What is the Compass Rose and how is it composed? Constructing a compass rose Draws a compass rose.

When planning your estate, it's always helpful to know the prevailing wind direction.

The wind rose is a circular vector diagram that reflects the direction of wind movement over a certain period. Such graphs are widely used in meteorology, climatology, as well as in the construction of runways for airfields, residential areas and industrial zones.

You will need

Or your observation diary, squared lined paper, ruler, pencil, Excel spreadsheets


For educational purposes, the wind rose is often studied in local history and geography lessons, as well as in construction universities and technical schools. It is not difficult to build a simple wind rose for a specific area. This task is often performed by students in grades 6-9.

In order to build your own wind rose, you will need data on the daily wind direction for a month or more. This information can be obtained independently through daily observations of the weather, or you can also take it for the study period.

Then you build a chart base to organize your observations. To do this, draw a coordinate system in which the main axes will reflect the four main cardinal directions - north, east, south and west. Then, through the center of coordinates, draw additional two axes and mark on them intermediate sides light: northeast, southeast, northwest and southwest. On each axis, plot regular divisions representing the conditional number of days. If considered month period, coordinate intervals can reflect one day.

After completing the preparatory work, you can proceed directly to building the wind rose. To do this, count the number of days during which the wind blew in a certain direction, and plot them on each of the axes. Mark the number of days in each direction with a dot. Then carefully connect the resulting points with straight lines to create a closed polygon. Mark the number of windless days (calm) in the circle in the center of the diagram. If during the studied period of time there was no wind in one of the directions of the light, the connecting line at this place should be interrupted.

As a result of the work, you will receive a wind rose for your region for the study period. Its rays will be uneven, and the longest of them will show the prevailing direction of wind movement in the study area.

You can also build a wind rose diagram automatically in Excel. To do this, create a file in which you enter in the form of a table the available data on the number of days and the direction of the winds. You should get two columns: with the names of the directions of light and with the number of windy days. Then in the menu "Insert" - "Chart" select the item "Petal chart" and follow the advice of the diagramming wizard. As a result, you will get a graphic image of the wind rose.

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Lesson type: Practical work.



  • the formation of skills to conduct independent observation of the elements of the weather in their area, analysis and processing of the results obtained, formulating conclusions;
  • practicing skills in working with different sources of information; analyzing data and formulating conclusions;
  • development of skills for correct registration of work results.


  • development of skills to observe the elements of the weather in their area;
  • development of skills for working in pairs;
  • development of the ability to observe, process and analyze the material obtained, draw conclusions.


  • fostering a responsible attitude to the performance of collective work;
  • fostering a creative approach to practical work;
  • development of cognitive interest.

Equipment:computers, projector, weather observation diary.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment (organization of pair work at computers, receiving assignments, instructions on how to perform assignments.)

II. Setting the goals of the lesson.

Goal:process the material of observation diaries, build wind roses for each month and an annual wind rose for Novosibirsk, analyze and draw conclusions.

III. Basic knowledge update:

  • define the concept of "wind";
  • remember the reasons affecting the formation of the wind;
  • what device determines the direction of the wind?
  • how to determine the direction of the wind;
  • on which side of the horizon is the name of the wind determined?

IV. Practical work in pairs, on computers.

A) The theoretical part. Explanation of the teacher.

wind rose

The diagram that shows the directions of the winds prevailing in a given area is called a wind rose.

Wind rose is a diagram characterizing the wind regime in a given place according to long-term observations and looks like a polygon, in which the lengths of rays diverging from the center of the diagram in different directions are proportional to the frequency of the winds in these directions ("from where" the wind blows).

The wind rose, built on the basis of real observation data, allows, according to the length of the rays of the constructed polygon, to reveal the direction of the prevailing, or prevailing wind, from which the air flow most often comes to a given area.

Explanation of the main elements of the compass rose (slide 3)

  1. The main and intermediate sides of the horizon.
  2. It is conventionally assumed that one segment on the chart corresponds to a certain number of days.
  3. On the lines of the corresponding directions, the number of days with the winds of this direction is set aside from the center and a point is put.
  4. The points marked on the lines are connected in series, in the center they draw a circle in which they put the number of days without wind (calm).

