in the nose of a child is present for a long time, the symptoms will be different:

  • purulent discharge appears;
  • an unpleasant odor will be felt from the nose;
  • stones are formed - rhinoliths;
  • the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, reddens.

Types of foreign objects in the nose

Foreign objects that a child can deliberately or accidentally shove in his nostril vary in size and shape:

  1. Organic It can be seeds, seeds from fruits, pieces of vegetables.
  2. Inorganic. Most often these are objects surrounding a child at home or in a kindergarten (school) - buttons, beads, pieces of foam rubber or cotton wool, paper, polyethylene.
  3. Live foreign objects - midges, larvae - can get into the nose while walking.
  4. Metal objects - carnations, badges, buttons, small coins.

In addition, objects may be X-ray sensitive and non-contrast. Depending on the shape and size, a decision is made on how to extract the body from the cavity. Small soft, rounded body shapes may well come out on their own or be removed by parents. However, if a child puts a sharp or large object (button, needle, carnation) into himself, you should immediately seek medical help.

Objects can enter the cavity in several ways:

  1. Violent method - children themselves put various small objects into the cavity or they get there due to trauma.
  2. Iatrogenic route - after medical procedures, parts of cotton swabs, instruments (for example, tips) may remain in the nose of children.
  3. Naturally insects, dust and other objects from the environment can enter.
  4. Through choanal openings or a throat, small pieces of food enter the cavity if the child chokes.


Prolonged presence of a foreign body in the nasal cavity can lead to serious complications:

  • chronic runny nose, sometimes purulent;
  • stone formation;
  • labored breathing;
  • rhinosinusitis;
  • headaches.

If the body is not removed on time, an inflammatory process may begin. If organic objects (insects, plants) get in, an unpleasant smell of decomposition will be felt. In addition, the subject may go deeper, from where it will be extremely difficult to extract.

Rhinolith is the most serious complication of a long stay of a foreign object. Lime and phosphate salts of calcium and magnesium settle on its surface. Mixing with mucus, peculiar capsules are formed, which can be soft and hard, have a smooth or rough surface. In any case, such a "growth" irritates the mucous membrane, which leads to an ongoing cold.

Soon, the discharge becomes purulent, inflammation progresses. The child is concerned about lacrimation, headaches, more often even unilateral. Sometimes, when blowing, clots of mucus with blood streaks come out. If the rhinolite is large enough, deformation of the entire face may occur.

Complications of rhinolitis are very dangerous:

  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • frontal sinusitis;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • bleeding
  • purulent rhinosinusitis;
  • osmeomyelitis of the nasal bones;
  • perforation of partitions.

Which doctors should I contact if I suspect a foreign body in my baby’s nose?

The otolaryngologist is engaged in the extraction of objects from the nasal cavity. It is worth visiting immediately as soon as the parents have discovered a foreign object or there has been a suspicion of its presence. If the child is old enough (over 2 years old), you can carefully try to remove the item at home. But even after a foreign body has come out of the nose, it is necessary to show the child to a specialist. It is important to make sure that there are no rhinoliths, abrasions, inflammations left in the cavity or on the mucous membrane, and the subject has come out completely.

The otolaryngologist carries out diagnostics - rhinoscopy. If the subject descended into the lower part of the nose, fibrorinoscopy is performed. To reduce edema and increase the examination area, the nasal membrane is treated with adrenaline before the examination. As a result of the diagnosis, in most cases it is possible to establish the size and location of the item.

In the case of the long-standing presence of a foreign object in the nose, it is impossible to see it visually during the diagnosis process. Then a metal probe is used, with which the nasal passages are felt. It is difficult to examine babies up to 1-2 years old - they cannot describe their feelings, it is difficult to keep them in a static position for diagnosis. In such situations, ultrasound diagnostics, tomography of the sinuses of the nose, x-ray or backseeding may be prescribed.

Removal of a foreign body from the nose and treatment of the consequences

Parents can carry out independent manipulations to remove a foreign body only if the child is old enough and can clearly follow the instructions. Children under 4–5 years old should be immediately shown to a specialist.

