National and interethnic relations presentation. Presentation "nations and interethnic relations"

In a multinational state, interethnic relations are an integral part of political relations. The state establishes, regulates relations between nations and nationalities. The set of principles, norms, rules by means of which the management of national relations is carried out constitutes a national policy. In each multinational country national policy has its own characteristics. At the same time, there are ways and methods of solving the national question, optimization of national relations, proven by historical experience.

In the system of national relations, the key, decisive, are political aspects. Directly in the sphere of politics are such issues of national relations as national self-determination, the combination of national and international interests, the equality of nations, the creation of conditions for the free development of national languages \u200b\u200band national cultures, the representation of national cadres in the power structure and some other issues. At the same time, the formation national idea, political attitudes, political behavior, political culture, a noticeable impact is exerted by historically developing traditions, social feelings and moods, geographical and cultural living conditions habitat of nations, nationalities. In essence, all issues of interethnic relations acquire political significance and can be resolved at the political level. The most important expression of the essence of national relations is the national question.

The national question is, first of all, the relations of national inequality, inequality of the levels of economic and cultural development of various nations, the lag of unequal and oppressed nations behind privileged, great-power nations. This is an atmosphere of ethnic strife, enmity and suspicion on ethnic grounds that naturally arise on the basis of inequality and de facto inequality of nations in access to economic and cultural values. The national question is not so much an ethnic problem as a socio-political one.

The national question always has a specific historical and social content, including a set of national problems at a certain stage in the development of a given country. The specific content of the national question reflects the peculiarities of the historical development of the country and its peoples, the specificity of their socio-economic and political structure, socio-class structure, national composition of the population, historical and national traditions and other factors. Moreover, with the solution of some problems, others arise, sometimes more complex, due to an increase in the level of development of the nations themselves. Therefore, there can be no complete and final solution of the national question in all aspects and social dimensions.

The national question in the former USSR was resolved in several aspects: national oppression and, to a certain extent, national inequality (economic and cultural) were eliminated, conditions were created for the economic, social and cultural progress of the former national borderlands. At the same time, serious mistakes and violations were made in the course of the national policy. Contradictions and conflict situations were generated by the very fact of coexistence in one union state of more than 130 nations, nationalities, national and ethnic groups. National entities differed significantly in terms of ethnosocial, ethnocultural, ethno-demographic characteristics. These differences led to the difference in the interests and needs of peoples, which gave rise to contradictions.

The collapse of the USSR caused numerous frictions and conflicts at different levels and in different regions of one-sixth of the planet. Against the background of the strengthening of the tendency towards national self-determination, the rise of national self-consciousness, centrifugal, separatist aspirations of ethnopolitical forces have emerged, placing their ambitions above the vital interests of the peoples. The reasons for interethnic conflicts on the territory of Russia can be considered the following: committed acts of injustice and lawlessness in relation to certain peoples (for example, the resettlement of entire peoples); uneven economic, social and cultural development of the republics, national-cultural formations; the predominance of the sectoral principle of management, as a result of which national conditions and traditions, social and economic interests of the integrated development of territories were not always taken into account; general socio-economic crisis that gripped the state; changes in the ethnic composition of the population of certain regions as a result of demographic and migration processes; the problem of relations between the indigenous and non-indigenous population of the regions; the growth of national identity; underestimation of the national factor by the authorities.

The search for mechanisms and ways to solve them is intensively conducted today in many areas. The conclusion of the Federal Treaty, the adoption of a new Constitution and a number of laws that directly or indirectly regulate relations between the subjects of the Federation, bilateral agreements on the separation of powers, all this creates a legal basis not only for the development of interethnic relations, but also for the normal functioning of the entire social organism, the successful formation of a new one. federal statehood. The experience accumulated in this direction requires its timely and comprehensive analysis, taking into account the fact that interethnic relations are closely connected with all other types of social relations, and their content and forms of manifestation are determined by the general situation in the country.