B) The practical part.

Pupils in the course of practical work, must build a diagram "Wind rose" for a certain period of time, for the city of Novosibirsk. Make the appropriate entries.

The work is carried out according to the instruction card.

Instructional card for students number 1. Appendix 1... (Flashcards 2-12)

1. Using the weather observation data for the month of January, construct a wind rose diagram.

Weather for January 2008 Appendix 2 .

Algorithm for performing work for students.

1. Open the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet editor (Presentation, slide -4-6).

2. Build a table using the data from observation diaries (preliminary calculate the winds of which directions were during the month.)

Direction of the wind Amount of days
C-B 2
IN 4
S-V 4
YU 6
S-W 11
Z 2
S-Z 0
calm 0

3. Build an electronic version of a wind rose (select the type of diagram "Petal"), sign the diagram "Wind rose for the city of Novosibirsk, January, 2008".

4. Make a conclusion

  • What directions were the winds during the month?
  • How has the direction of the winds affected the temperature of the given month?

Conclusion: most of all in January the wind blew from the southwest - 11 days, 6 days - from the south, 4 days - from the southeast, 4 days - from the east, 3 days - there were northeastern winds, 2 days - west, 1 day in January the wind was blowing from the north and there were no winds from the northwest at all. During the month the winds were of the southern, southeast and southwestern directions, such a state of winds affected the temperature of the month, they were not very frosty, moderate for this month in our Novosibirsk region.

5. Prepare 3 slides for a general presentation, according to your month (1 slide - a table of observation diary data, 2 nd slide - diagram "Wind rose", 3 slide - conclusion), (Presentation, slide 7-39)

6. Construction of the diagram "Annual wind rose for the city of Novosibirsk, January, 2008" (Presentation, slide 40-44).

  • Enter into the spreadsheet the data that you received in your work specifically for your month (students fill out the general table for their month).
Number of days in a month Wind direction
January. 31 1 3 4 4 5 11 3 0
February. 29 0 0 0 1 23 3 2 0
March. 31 1 1 0 3 11 8 4 3
April. 30 3 1 2 2 8 6 5 3
May. 31 1 2 2 1 3 6 3 9 4
June. 30 5 4 1 2 3 11 3 1
July. 31 4 0 1 1 5 10 8 2
August. 31 4 1 0 6 7 4 4 5
September. 30 1 4 1 1 8 6 3 6
October. 31 1 0 1 0 4 8 11 5 1
November. 30 0 3 1 2 10 10 3 1
December. 31 2 0 0 3 13 7 4 2
Total. 366 2 23 20 11 32 107 90 53 28
  • Based on the data obtained, we will construct an annual wind rose for our area.

7. Formulate the conclusion for this diagram

  • What winds were there during the year?
  • What were the most winds?
  • What were the least winds?
  • How has the direction of the winds affected the temperature of the year?
  • Most of all, 107 days a year there were southerly winds;
  • 90 days a year there were winds from the southwest direction;
  • For 32 days the winds were southeast.

South winds bring to our territory warm airand warm weather sets in. In 2008, there were 209 days of southerly winds, so temperatures are relatively warm.

  • 53 days there were winds from the west

westerly winds usually bring moisture to our territory, the data of observation diaries confirm this often westerly direction of winds was accompanied by precipitation.

  • northwest winds were 28
  • northern - 23
  • northeastern - 20

in total, the wind from the northern direction blew 71 days a year, so there were not so many frosty days in winter and frost in summer days in 2008.


Students enter their slides (1 slide - a table of observation diary data, 2 nd slide - a diagram "Wind rose", 3 slide - output) in the general presentation on a computer, receive grades.

