Animal protection. Animal protection Presentation class 3 animal protection

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The presentation was made by Bogatyreva Tatyana Nikolaevna Primary teacher classes of GBOU Secondary school №352 Saint-Petersburg ANIMAL PROTECTION World around 3 grade World around 3 grade

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ROLE IN HUMAN LIFE Participate in the distribution of fruits and seeds. Helps pollinate flowers. Participate in soil formation. The remains of the dead and plants are destroyed. They guard the dwellings. They help in obtaining meat, milk, eggs, medicine, wool, fur skins, fluff, leather, etc. Help a person at work. Destroy harmful rodents and insects. ANIMALS Participate in the distribution of fruits and seeds.

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Animals play a huge role in human life. But because of the economic activities of people, excessive hunting, some animals have disappeared forever, others have become rare. ANIMALS IN DANGER

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ANIMALS IN DANGER Informs which species of animals and plants are at risk. Encourages to study rare species of plants and animals. Warns that a plant or animal is in danger. Advises on how to preserve rare species of plants and animals. Informs

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The International Red Book consists of color pages: black - lists of those animals whom we will never see, who have already become extinct; red - especially rare and endangered animals; yellow - animals, the number of which is rapidly decreasing, which are threatened with “relocation” to dangerous red pages; white - animals that are still poorly studied; green - animals that were saved, saved from extinction.

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WALRUS Marine mammal. A large sea animal with very thick skin. In length, males reach 3-4.5 m, females 2.6-3.6 m.Weight from 800 to 1700 kg (2000 kg). The tusks can be up to 1 m long and weigh up to 5.4 kg. Walrus skin is very thick, up to 10 cm on the neck and shoulders. A layer of fat up to 15 cm. Walruses are born about 1 m long and weighing 60 kg. once every three to four years. The mother feeds them with milk for 2 years. Walruses live in nature and in captivity for up to 40 years. Enemies of the walrus - polar bear and partly a killer whale. They live in groups of 10-20 individuals, but can form rookeries up to 100-3000 individuals.

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TIGER A species of carnivorous mammals of the cat family. The largest of them are the Bengal and Amur subspecies. Height at the withers is up to 1.15 m. An adult male in nature usually weighs 180-250 kg, and in some cases up to 300-320 kg (384 kg, 388 kg). An adult tiger has 30 teeth. The main food of tigers is ungulates, wild boars, lynxes, and small mammals. A tiger gives birth to 3-4 blind cubs. The mother feeds them with milk.

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EAGLE-BERKUT One of the most famous birds of prey of the hawk family, the largest eagle. Body length 76-93 cm, wingspan 180-240 cm. Extremely sharp eyesight, but only during daylight hours. Having noticed a victim, the golden eagle dives after it, while its speed can reach 240-320 km / h. It hunts a wide variety of game, most often hares, rodents and many species of birds. Sometimes attacks sheep, calves and deer cubs. The nest is arranged at a height of 10 to 18 m, where the branches are thick and strong enough. Nests made of thick branches are very large - 1-2 m in diameter and 0.5-1.9 m in height.

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FLAMINGO A genus of birds, in the family Flamingovye. Flamingos are thin long legs, flexible neck and plumage, the color of which varies from white to red. Their special distinguishing feature is their massive, curved beak, with which they filter food from water or silt. The front toes are connected by a swimming membrane. Flamingos live in large colonies along the shores of small bodies of water or lagoons. They lead mainly a sedentary lifestyle. Flamingos' food consists of small crustaceans, insect larvae, worms, molluscs and algae that they find in shallow waters. The enemies of flamingos are foxes, wolves, jackals, eagles and falcons.

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BEAUTY BEETLE Large beetle from the ground beetle family. Differs in beautiful golden-blue-green elytra. Body length 21-35 mm. Life expectancy is 2-4 years. They lay from 100 to 650 eggs in the soil. After 5-15 days, larvae appear in the soil at a depth of 20-30 cm. Young beetles emerge from pupae in August-September. During the summer period, one beetle destroys 200-300 gypsy moth caterpillars, and the larva destroys about 60 caterpillars and 15-20 pupae. Unlike most species of this genus, the beauty beetle lives not on the surface of the earth, but on trees. He perfectly climbs trunks and thin branches, hunting for caterpillars. Unlike most ground beetles, it flies well.