If a foreign object is in front of the nasal passage and is visible to the naked eye, first aid can be provided by parents:

  1. Hold the “clean” nostril of the child, tilt your head forward a little and ask the child to blow his nose badly.
  2. Call a sneeze - invite the child to smell black pepper or ask to look at the bright sun. When sneezing, try to squeeze the free nostril so that all the air comes out of the nasal passage clogged by the object.
  3. Ask the child to breathe only in the mouth if it is impossible to remove the object so that it does not penetrate deeper into the nasal cavity.

In no case do not try:

  • remove the body with tweezers, a wand or other long object;
  • try to remove the body with your fingers;
  • do not drip nose with vasoconstrictor drugs and do not rinse it with water;
  • do not press down the nasal passage with an object stuck in it;
  • do not feed or drink the baby until the item is removed.

Foreign bodies are removed from the baby’s nose on an outpatient basis. The otolaryngologist, using a blunt hook, inserts it into the nasal cavity and pokes the item. Before this, the mucosa is treated with a local anesthetic. At the bottom of the cavity, an object pry hooked from above is brought out.

In those cases when the object is very far away, and it was not possible to extract it in another way, an operation is assigned. It is carried out under anesthesia. Surgically, rhinoliths are removed, which are previously crushed, as well as in the case of perforation of the nasal septum, the introduction of a foreign body into soft tissues, and so on.

Further treatment is aimed at disinfecting the mucosa and eliminating the inflammatory process. After removing the body, a weekly instillation of the nasal passages with disinfectant drops is often prescribed to relieve swelling and inflammation.

Foreign bodies in the nose of children are not uncommon. Especially often this happens with babies under the age of 4-5 years. Even a teenager is not safe from getting insects or other particles out of thin air. However, an adult child will talk about his feelings and complain of pain. It is not easy for preschoolers to find the body in the nose, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms - a runny nose that does not pass for a long time, especially with an admixture of blood, nasal congestion in only one nostril, nasal congestion. Some children may poke their nose unknowingly while trying to extract an item.

The kid learns the world. This is a very important and complex matter that cannot be assigned to someone else or postponed for a more convenient time, because in the first five years of life, a child receives more than three quarters of the skills that will be acquired in a lifetime. So the crumbs have to rush, and various incidents and troubles happen on the way to understanding the world, which can sometimes be dangerous.

For example, do all parents know how to extract a small object from the child’s nose? But in the little children’s spouts such small objects have been visited, and each new generation of world-knowing kids continues to experiment with their spouts and small objects.

It seems to adults that there is nothing interesting and important in this, but a kid must master objects, size, shape, cause and effect, and a huge amount of everything else, so that later, in adulthood, mistakes are made as little as possible . In the meantime, not a single child sock can feel completely safe. You can’t? Fine! And why? Now check! And so, on their own mistakes, any child learns a huge and mysterious world in which they have to live for many decades.

Briefly about the functions and structure of the human nose

The nose of any person performs many important functions. First of all, the nose is one of the respiratory organs through which air from the environment enters the lungs, that is, the first function of the nose is breathing. The second function that the nose performs is reflex, and the most famous reflexes are sneezing and tearing.

As for the next function, which is called olfactory, then special comments are not needed here, since it is the nose that helps a person to smell, and this allows not only to admire the summer meadow or new perfumes, but sometimes it can save a life.

The protective function of the nose is also known - the air entering the nasal cavity is partially cleaned and heated in the cold season. In addition, one of the important functions that the nose performs is the so-called speech, or resonator, function. That is, the nose acts as a resonator in the formation of speech sounds, and the role of nasal resonators in the formation of some sounds is so great that these sounds are even called nasal.

Thus, it becomes completely clear that the nose is intended not only to poke it out of business, which is very characteristic of noses that are curious and excessively inquisitive.

What is the structure of the nose that performs many important functions in the human body?

Any human nose, whether it be the nose of an infant or the nose of an old man, has, firstly, the outer section, which people call the nose itself — long, snub-nosed, thick, ideal or not. Secondly, each person has a nasal cavity.