Place of this lesson in the topic - lesson number 5 in the "Atmosphere" section. In the previous lesson, the children studied the topic "Wind", where the concepts of "wind", "reasons for the formation of wind", "breeze" were worked out. This lesson was devoted to familiarization with the concepts of "wind direction" and "wind rose" and the formation of the ability to work with the schedule "wind rose". This lesson is closely related to the subsequent topic - "Water in the atmosphere".

Lesson type - lesson - workshop

Didactic teaching principles used in the lesson:

  • objectivity, scientific nature;
  • links between theory and practice;
  • consistency, consistency;
  • accessibility with the required degree of difficulty;
  • visibility, variety of methods.

Technologies used in the lesson:

1. Information and communication technologies (ICT). Most students need a more visual presentation of the educational material, which will allow better assimilation of the information received, as well as the development of their creative abilities. A Power Point presentation was demonstrated during the lesson.

2. Technology of project training. Properly organized work will have a positive impact on students, will contribute to the independent acquisition of knowledge and experience from direct communication with real life, developing their ability to work with constantly changing information, independence, critical thinking, initiative. If a student constantly engages in project activities during his school years, then in real adult life he will be more adapted, will be able to plan his own activities, navigate in various situations, work together with different people, that is, adapt to the surrounding conditions.

Necessary equipment and materials:

1. Computer, projector.

2. Handouts, pens in two colors (red and blue), ruler.

Forms of work used in the lesson - frontal, individual, practical, group work.

Teaching methods,used e on the lesson - practical (this technique assumes active practical activity of students); visual (implies the use in the learning process of visual aids or other means that reflect the essence of the studied objects, processes or phenomena): p troubled (training proceeding in the form of resolving the posed problem situations. The problem should activate the thinking processes of students and encourage them to active search solutions).

Pedagogical techniques:

"Ranking" - the arrangement in the desired order of concepts.

"Environmental problem" - requires solving problematic problems.

Wind Direction is an experiment game.

"Graphing" - building "Wind roses".

"Self-assessment tree" - the implementation of self-assessment and mutual assessment of work in the classroom.

Lesson construction meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and includes the following stages: updating knowledge - it was proposed to establish a causal relationship reflecting the reason for the formation of the wind in order to prepare them for the perception of new material.

Motivation stage - the children were offered an ecological task, in solving which the students are faced with the problem of the influence of the wind direction on the level of pollution of the territory. The solution to the problem situation was facilitated by an experiment game, during which the children determined the direction of the wind. The game is at the same time a step towards acquaintance with the concept of "Wind rose".

Trial build graphics are carried out using the algorithm proposed in the textbook.

After solving the problem, I suggest the children formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

At the stage of the initial consolidation of the material, the students were asked to complete a mini-project - to build a wind rose and determine which wind prevailed in our city in January 2017.

At the stage of reflection the guys assessed themselves and the group members using a form and a rating scale of a metasubject nature, the author of which is me.

During the lesson, the planned results were achieved:

Subject UUD - build a wind rose; classify winds; transform geographic information from one type of presentation to another;

Metasubject UUD - make assumptions; choose the means to achieve the goal in the group and individually; plan your activities; evaluate and correct their activities in the lesson; express your opinion, arguing it, confirming it with facts; understand the position of another;

Personal UUD - began to understand the regularity of the formation of wind, its influence on human life and health.

The project-based teaching technology and methods of work used in the lesson helped me to arouse interest in the topic of the lesson.

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"Building the" Rose of the Winds ""

Lesson-workshop on GEOGRAPHY in grade 6

THEME: Building the "Rose of the Winds"

Goal:Teach students to build a graph that reflects the prevailing wind direction and use the information received.


educational:to form the concept of "wind rose"; idea of \u200b\u200bthe wind direction; plotting the "wind rose" graph;

developing: to promote the development of cognitive interest in the study of geography; develop the ability to highlight the main thing, analyze, think independently; teach how to build a wind rose and read it;

educational: ecological, the formation of students' ideas about the nature of wind, about the reasons for its occurrence.



Teacher:I suggest you play a game. Invite 1 representative from each group. Distribute statement sheets. Read the text. Offer to consider them and determine what topic they relate to.