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IT'S INTERESTING Walruses have special air sacs in their necks under the skin, with the help of which animals can safely swim in the water even while sleeping. The tigers see at night better than people about 6 times. Each tiger's stripes are unique, as are human fingerprints. The lifespan of tigers, both in captivity and in nature, is about 25 years. Flamingos, looking for food, turn their heads so that the upper beak is at the bottom. The upper beak has a float that supports the head in the upper layers of water, especially rich in plankton. Taking water into its mouth and closing its beak, the bird pushes the water through the filter located on the beak, and swallows food. The golden eagle sees its prey at a distance of 2 km, and its neck can rotate 270 degrees. In its claws, the golden eagle can easily carry up to 5 kg of meat.

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ANIMALS UNDER THE PROTECTION OF RESERVES These are land plots and water bodies where animals and plants are preserved, protected and studied, most of which are included in the Red Book. Scientists have calculated that 106 species of large mammals have disappeared from the face of the Earth during our era. On Far Eastfor example, only a few dozen tigers survived. Rhinos are dying out in South Asia. In Africa, only a few reserves have preserved about a hundred mountain zebras. Bowhead whale and some others on the way to extinction marine mammals... In the reserves, animals are not only protected from extermination, they find favorable conditions for life and reproduction there.

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ANIMALS PROTECTED NATIONAL PARKS These are picturesque places of extraordinary beauty, where you can travel and relax among rare plants and animals. The first priority national parks is the protection of natural complexes and objects. National parks Russia can be conditionally divided into: Currently, there are 40 national parks in Russia. parks in which wild untouched pristine nature, unique relief, rare species of animals and plants, parks, the territories of which were once used by humans, but they have preserved many attractions and natural monuments.

Every year there are fewer animals on Earth, while some representatives of the fauna are on the verge of complete extinction. This is due to human activity, which in the most negative way affects the life of living beings. To prevent terrible losses, it is very important to ensure the protection of animals.

The meaning of animals

For many hundreds of years, animals have been of immense importance to humanity. If at the dawn of civilization they were used only as a source of food, then in the future people learned to take the maximum benefit from everything that our smaller brothers can give.

These benefits include:

  • food (meat, fish, milk, honey);
  • medicines (bee products, snake venom);
  • clothing and footwear (wool, leather);
  • household items (carpets, pillows, blankets);
  • assistants in work (horses, camels, oxen, dogs, cats).

Figure: 1. Horses are man's faithful helpers.

In addition, each animal plays a large role in the natural food chain. If one species dies out, this causes a failure in the existing scheme, up to an ecological disaster.

Unfortunately, people do not always treat nature and its gifts with care. Ruthless deforestation, pollution of soil, water and air, hunting, destruction of plants - all this leads to a decrease in the number of animals on our planet.

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When animal species began to rapidly disappear on the planet, scientists sounded the alarm. As a result, in 1948 was founded International union nature protection. The purpose of its creation is to save plants and animals on the verge of extinction. An impressive list was compiled, which it was decided to call the Red Book.

It took 14 years to compile the first ever international Red Book. Biologists and ecologists from all over the world have been calculating the losses that human activity has brought to nature.

Figure: 2. Red Book.

Red is the color of danger, warning. With its color, this book, as it were, warns people that it is time to stop and reflect on their actions. After all, if some species disappears from the face of the Earth, then there is no way to restore it - this is a terrible loss for the ecosystem of our planet.

Animal protection measures

Rescue of rare animals is carried out at the state level. For this, special measures are being taken, nature protection complexes are being created.

  • Zoo - a zoological park that contains animals. This is the place where visitors can get to know different kinds animals, learn their habits and interesting features... In addition, the zoos are working to study the way of life, behavior, ways of feeding, breeding of wild animals.
  • Nursery - a place specially created for breeding and raising animals, as well as the area where they are studied.
  • Preserve - a plot of land or water, within which all or only some species of animals and plants are protected.
  • National park - a section of the protected area, which is divided into several zones. There is a zone of complete rest for animals - you cannot walk here for purposes other than scientific. Sightseeing trips are possible in the recreation area. On the territory of the neutral zone it is allowed economic activity, but only for the purpose of maintaining the national park.
  • Reserve - a section of water area or land where everything is carefully guarded natural complex in its natural state. Any human activity is strongly prohibited on the territory of the reserve: hunting, making fires, building houses, etc.