The outer part of the nose consists of two bones and cartilage. The skin of the nose has great

the amount of sebaceous glands, nerve fibers and a huge number of capillaries.

At the very beginning of the nasal cavity, hairs grow that perform protective functions - they do not allow foreign particles to enter the respiratory tract. The mucous membrane of the nose produces a certain amount of mucus, which has sufficiently strong antiseptic properties and destroys a significant number of viruses and bacteria, preventing them from entering the body.

Interesting! Epistaxis most often occurs in a small area (about one centimeter), which is rich in blood vessels.

The nose is divided into two parts by the nasal septum, which has a bone-cartilage structure. Curvature of the nasal septum can lead to respiratory failure.

The so-called olfactory bulbs, which are located in the upper part of the nasal cavity and are connected with the olfactory analyzers located in the brain, are responsible for the sense of smell.

In addition, in the bones of the skull there are special cavities called sinuses, or paranasal sinuses. The sinuses, which include the maxillary, sphenoid, or main, cavities and frontal sinuses, as well as the ethmoid labyrinth, contain air.

It is clear that any inflammatory processes that develop in the nose can affect the paranasal sinuses and cause serious complications, since the sinuses have exits in the orbits and in the cranial cavity. In addition, it is also clear that any foreign object in the nose can cause inflammation.

Small items in a baby nose

Talking about the importance of the nose is probably no longer necessary. But this is well understood by adults, and children, getting their own life experience, continue to experiment, although sometimes such experiments can cause quite serious harm to health.

Unfortunately, babies often stuff small objects in their nose. What kind of experience do they seek and what knowledge do they lack? However, peas, and beads, and beans, and seeds, and nuts, and buttons, and cherry stones, and many other objects, sometimes even completely unexpected ones, often appear in children's spouts.

Particularly dangerous is the ingestion of organic objects in the child’s nose, such as the same beans, because in a humid environment (and the nasal cavity covered with the mucous membrane is just a moist environment) these objects begin to swell, as a result of which the nasal passages overlap and the baby becomes painfully.

The child begins to get nervous, cry, tries to get an interfering object, but in some cases it is much more difficult to pick out a bean or pea from the nose than to push it there.

Attention! It is very important that within the reach of a small child there are no small objects that can be pushed into the nose or ear, as well as accidentally inhaled.

The danger of very small objects that fall into the baby’s nose lies in the fact that sometimes such small objects can enter the bronchi and cause an inflammatory process, which can only be cured after removing a foreign object from the bronchi.

Attention! If a foreign body has got into the child’s nose, the most correct decision is to immediately contact a medical institution where specialists can provide the necessary assistance and remove the foreign object as efficiently and painlessly as possible.

Doctors say that very small objects of inorganic origin, for example, metal or plastic, can remain in the baby’s nose for a rather long time and only occasionally are detected during a medical examination by an ENT doctor (otolaryngologist). However, foreign objects of organic origin, staying in the nose for a long time, begin to rot and emit an unpleasant odor. It is a putrefactive smell that sometimes allows us to suspect that not everything is in order with the baby's nose.

But, in addition to the unpleasant odor, parents should be alert for other symptoms that will suspect something was wrong: the baby becomes moody, restless, tearful; complains of pain in the nose; tear appears; nasal breathing is disturbed, especially that nostril where a foreign object is located; the sense of smell is disturbed; purulent discharge may appear from the nose, sometimes even with an admixture of blood; nosebleeds may appear that have no apparent cause.

If a foreign body is in the nose for a long time, then an inflammatory process can develop in the nasal mucosa, which may well spread to the sinuses. If this nevertheless happened and the sinuses are inflamed, then the child will certainly complain of a headache; in addition, body temperature may rise.

Attention! Attempts to get a foreign body with tweezers can be very dangerous, since bleeding can start quite strongly with any careless movement.

How can a small object be removed from a baby’s nose?

The most correct thing that can be done if a foreign object gets into the child’s nose is to see a doctor immediately. But immediate treatment, unfortunately, is far from always possible, so you need to know how to provide your baby with first aid or how to try to remove a foreign object from your nose at home.