NATION A nation is a historically formed community of people, which is characterized by the formation of common economic ties, a community of historical life, language, territory, certain features of psychology, art and everyday life. Historically the highest form of ethnosocial community of people

Interethnic relations 1. relations between different nationalities within one state; 2. relations between different nation-states. Forms of interethnic relations Peaceful cooperation Ethnic conflict (from Lat. Conflictus - collision).

Ways of peaceful cooperation: Ethnic mixing (Latin American peoples) Ethnic absorption (assimilation) USA Creation plurinational state Russian Federation

Question for reflection: What difficulties, problems related to the national question, are there now in our country?

Russian Federation: population - 143 million. nationalities - over 160 2010 Census

The main trends in the development of nations Interethnic differentiation is a process of separation Interethnic integration is a process of gradual unification of various ethnic groups 1. Self-isolation in general 2. Protectionism in the economy 3. Nationalism in various forms in politics and culture 4. Religious fanaticism 1. Economic and political unions 2. International and cultural centers 3. Interpenetration of religions, cultures, values \u200b\u200b4. Transnational corporations (TNCs) Interethnic conflict GLOBALIZATION

Globalization is a historical process of rapprochement of nations and peoples, between which traditional borders are gradually being erased, and humanity is turning into a single political system Name the pros and cons of globalization

Interethnic conflict is one of the forms of relations between national communities, characterized by a state of mutual claims, open confrontation of peoples and nations with a friend, which tends to grow contradictions up to armed clashes, open wars

Types of interethnic conflicts: 1. State-legal (dissatisfaction with the legal status of the nation, striving for its own statehood; conflict with state power structures, which includes the nation). 2. Ethno-territorial (defining the boundaries of the nation). 3. Ethno-demographic (protection of the rights of indigenous nationalities). 4. Socio-psychological (change in lifestyle, violation of human rights).

Modern sociologists offer the following classification of the causes of interethnic conflicts - Socio-economic - inequality in the standard of living, different representation in prestigious professions, social strata, and government bodies. - Cultural and linguistic - insufficient, from the point of view of an ethnic minority, the use of its language and culture in public life. - Ethno-demographic - a rapid change in the ratio of the number of contacting peoples due to migration and differences in the level of natural population growth. - Environmental - deterioration in quality environment as a result of its pollution or depletion natural resources due to use by representatives of a different ethnic group. - Extraterritorial - non-coincidence of state or administrative borders with the boundaries of the settlement of peoples. - Historical - past relationships of peoples (wars, the former relationship of domination-subordination, etc.). - Confessional - due to belonging to different religions and confessions, differences in the level of modern religiosity of the population. - Cultural - from the features of everyday behavior to the specifics of the political culture of the people.

National policy The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Articles 19, 26, 29) "Concept of national policy Russian Federation»Principles: Equality of rights and freedoms Prohibition of restricting rights on grounds of social, racial, national, linguistic, religious affiliation Equality of subjects of the Russian Federation The right of a citizen to indicate his nationality Peaceful resolution of contradictions and conflicts Prohibition of activities aimed at inciting social, racial, national, religious discord, hatred Protection of the rights and interests of citizens of the Russian Federation abroad by him.

The concepts of NATIONALISM are ideology and politics, which are based on the ideas of national exclusivity and national superiority, the interpretation of the nation as the highest form of society. SHOVINISM is the ideology and policy of militant nationalism, preaching the national and racial exclusivity of one people, hatred and contempt for other peoples and inciting national and racial hatred. RACISM is an ideology and politics, the basis of which are the provisions on the physical and mental inequality of human races and on the decisive influence of racial differences on the history and culture of society, on the primordial division of people into higher and lower races, of which the former are the only creators of civilization, called to dominance , while the latter are incapable of creating and even assimilating a high culture and are doomed to exploitation. GENOCIDE is a policy of extermination of entire groups of the population based on ethnicity.