Teacher: And can we connect all the statements with each other. Build a logical chain.

(Children are building)

Teacher:What does this chain represent?

(Children's answers)


Working in groups

Teacher:Guys, just yesterday I got information from the Department of Protection environment... This is the answer to the letter. It came from Yablonka from the fairy tale "Geese-Swans". I suggest you get to know her too (Appendix No. 1).

Text of the letter

“… I, Yablonka from the fairy tale“ Geese-Swans ”, ask you to understand the current situation. I am dying: spots appear on young leaves, first near the base of the leaf, forming a yellow stripe, and then throughout the leaf, flowering and fruit set worsens, apples are small and ugly. Help establish the cause of my deterioration. I am enclosing a plan of the area where I grow up. "

Response text from the Department of Environmental Protection:

“The commission investigated the area of \u200b\u200byour growth and came to the conclusion that the soil contains excess soot, oxides of sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen and heavy metals, and in the air of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. This is possible with close utilization of ash from coal combustion. Look for a pollution source in your immediate vicinity. The contamination zone is marked with a red area. "

Teacher: What can be a source of pollution for an apple tree? Why? Where was the stove supposed to be? But what did the stove builders fail to take into account?

(children's answers)

Teacher: How can you determine the direction of the wind? Let's spend a small


(Game-experiment "Wind direction") sheEXERCISE MINUTE

Teacher:Will the direction of the ball's flight be the direction of the wind? Your


(The assumption can be checked from the textbook p. 121)



Teacher: The results of observations of the wind direction can be depicted using a special graph - "Wind roses". What kind of graph it is, and how it is built, you can learn from the textbook. Open page 121 and read about it.


Teacher:And now I suggest you build a "Wind Rose" for Yablonka according to the following data and find out the prevailing wind direction (Appendix No. 2) .

Direction of the wind

Amount of days

(Work in a group. Building a graph. Comparison with the standard)


Teacher: What was the topic of our lesson?

Children: Construction of the "Rose of the Winds".


Teacher: State the purpose of our lesson?

The purpose of the lesson (for children): to learn how to build a "Wind Rose"


Teacher:What tasks did we solve in the lesson?

Lesson objectives (for children): 1) Find information about the schedule;

2) Build the "Wind Rose";

3) Learn to use it.



Teacher: I suggest you complete a mini-project in the "Building a Rose of Winds" group

Goal: build a wind rose and determine which wind prevailed in our city in January 2017.


1). Get acquainted with the weather data in the "Diary".

3). Build the "Wind Rose".

4). Determine which wind prevailed in Novouralsk in January 2017.

Working process

    Acquaintance with the "Weather Diary" (Appendix No. 3) .

    We count the number of days with the same wind direction and fill in the table.

Direction of the wind

Amount of days

    Building the "Wind Rose" (Appendix No. 4)

    Set aside on the diagram, which shows the main and intermediate sides of the horizon, starting from the center, how many days the winds blew in different directions.

    1cm scale - 1 day

    Connect the ends of the deferred segments.

    Determine the prevailing wind direction in Novouralsk in January 2017 - SW


"Group work assessment form"

F.I. pupil


Number of points







2 points - the criterion is shown in full

10 - 8 points - "Hurricane" (a source of knowledge and skills for the whole group) Score "5".

7 - 6 points - "Storm" (your work in the group was weighty and significant) Score "4".

5 - 4 points -"Breeze" (your work was short, but bright) Grade "4".

3 - 2 points - "Breeze" (we saw only one side of your activity) Score "3".

1 point - "Silent breeze" (your presence in the group was felt) Score "3".

0 points - "Calm" (we know that you are in the group, but we did not see your work)

Check if geography is on your schedule!

Teacher:Guys, let's get back to the purpose and objectives of our lesson. Have we reached our goal? Did you manage to solve the set tasks? Assess your work in the lesson (Self-Esteem Tree)

I felt comfortable in the lesson. I learned new information for me. I learned how to build a schedule.