First of all, you should ask the baby to blow his nose as actively as possible. Sometimes, before such an active blowing of the nose, it is very nice to drip a few drops of vegetable oil into the nose. But not all small children can blow their nose, so this method is not suitable for everyone.

Sometimes it is advised to try to blow air through the child’s mouth or blow the nostril with a rubber spray through the free nasal passage (nostril) with the mouth closed.

What, then, do experts advise to take?

  1. The first thing to do is to carefully look into the baby’s nostrils to see a foreign body in the baby’s nasal cavity.
  2. Then, vasoconstrictive drops should be instilled into the nose (in that nasal passage where there is a foreign body). Experts warn that in this case it is necessary to use drops, not spray can or spray preparation, since both spray and aerosol are injected under some pressure, and this pressure can have an undesirable effect on the object stuck in the nose, pushing it deep into .
  3. When the droplets work (it will take from ten to twenty minutes), you can try to clean the nose.

First of all, you should determine which of the nasal passages a foreign object has fallen into. Then you need to close the uninjured nostril with your finger and sharply inhale the baby in the mouth. After several such breaths, the foreign body often leaves the nasal cavity.

If the child is no longer completely baby and can follow the instructions of an adult, then you need to ask the baby to breathe with his mouth, and close the uninjured nostril with your finger to stop air from entering it. Then you should ask the child to inhale as much air as possible and make a very strong exhalation through the unclosed nostril, in which something extraneous is stuck. If the child feels that the subject has advanced at least a little, then this procedure should be repeated several times until the nostril is released.

It is known that the nostril can be freed from excess objects with intense sneezing. Therefore, you can try to provoke a sneeze in the child, which can be achieved by sniffing, for example, black pepper.

Attention! If there is a foreign object in the child’s nasal cavity, in no case should you attempt to remove this object with tweezers, a finger, a cotton swab or using any other objects, because there is a very high risk of moving the object even deeper. In addition, for the same reason, you can not rinse the nostril with water or any other liquid, and also press the affected nostril with your finger.

We seek medical help

If it is not possible to remove the foreign body from the nose by any home methods, then you should immediately contact a specialist for qualified medical help.

Prior to the arrival of the ambulance crew or before visiting a doctor in a medical institution, it is not necessary to give the child either food or drink, so that while swallowing a foreign object could not move even deeper into the nasal cavity.

It is very important to remember that if a foreign object is not visible in the child’s nose, however, there are signs and symptoms of a foreign object getting into the nose, it is strictly forbidden to take any independent measures, and you should immediately consult a doctor.

If a foreign object was removed from the nose, but heavy bleeding began, which is not possible to stop using any method available at home, then you must immediately call an ambulance.

It should not be forgotten that even if a foreign object can still be removed and the nose is released, but normal breathing is not restored for a long time, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

In those cases when mucus or liquid is actively released from the nasal passage from where the foreign object was extracted and these secretions do not decrease during the day, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

And finally, if a foreign object was removed from the nasal cavity, but the baby continues to complain of pain in the nose, it is necessary to seek professional medical help.

Attention! Sometimes a foreign body that has entered the baby’s nasal cavity and was not removed from it on time can turn into rhinolitis. The term "rhinolite" comes from the Greek word lithos , which translates as stone, and means that a foreign body as a result of its surroundings with calcium phosphate and carbonate salts and mucus turns into a kind of hard deposit, which is called calculus.

To avoid the undesirable consequences of foreign objects getting into the baby’s nose, you should carefully monitor the baby, constantly monitor his actions and, at the slightest suspicion of any problem, immediately consult a doctor.


The kid comprehends the world. The kid is trying to understand how everything around him works and how he works. The kid just needs this knowledge, but sometimes indefatigable curiosity can cause serious trouble. How can one protect a baby who, because of his thirst for knowledge, can harm himself?