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There are 21 presentations in total

Nations and interethnic relations.

  • Plan:
  • Ethnic communities.
  • National identity.
  • Nationalism. Interethnic conflicts.
  • Ways to overcome interethnic conflicts.
  • The concept of national policy in the Russian Federation.
1. Ethnic communities.
  • Community form
  • Main characteristic
  • Main period of existence
  • Group of blood relatives (along the line of the father or mother)
  • The era of primitive societies.
  • Tribe
  • The totality of the genus, united by blood ties, territorial, economic, linguistic community.
  • Nationality
  • A set of tribes united by a common territory, economic, linguistic and cultural ties.
  • The period of slavery and feudalism.
  • Nation
  • A community of people united by a single territory, economy, language, culture, identity and organized into a state.
  • Starting with capitalism.
2. National identity
  • National identity is the awareness of people of one nation, common ideals, cultural norms, traditions.
  • National interests -
  • 1. The need to preserve one's own peculiarity, uniqueness in human history.
  • 2. Psychologically not to be fenced off from other nations and peoples. Enrich your culture.
3. Nationalism. Interethnic conflicts.
  • Colonialism
  • The system of dominance of stronger states over other countries and peoples (seizure of their territories, their own selfish use of their resources, suppression of independence)
  • Racism
  • The division of human races and nations into "full-fledged" and "inferior" and the policy of oppression, discrimination of the "lower" races by the "higher".
  • Apartheid
  • Until the 1990s, the policy of isolation and discrimination against the "colored" population of South Africa (80% of all residents) by the white race (20%).
  • Anti-semitism
  • A policy of hostility, denial of rights, persecution, and even extermination towards Jews.
  • Genocide
  • Extermination of entire groups of the population based on ethnicity.
4. Ways of overcoming interethnic conflicts.
  • Tolerance - tolerance for other views, customs, morals, traditions, ideological convictions.
  • A humanistic approach to solving national issues -
  • The idea of \u200b\u200bpeace, harmony, respect for national dignity.
  • Consistent development of democracy, legal principles in society.
  • Equality of human and civil rights regardless of race, nationality.
  • Prohibition of restricting citizens on the basis of racial, social, religious affiliation.
  • Preservation of the historically established integrity of the Russian Federation.
  • Guaranteeing the rights of indigenous peoples.
5. The concept of national policy in the Russian Federation.
  • The right of every citizen to determine and indicate his nationality without any coercion.
  • Assistance in the development of national cultures and languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation.
  • Timely resolution of contradictions and conflicts.
  • Prohibition of activities aimed at undermining the security of the state, at inciting ethnic hatred.

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Nations and interethnic relations

Why should we study this topic? Who is the source of power in Russia? How many nationalities live in Russia? What is "ethnos"? What interethnic conflicts have you heard about? What is Tolerance?

Tasks of studying the topic Know what ethnos and ethnic communities are. Understand the meaning of the main concepts of the topic (nation, nationalism, Nazism, chauvinism, racism, xenophobia, separatism, mentality, self-awareness) 3. Know the causes of interethnic conflicts and ways to resolve them.

Correlate the type of society and ethnic community Ethnic community Type of society (stadial approach) Type of society (formational approach) Gender A) industrial D) capitalism 2. Tribe B) pre-industrial E) feudalism 3. Nationality C) post-industrial E) primitive 4. Nation

Compare the two concepts of "nation" - a historical community of people characterized by a common origin, language, territory, economic structure, as well as mental makeup and culture, manifested in ethnic consciousness and self-awareness. a historically established community of people on the basis of a common territory, economic structure, a system of political ties, language, culture and psychological makeup, manifested in general civil consciousness and self-awareness (a sense of belonging to one's people, to its historical fate).

Nation An autonomous political grouping, not limited by territorial limits, whose members are committed to common values \u200b\u200band institutions Nationality - a person's belonging to a particular nation

National values \u200b\u200bare what is especially significant and important for a person and society, what is recognized, with which people generally agree.