Currently in Russia there are 104 natural state reserves... The oldest reserves are Barguzinsky, Caucasian, Astrakhan, and the largest is the Big Arctic.

Figure: 3. Barguzinsky reserve.

What have we learned?

When studying one of the topics in the 3rd grade program of the surrounding world, we found out how important the protection of the animal world is. Every year, entire species of animals disappear from the face of the Earth. This is due to human activity. In order to prevent an environmental catastrophe, people must learn to take care of nature.

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Summary of the lesson on the world around us in grade 3.Topic: Animal protection.Purpose: to systematize knowledge about animal welfare.

Expected results: students will learn to explain why many animals have become rare, how to protect animals, evaluate people's actions in relation to nature, formulate the rules for friends of nature, analyze, draw conclusions.

Equipment: printouts of tables, texts; illustrations of animals (woodpecker, hawk, squirrel, hedgehog, marten); signs of environmental regulations, computer, projector, interactive whiteboard.

During the classes.

I ... Org moment II ... Knowledge update. Homework check 1. Individual tasks (5 students work with the table completed in the previous lesson)- correlate the meaning of the column values, complementing them

Group of animals

2. Frontal survey - How do animals breed?- Name the animal and the method of its reproduction and development.- How do animals take care of their offspring?III ... Self-determination to activity - Every year there are fewer and fewer animals on earth. A man takes away from his brothers smaller habitats, forage areas. The number of animals is affected by deforestation, drainage of swamps, pollution of rivers, seas and oceans. It is important to preserve all the species of animals that nature has created for many millions of years.- After listening to the poem, guess what will be discussed in the lesson. Everything, everything in the worldWe need!And no less midgesNeeded than elephants.You can't do without ridiculous monsters,And even without the evil and fierce predators.We need everything in the world!We need everyone - who makes honey,And who makes the poison.Bad things for a cat without a mouseA mouse without a cat is no better business.Yes, if we are not very friendly with someone-We still need each other very much.And if someone seems superfluous to us,This, of course, will be a mistake. (Boris Zakhoder)- Yes, guys! Today in the lesson we will talk about animal welfare.IV ... Work on the topic of the lesson Conversation Animal protection - What is the importance of animals for plants?(without animals, plants could not settle and reproduce)- What is the meaning of animals for humans?(animals delight us with their beauty, give us the joy of discovery, teach us kindness)- It has always been believed that a person should protect and protect animals, and not kill them. Tell me, do we humans always follow this rule?- Look at the board, why are these animals depicted on it: polar bear, bison, walrus, swan, flamingo?(they are listed in the red book)- What is the Red Book for?(she talks about plants and animals that are in danger)- What are people doing to protect animals?(create nature reserves, national parks)A reserve is a piece of land or water area that is under state protection. In them, any Activity that violates or threatens nature is prohibited.The reserve is an area where certain species of animals and plants are temporarily protected. There are hunting, fishing and other reserves.- Let's get to know some of the reserves.(teacher distributes printouts of texts about reserves. Students prepare messages and speak)Voronezh reserve. This is a forest island in the steppe, where many foxes, ferrets and deer live. But the reserve is especially famous for its beavers. At the beginning of the century, there were almost no beavers left in our country. Their thick fur was called brown gold. For the sake of this fur, beavers were ruthlessly hunted. Then, hunting for these animals was prohibited. They began to be settled in reserves and settled around the country.Astrakhan reserve ... It is home to pelicans and herons. About 100 years ago, bird feather jewelry came into fashion in many countries. Fashionistas paid huge amounts of money for hats with bird feathers. The feathers of the egrets were very beautiful. How many birds have died because of this fashion! For several years, there were almost no herons ... only thanks to a complete ban on hunting them, the birds were saved.- Yes, and the bison, and the egret, and the beaver, and many other birds and animals could disappear forever. But people realized in time what a huge danger these animals are in. Understood, and spared no effort to save them.V ... Physical education

We step, we step

Raise our hands higher

Do not lower our head

We breathe evenly, deeply.