I was not comfortable in the lesson. I didn't understand anything from the new material. I still didn't understand how to build a graph.

    SCORING (0.5 MIN)

    HOME JOB (0.5 MIN)

§ 18 , p. 123 "From theory to practice"


    Find 5 proverbs about the wind;

    Find information about the most strong winds on the planet;

    Find information on what local winds are.

Objective: To instill practical skills in building a wind rose.

Equipment: data on wind parameters at the surface of the earth.

For a visual representation of the wind regime in a given place for a month, season, year, a wind rose is built according to the wind parameters.

First, we count the number of days with calmness and write it down in a separate column. Further, to build a wind rose, it is necessary to determine the repeatability of the wind direction to the cardinal points (16 or 8 points) for different speeds. For this purpose, a contingency table is built, consisting of 10 columns (for 8 points) and 18 columns (for 16 points). The second line indicates the number of combinations (cases) m i (1 ÷ 3m / s) wind of a certain direction with a speed: 1 ÷ 3m / s. The third line defines the number of combinations of different wind directions for speeds\u003e 3m / s. For each grade of wind speed m i (1 ÷ 3m / s) and m i (\u003e 3m / s) the sum is calculated ∑ m i (1 ÷ 3m / s) and ∑ m i (\u003e 3m / s).

The fourth and fifth rows of the table represent the frequency (percentage or probability) of certain wind directions for the respective speed ranges, and are defined as the quotient of the number of cases times the sum multiplied by 100%


Table 3. Prevailing wind direction for different speeds.

m i (1 ÷ 3 m / s) m i С m i SV m i B m i SE m i S m i SW m i З m i SZ m i (1 ÷ 3 m / s)
m i (\u003e 3 m / s) m i С m i SV m i B m i SE m i S m i SW m i З m i SZ m i (\u003e 3 m / s)
P mi (1 ÷ 3 m / s) 100%
P mi (\u003e 3 m / s) 100%

The resulting repeatability value must be rounded to the nearest whole number. Make sure that the sum of the probabilities is always 100%. In the case of an inequality of 100% due to rounding, the resulting difference must be added to or subtracted from the maximum value of the probability.

To construct a wind rose from one point in the direction of eight basic points, segments are laid, corresponding to the frequency of the wind direction (%) of a given point at a selected scale. The resulting points on the bearings are connected by straight lines (Fig. 32). In the center, the wind roses show the number of calm.

V 1 ÷ 3m / s V\u003e 3m / s

Figure: 32. Wind rose.

"Wind rose" - This is a graphical representation of the frequency of occurrence of winds in points (cardinal points), for a certain period (month, season, year) or for several years.

To compile a "wind rose", it is necessary to add the number of all cases of wind and calm for a known period, the resulting sum is taken as 100, and the number of cases of wind for each rumba (and calm) is calculated as a percentage in relation to the sum of all cases of wind and calm, taken as 100.

After that, a schedule is built. For this, 8 lines are drawn from the center, denoting 8 points (C, B, NE, B, SE, S, SW, 3, NW). Then the segments of the calculated percentage values \u200b\u200bof the wind of all 8 points and calm are laid along all lines on the same scale, and the peaks of the adjacent straight lines are connected in series. A circle with a radius corresponding to the percentage of calm is described from the center of the graph.

To make up "rose of influence" not one wind repeatability is laid down along the points, but the product of the number of winds in a given direction by the average wind speed of the same direction, also expressed as a percentage in relation to the sum of the products of the repeatability by the average wind speed for all points. "Wind rose" and "Rose of influence" are depicted on the same diagram, and, for the difference, they use different colors with pencils or different shading.

INSTRUMENTS FOR MEASURING THE VELOCITY OF AIR MOVEMENT The speed of air movement is determined using anemometers (direct method) or catathermometers (indirect method).

Cup anemometer designed to measure wind speed from 1 to 50 meters per second. The sensing part of the device is a cup mill, the hemispheres of which are turned to one side. The rotation of the hemispheres is transmitted to the revolution counter, which, being the registering part of the device, counts the distance traveled by the air masses on the dials.