National mentality is usually defined as a way of thinking, a spiritual attitude, inherent in this particular ethnic community. In other words, the national mentality is a kind of memory of the past that determines the behavior of people and helps them to remain true to their historically formed values \u200b\u200band traditions.

Interethnic (interethnic) relations - relations between ethnic groups (peoples), covering all spheres of public life.

Ethnology is a science that studies the processes of formation and development of various ethnic groups, their identity, forms of their cultural self-organization, their collective behavior, interaction between the individual and the social environment.

Trends in ethnic processes of modernity of integration - cooperation, unification of different ethno-state communities, rapprochement of all aspects of peoples' life; differentiation - aspirations of peoples for national independence

Ethnic conflict is any competition (rivalry) between groups, from confrontation over the possession of limited resources to social competition between different ethnic groups.

The main causes of conflicts are Territorial - the struggle to change borders, Economic - the struggle of ethnic groups for the possession of property, material resources, among which, in particular, land and mineral resources are of great value. Social - the demands of civil equality, equality before the law, in education, in wages, equality in employment, especially for prestigious positions in government. Cultural and linguistic - the requirements for the preservation or revival, the development of language, cultural community.

Examples of conflicts The fascist dictator Hitler, having come to power in Germany in 1933, made the destruction of the Jewish population part of state policy.In November 1947, the UN decided to create in Palestine, the British Mandate Territory, a Jewish and Arab state - Israel and Palestine. May 1948 - the proclamation of the creation of Israel Since that time, a conflict begins, which continues to this day. Yugoslavia and Albania England and Ireland

Prevention Ways conflict situations The first is the use of legal mechanisms, the second is negotiations between the conflicting parties, both direct (between the delegations of the parties) and through intermediaries. The third is informational. It assumes the exchange of information between the parties on possible measures to overcome conflict situations. A public dialogue (in the press, on television) of representatives of all ethnic groups is appropriate, with the goal of jointly developing proposals that meet common interests.

The humanistic approach is the main guideline in the implementation of moral, political, legal regulation of interethnic relations. The main features of this approach are: recognition and respect for the diversity of cultures, adherence to the ideas of peace, rejection of violence in relations between peoples; development and continuous functioning of democracy, ensuring the implementation of individual rights and freedoms, regardless of nationality; focus government agencies, mass media, education, sports, all forms of literature and art to form a culture of interethnic communication among citizens, especially youth.

Terms (write in a notebook) Genocide - extermination of certain groups of the population on racial, national, religious principles Anti-Semitism - national intolerance towards Jews Racism - existence of unequal races, divided into higher and lower ones Apartheid - racial discrimination legally enshrined and supported by the state authorities Nationalism - the idea of \u200b\u200bexclusivity and the superiority of a nation over another Chauvinism is an extreme aggressive form of nationalism Afrocentrism is the idea of \u200b\u200bsuperiority of black Africans over people with white and yellow skin Xenophobia is an obsessive dislike of "outsiders" Discrimination is an infringement of rights Separatism is a demand for sovereignty and independence for an ethnic group

Tolerance - respect, trust, willingness to cooperate, compromise with people of any nationality, the desire to understand and accept their cultural values, lifestyle, behavior.

Homework What documents define national policy in the Russian Federation and what are its main provisions? In the spring of 2002, a young Russian woman, Tatiana Sapunova, while driving along the busy Kievskoe highway, saw a poster calling for the murder of Jews on the side of the road. The woman tried to rip it off, but it was mined. Tatiana survived and was later awarded the Order of Courage. In some media, the installation of the poster was called a fascist sortie. How do you explain why Tatiana did not drive past the poster, like the others? Express your assessment of: a) actions and positions of those who installed the poster; b) those who calmly passed by; c) those who were responsible for order on this section of the road; Give examples of interethnic conflicts