Suddenly we see: by the bush

A chick fell out of the nest

Quietly take the chick

And put it back.

Ahead from behind a bush

The sly fox is looking

We will outwit the fox

Let's run on our toes.

We enter the clearing

We find a lot of berries there.

The strawberries are so fragrant

That we are not too lazy to bend over.

VI ... Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson - Remember, you need to protect those animals that are not included in the Red Book. These are well-known animals: squirrel, hedgehog, tit, woodpecker, frogs. Their lives often depend on you. From your behavior in nature.- Let's once again remember what these animals look like.Information about animals is accompanied by illustrations.

Woodpecker. The life of woodpeckers is closely related to forests. These birds are excellent at climbing vertical tree trunks, often hammering them. All woodpeckers are builders. Hollows hollowed out by them, in which woodpeckers breed chicks, subsequently serve as shelters and nesting places for many birds. Woodpeckers are also musicians. These are the only birds in our country that use "musical instruments" to express feelings. a dry, resonating bough, on which they briskly beat out their "mechanical song".

Squirrel ... it is an inhabitant of forests and parks. She prefers to live in coniferous forests. These rodents show daytime activity, during which they spend almost all their time in search of food. The squirrel arranges its shelters only in trees. The squirrel, like any other rodent, has amazingly strong teeth.Hedgehog. it is an animal active at night. He does not like to leave his house for a long time. Hedgehogs spend the day in a nest or other shelter. Nests are built in bushes, holes, caves, abandoned rodent burrows or in tree roots. The common hedgehog is an omnivorous animal. Its food is based on adult insects and caterpillars.Vii ... Consolidation of the studied material Environmental regulations - Now let's check if you know the environmental regulations. Match the rule with the appropriate sign.1. Don't ruin bird nests.2. If you have a dog, do not let it walk in the forest or park. She can easily catch poorly flying chicks and helpless animals.3. Do not catch or take home healthy chicks and baby animals.4. Feed the birds in winter, make nesting boxes for them.5. Do not catch butterflies, bumblebees and dragonflies.6. Don't ruin anthills.Completing assignments in TVET P. 51 No. 1, 2,3VIII ... Reflection Burrow of animals, bird's nestWe will never ruin!Let the chicks and little animalsIt is good to live next to us!Don't touch the butterfly!We will always remember -There are not so many of them!- Rate your work in the lesson.
I X. Outcome -What new did you learn in the lesson?X. Homework - from. 106-111, TPO p. 52 No. 4-7

Animal protection

Fast growth cities, the intensive development of industry and agriculture and massive deforestation destroy natural environment habitat. When it finally disappears, many species of plants and animals will disappear along with it. For example, critical ecological zones such as seas, swamps and mangroves are becoming polluted and dying at an alarming rate.
Human craving for rare and exotic things, such as expensive furs and bone jewelry, leads to the death of millions of animals every year. Many animals are caught for zoos, entertainment, industrial use and medical research. Many animals, such as the cheetah and polar bear, are now very rare. Legal, and more often illegal, trade in animals causes enormous damage to the animal world.
Nature must be saved. Salvation or protection of the animal and plant world is relevant now more than ever. We must conserve endangered species and habitats.

Do you know a regular cat? Can you name her wild relatives? Get to know some of them. Their portraits are taken from the Red Book.

We have prepared small messages about them.

High in the mountains, among the snowy peaks, there lives a beautiful and mysterious animal with a sonorous name - "irbis". This big cat is also called the snow leopard. It's really snowy because most spends a year at the borders of eternal snows covering the tops of mountains at an altitude of 5000 m above sea level. The majestic leopard is the master of the Asian mountains. No other predator reaches this height. Mountain goats and rams, roe deer, young wild boars and young yaks become victims of the snow leopard. Like all big cats, snow Leopard hunts from an ambush. Choosing a victim, yu suddenly attacks her from above. This tactic allows the predator to cope with animals three times its weight. The leopard itself is relatively small - with a body length of just over a meter, it weighs from 80 to 100 kg. Irbis have become very rare animals; only about 6,000 individuals survived in nature. For a long time these cats were killed for their valuable skins. Serious measures are now being taken to protect the snow leopards, but it is very difficult to control their shooting in the highlands, and the locals continue to hunt leopards. It must be said that snow leopards avoid collisions with humans, and there has not been a single case of these cats attacking humans.