First of all, the baby should not be left alone. And even more so, it is impossible to leave the little fidget and researcher unattended when there are potentially dangerous objects around. Probably everyone saw that many toys have a warning sign that they are intended for children of a certain age: say, after three years. You can’t neglect these inscriptions in any case, because even the most wonderful designer can be dangerous due to small details that a curious kid can try to adapt for other purposes and even with a danger to his own health. What is there to do?

After all, you can’t change children, because in this way they develop and comprehend the world, and so it was and always will be. This means that adults should be more careful, more careful, prudent, more accurate. After all, the fact that any adult does not even pay attention to the baby can be both interesting and dangerous.

And most importantly, you need to love your baby, help him develop and comprehend new things in a huge and interesting surrounding world, but at the same time try to protect him from possible dangers that sometimes lurk in an ordinary cherry stone or in a bead from the most beautiful mother's necklace, which ( here is my word of honor) broke by accident and in general in itself.

As a rule, foreign objects do not penetrate too deeply and are removed independently or on an outpatient basis. But in some cases, objects fall into the middle nasal concha or sinuses.

Types of foreign bodies

Most often, parents with children 2-6 years old seek medical help for a foreign object in the nose. While playing, the kids themselves or their peers push various things into the respiratory canals that are classified according to the nature of their origin:

  • organic - fruit seeds, peas, beans, beans, sunflower seeds, pieces of vegetables;
  • metal - buttons and paper clips, small coins, button batteries;
  • inorganic - paper, fragments of toys, pieces of wood, beads;
  • living - insects.

In addition, all foreign objects are divided into radiopaque and low contrast, which are difficult to see in an x-ray: plastic, wood.

In rare cases, foreign objects enter the baby’s nose through the choans (openings between the nasal cavity and the pharynx) during vomiting. In addition, pieces of cotton wool or gauze left after medical interventions may appear in the channels.

For adult patients, the presence of a foreign body in the sinuses is more typical. The cause of penetration is facial trauma or dental procedures, during which filling materials, fragments of the roots or pieces of the implant enter the cavity.


The severity of the signs depends on the size and shape of the foreign body, its location, the age of the victim.

The most common symptoms are:

  • apparent concern of the child;
  • difficulty breathing in one nostril;
  • the appearance of copious mucus;
  • constant finger picking in the nose;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • nasal voices, snorting.

The baby may complain of pain in the head, slight dizziness, loss of appetite.

With a long stay of a foreign body in the nose, other signs appear:

  • purulent discharge with a sacrum;
  • bad breath and nostrils;
  • inflammation and swelling of the mucosa;
  • skin irritation above the upper lip;
  • persistent headache associated with a lack of oxygen;
  • fatigue, tearfulness.

Local symptoms are usually localized in one half of the nose, but when a foreign object penetrates into both parts at once, congestion and discharge will be bilateral.

In the presence of a foreign body in the sinus of the nose, symptoms of sinusitis appear:

  • a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the face when tilting;
  • pain under the eyes and in the nose;
  • with a unilateral lesion, edema of half of the face is observed;
  • temperature increase to 38–40 ° C.

Chewing discomfort, weakness, impaired smell, loss of appetite may appear.

First aid

The health and life of a small person sometimes depends on how correctly and timely first aid was provided. It is possible to engage in self-removal of a foreign body only if the baby understands what he is being asked for and can follow the instructions of adults. Children under 3 years old should be taken to hospital immediately.

How to get a foreign body out of a baby’s nose? First of all, you need to determine how far a foreign object is stuck. If it is visible to the naked eye, the following actions should be taken:

  1. Insert into nose.
  2. After 5 minutes, ask the baby to blow his nose and help him, holding his free nostril with his finger.
  3. If the previous procedure is ineffective, active sneezing should be provoked.

If both methods are unsuccessful, it is necessary to deliver the affected child to the hospital.

When a live insect enters the nose, it is not recommended to take any independent actions. In this case, you need to urgently contact the doctors, as arthropod can crawl further and create many problems.

If a foreign object can be removed, you should show the injured specialist as soon as possible. Firstly, it is important to make sure that the item is removed completely and that there are no wounds or abrasions left on the mucosa. Secondly, the child needs to take a course of anti-inflammatory therapy.