The device has several dials, where units, tens, hundreds and thousands of meters of the distance of the studied wind are recorded. The large hand moves along a dial divided into 100 parts, and each small hand moves along a dial divided into 10 parts, and therefore shows values \u200b\u200b10 times greater than the preceding hand. For example, the transition of the first small arrow by one division (100 m) is equal to a full revolution of the large arrow; moving one division of the 2nd small arrow is equal to a full revolution of the first little arrow, etc. Based on this, when recording the readings of the dials, you should pay special attention to the readings of the hands on the previous dial. For example: the hand on the "thousand" dial is opposite the number 5, but this number should be written down only if the hand of the previous "hundreds" dial is on "O", if it did not reach "O", then from the "thousand" dial "it is necessary to write down the number" 4 ", despite the fact that the arrow seems to be on" 5 ".

Before starting measurements, the device is not set to zero, but the initial position of the hands on the dials is recorded, guided by the above rules for recording their readings.

Vane anemometer designed to measure the speed of air movement in the range from 0.5 to 10 meters per second. The receiving part of the device is a wheel with light aluminum wings, enclosed by a metal ring. The recording part, similar to a cup anemometer, is represented by three dials.

The working position of the listed anemometers should be such that the mill blades are always perpendicular to the direction of the air flow. Measuring the speed of air movement with cup and vane anemometers is carried out for 1-2 minutes. after which the counter is turned off and the readings are recorded. The difference between the final and initial readings is divided by the number of seconds of operation of the anemometer and multiplied by the correction specified in the instrument's passport. The graph is used to determine the speed of the air flow in m / s.

Thermo-anemometer EA-2M allows you to simultaneously determine the speed of air movement in the range from 0.03 to 5 m / s and its temperature in the range from 10 to 60 C. The principle of operation of the device is based on cooling semiconductor microthermal resistance by moving air. It consists of a galvanometer; power supply unit (the device can operate from the mains and autonomously on batteries) with power switching; terminals for connection to the network; the sensing part - a sensor (microthermal resistance) with a plug for connection to the device; a switch for measuring temperature or air velocity; switch "measurement-control"; voltage regulator and heating regulator. The sensing part of the device - the sensor is stored in a special protective case outside of working hours. Before the measurement, the device is installed horizontally, a sensor is connected to it and the device is connected to the network (if necessary, it works autonomously on batteries).

To measure the speed of air movement, the measurement switch is placed in the appropriate position (a), the other switch is in the "control" position and by rotating the voltage adjustment knob set the galvanometer needle to the maximum scale division. Then the switch from the "control" position is transferred to the "measurement" position, the galvanometer readings are taken and the air velocity is determined according to the schedule.


The cup and vane anemometers are brought to the operating fan (open window) in the off state, having previously recorded the position of the arrows on the dials, and after accelerating the hemispheres, they simultaneously turn on the anemometer and stopwatch for 1-2 minutes, after which the device is turned off and the dial readings are recorded. If the air movement at the window is not enough to activate the anemometer, then to increase the air flow speed, a draft is created by opening the door located opposite the window. The determination is made 3 times and the average of the three measurements is taken.


research and assessment of air mobility in

(name of the premises, site)

1. Date of study _________________________________________________

2. Measurements of air movement were carried out with an anemometer ____________________


(in the opening of the fume cupboard, at the fan - specify).

3. Results of the first measurement _____________________________________ m / s

4. Results of the second measurement _____________________________________ m / s

5. Results of the third measurement ____________________________________ m / s

6. Average of all measurements ______________________ _________________ m / sec

7. Measurements of air movement directly in the room ________________


(where, indicate)

Hot-wire anemometer ____________________________________________

(indicate brand)

Measurement results: 1st __________ m / s; 2nd _____________________ m / s

3rd ___________________ m / s

8. Average of all measurements ________________________________________ m / s

CONCLUSION: Indicate whether the data obtained comply with the hygiene standards. Justify measures to optimize air mobility in the surveyed room.

Research conducted