Pallas' cat
In the steppes of Asia, there is a small wild cat Pallas' cat. Pallas' cat is very similar to a fluffy domestic Persian cat - he has the same flattened muzzle, luxurious "sideburns", short massive paws and a thick tail. But that's where the similarities end. The character of the Pallas' cat is by no means "domestic". It's ferocious strong beastcapable of repelling any enemy. Pallas' cat prefers to run away from the dangers and hide. But if the pursuer is close, the manul accepts the fight: he lies on his back and raises his clawed paws up. Numerous bites, deep and long-lasting wounds left by claws await those who dare to attack Pallas' cat. Neither a dog, nor a large animal, nor a man can break through his defenses. Its independent "feline" character is manifested in the fact that the adult Pallas' cat is not able to survive captivity and quickly dies in the cage. Pallas' house is a steppe. There, these predators hunt rodents, pikas, hares and even young antelopes.

Amur (Siberian) tiger
The tiger is one of the most beautiful animals on Earth. Amur tigers are the largest - the weight of an adult male reaches 400 kg. The Amur tigers are also unique in that, unlike their counterparts living in the hot tropics, they chose taiga forests for settlement. Winters in the taiga are severe, and therefore the fur of the Amur tigers is thicker and longer than that of their southern relatives. Wild boars, elk and red deer are the prey of taiga tigers. It happens that a tiger, having found a herd of ungulates, pursues it for a long time, destroying one by one all animals, starting with the weakest. For such hunting tactics, the tiger was nicknamed "the boar shepherd".

Caracal (Steppe lynx)
Caracal is one of the most mysterious and enigmatic representatives of the feline genus. From its favorite shelters - narrow and deep gorges of rocks, abandoned fox holes, this mysterious predator gets out only at night, and sets off to roam the vast expanses of savannahs in search of prey. The name of this animal was given by the Turks, which means "black ear", because of the special color of the ears. Its small size and good looks do not speak about its harmlessness. On the contrary, the caracal is a predator, dangerous and strong, he is a hunter who is able to pursue prey, twice its own weight. It has sharp teeth and claws as a blade. Although the caracal has long legs, it cannot run for a long time, like all felines, therefore it hunts, concealing its prey and overtaking it with large (up to 4.5 m in length) jumps. It feeds on hares and rodents, less often birds. The caracal is a rare, endangered species for our country.

We will not be able to see many birds, as they have become rare. Consider their images. We have prepared a short message about one of them.

Mandarin duck
A small bird of the genus forest ducks of the duck family. The mandarin duck lives in the Far East. It is also called the Chinese duck. The mandarin duck got its name from the important people of China, tangerines, who wear flashy orange outfits. She uses a hollow in a tree under her dwelling. The height above the ground can be up to 15 meters. This is the only species of ducks that settle on branches. Plants and small representatives of the animal world can serve as food for mandarin duck. Acorns are a favorite food. Chinese ducks, having chosen a pair, are never separated, they are always kept together. IN wildlife The mandarin duck lives on average 10 years. The adorable rare water bird is not allowed to hunt. It is listed in the Russian Red Book.

Guess riddles.

Fanged beast,
Instead of legs - flippers.
The tail drags along the ice.
The beast is not afraid of frost.
Answer: walrus

I have stilts -
The swamp is not afraid.
Will I find a frog -
This is my concern.
Answer: heron

In a quiet river backwater
He built a house in the spring.
Without saw and ax
The house was built ...
Answer: beaver

On a rock he builds a house.
Isn't it scary to live in it?
Although there is beauty all around
But such a height!
No, the owner is not afraid
Roll down a steep cliff -
Two mighty wings
The owner ...
Answer: eagle

Learn the meaning of the words reserve, wildlife sanctuary, nursery.

Preserve - land or water area, within which hunting is prohibited and all or some species of animals and plants are protected.

Reserve - a reserved place (part of a territory or water area), where its entire natural complex is protected or preserved in its natural state.

Nursery - a place for breeding and growing plants and animals.