What can not be done?

When planning to pull a foreign object out of your nose, you need to understand that this is a very serious event and any wrong actions can only aggravate the situation.

It is strictly forbidden:

  • rinse nose with fluids;
  • remove a foreign body with tweezers, a cotton swab or pick out with a finger;
  • put pressure on the nostril from the affected side.

In no case should you try to pick up a foreign body in the child’s nose with a sharp and long object, like a hook or knitting needle. Such "help" can lead to the most unpleasant consequences and result in surgical intervention.

Which doctor should I go to?

Extraction of foreign bodies from the nasal cavity is performed by an ENT doctor or otolaryngologist. In an extreme case, if a specialist is not in place, you should visit a surgeon or contact a 24-hour emergency room.

If the trouble occurred at night or the trip to the hospital is difficult, you can call an ambulance and explain by phone what happened. Doctors will tell you what to do and, if necessary, send the car on call.


Diagnosis of a foreign body in the nasal cavity can be difficult, especially if they did not immediately seek medical help. In this case, the item is firmly fixed in the soft tissues and a period of temporary rest occurs.

To detect it, anterior and posterior rhinoscopy is performed, in the presence of an endoscope, an endoscopy is performed or the nasal passages are probed with a metal probe. It is especially difficult to find an inveterate object in children who cannot or are afraid to tell about their feelings, and sometimes simply do not feel a foreign body.

In such cases, a small patient is prescribed a fluoroscopy and radiography in 3 projections. If the foreign object is low contrast and poorly visible in the nasal cavity, CT and contrast are used. These methods help to detect any object and differentiate it with a tumor, common or diphtheria.

Medical assistance

Removal of a foreign body from the nose is most often carried out on an outpatient basis. Before the procedure, local anesthesia is performed with the further introduction of vasoconstrictor drops. After 10-15 minutes, the nasal passages are examined and the detected object is pulled out with a blunt hook or with forceps.

For young children, the intervention is performed under general anesthesia, since it is impossible to force the baby to sit quietly. Full anesthesia is also used if the item cannot be removed under local anesthesia.

After extraction of a foreign object, anti-inflammatory and symptomatic therapy is carried out. The treatment regimen depends on how long the item has been in the patient’s soft tissues and what consequences it caused.

Most often, a broad-spectrum antibiotic course is prescribed: Ampicillin, Amoxiclav, Suprax, Zinnat. Vitamin complexes and immunostimulants, calcium preparations are prescribed as general strengthening agents. To cleanse the mucosa, use Dolphin, Morenazal.

How can parents protect their child?

Of course, finding a small child is difficult, especially if he is not the only one in the family. But avoiding the most common causes of the problem to parents is quite within their power.

Prevention measures:

  • do not leave children unattended;
  • remove small, sharp and piercing objects from the reach zone;
  • buy toys by age. A child up to 3 years old is better not to purchase designers with small parts, collapsible dolls and cars;
  • take out the seeds from the fruit before offering them to the child.

With preschoolers and schoolchildren of the younger age group, it is necessary to conduct discussions about the safety rules on the street and at home, to explain what the consequences may be in case of disobedience.

In adults, foreign body prophylaxis in the sinuses is reduced to regular dental care and the avoidance of facial injuries.


As a rule, the most serious consequences develop with a long stay of a foreign body in the nose. If this is an insect, it sooner or later dies and begins to decompose, releasing a fetid odor and provoking an inflammatory process.

Fragile objects can collapse and migrate through the respiratory tract, penetrating into the sinuses and pharynx. Solids are overgrown with salts and turn into rhinolitis (a stone in the nose). With a large neoplasm, it is possible to bend the central septum or perforate it, breaking the face symmetry.

Sinusitis is another serious complication. Mycetoma, meningitis, acute tonsillitis, inflammation of the bones of the face, osteomyelitis can join it.

The sooner adults find a foreign body in the baby’s nose and take appropriate measures, the less serious complications are. If you can’t delete the object yourself, you must immediately consult a specialist.

Useful video on how to remove a foreign body from the nose