Complete the crossword puzzle "About animals"

1. Tell verbally what animals mean to you. Do you have any favorite animals? Write down which ones.

I believe that animals are very important to every person. Pets help a person: they give him food (cows, geese, ducks, chickens, pigs), clothes (sheep), guard him (dogs), help him move long distances (horses, camels), help carry weights (elephants), entertain and delight (cats, dogs, parrots, etc.).

Wild animals are also important to humans. They help maintain balance in nature so that living conditions are favorable for all inhabitants of the Earth. For example, when rabbits were brought to Australia, they began to multiply very quickly, since there were no wolves and no one regulated the number of rabbits. The rabbits began to reap all the vegetation and almost turned an entire continent into a desert.

I like wild animals because they are beautiful and fun to watch. I go to the zoo with pleasure and look at representatives of all animal species without exception.

Cats, dogs, bears, cheetahs, wolf, horse, hedgehog.

2. Number the examples of the negative impact of man on the animal world, expressed by these signs.

Use these signs to explain why many species of wild animals are becoming rare.

  1. Active deforestation is underway and animals are losing their habitats.
  2. Industrial plants pollute environment emissions and sewage and animals suffocate from dirty air and dirty water.
  3. Poachers hunt rare and valuable animals in order to sell their skins, tusks, horns or meat. This reduces the number of animals of this species and may even lead to its extinction.
  4. Fish in rivers, lakes and seas are caught using prohibited methods and without taking into account the spawning period (the period when fish spawn). This leads to a decrease in fish in water bodies and the inability to restore the population.
  5. Catching insects for no reason can also lead to the decline and extinction of the species. While catching butterflies, for example, their wings or legs may break. In this case, even the animal released back into the wild does not survive.
  6. A person very often makes a lot of noise: listening to music on vacation, working with instruments, just talking loudly. Animals are afraid of loud unusual sounds and run away. If a loud sound is heard for several days or months (construction, production), then the animals leave this place and look for another "apartment". This cannot always be done without loss.

3. The mother of Seryozha and Nadia asks if you know the animals included in the Red Book of Russia. Cut out the pictures from the Application and place them in the appropriate boxes. Check yourself with the tutorial. After checking the stickers are the drawings.

4. Our sociable Parrot has many friends among birds. He offers you a riddle drawing. What is the name of this amazing bird? Where she lives? What's interesting? If you don't know, look for the answer in additional literature, the Internet.

Mandarin duck or Chinese duck is a small forest duck that can be found in the Far East of our country. True, by the end of September, mandarin duck leaves the territory of Russia and go to winter in China, Japan and Korea.

The weight of this duck does not exceed 400 - 700 grams. Mandarin duck swims well and can take off from the water almost vertically. From food, Chinese ducks prefer fish caviar, worms, seeds aquatic plants and shellfish.

It is forbidden to hunt mandarin ducks, as they are listed in the Red Book. But now many parks and zoos breed tangerines in their nurseries, because these beautiful bright birds are always popular with visitors.

Write the name of the bird and color the drawing.

5. Write down the rules that are "encrypted" by these symbols. (Give me brief wording.)

Do not come close to bird nests and touch the chicks or the nest itself!

Dogs should not be allowed to approach birds' nests during a walk and destroy them! Keep your dog on a leash while walking!

Do not catch or take home healthy chicks and cubs of other animals!

6. With the help of additional literature, the Internet, prepare a message about one of the animal species included in the Red Book of Russia. Use the general outline of the story about rare plant or an animal that you made in 2nd grade. Write down the basic information for your message, point by point. Indicate the source (s) of information.

Giant shrew

The giant shrew is an animal from the shrew family. This animal lives only in the Far East, in northeastern China and in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. This animal does not live anywhere else in the world. In appearance, the giant shrew resembles a mouse, but it has a more elongated muzzle with a long nose, similar to a proboscis. The body length of this animal is only 10 centimeters, and its weight is only 14 - 15 grams.

Unfortunately, deforestation in the Far East has led to a sharp decline in the number of giant shrews. The fact is that these animals prefer to dig burrows in wooded areas with conifers and broadleaf forests, not swampy and sufficiently moist. Deforestation changes their habitat and makes new generations of shrews unsuitable for life.

Find out what animals other guys have prepared messages about. Listen to and appreciate their performances.

7. Invent and draw on a separate sheet of the poster "Take care of animals!"