Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx: the most mysterious star romance. Katie Holmes, biography, news, photos Katie Holmes

Holmes broke up with her boyfriend, American actor Jamie. In 2004, he became the third African American to receive an Oscar, thanks to winning the Best Actor nomination in the biographical film Ray.

Seven years ago, Holmes divorced Cruise, and in 2013 began dating Fox. The couple occasionally appeared in public places in New York, without commenting on the relationship for several years.

“Katie and I are just friends. If you want to know, we are working together on a cartoon, ”Fox dismissed the reporters.

In 2015, the actress was suspected of pregnancy after her appearance at the annual Night of Stars ceremony in a tight-fitting dress. Typically, Holmes’s flat stomach was so covered with fabric that it seemed bulging, which served as a reason for speculation and numerous gossip in social networks. As a result, it turned out that the actress simply chose an outfit that was not in size.

According to rumors, Holmes and Fox agreed not to comment on their relationship, but the press leaked information about the reasons for their quarrels. Last year, it turned out that the lovers swore because of the actor’s addiction to fast food. 40-year-old Holmes adheres to proper nutrition, so overlooking a loved one for burgers and french fries made her worry. According to RadarOnline, in the summer of 2015, he gained 15 kg, after which he sharply lost weight for the role in the film "Sleepless Night."

“I do not recognize diets. If you need to lose weight, I temporarily forbid myself fast food, I switch to white chicken, fish and vegetables, ”said Fox.

Despite Holmes' worries about his health, on August 16, the actor was caught on a date with a young girl. It turned out that recently, Fox has been spending time with budding singer and model Sala Wave. Paparazzi photographed them at Bootsy Bellows Club in West Hollywood, where the couple stayed for several hours. During dancing, the actor hugged the girl at the waist, after which they left the institution together. Insider Daile Mail reported that Holmes commented on the break with Fox.

“What Jamie does is his business. We have not been together for several months, ”the source conveyed her words.

According to friends of the couple, Fox has been talking with Wave for several months and helping her build a career. Previously, in addition to acting, he was realized as a StandUp comedian and musician who recorded four albums.

At this time, Holmes is in New Fork with his 13-year-old daughter Suri, who was married to Cruise. For a long time, their union seemed perfect to fans, but in 2012 it finally broke up at the initiative of the actress. The press wrote that Holmes decided to part with her husband because she stopped feeling her own personality, completely immersed in his problems. Living with Cruise, she supposedly partially isolated herself from the outside world, ceasing to communicate with friends and casting creative ambitions into the background.

Another possible reason for the dissolution of the marriage was Scientology, which the actor seriously became interested in after the wedding. As a Catholic, Holmes for some time supported her husband’s religious beliefs, but according to rumors, the last straw for her was her husband’s attempt to lure their minor daughter into Scientology.

Cruz himself, who did not begin to drag Holmes into a lengthy divorce proceedings, later admitted that the decision of his wife was a shock to him.

“I had an incredibly long time to think about this situation. Life always challenges us. To live to 50 years and think that I have everything under control, and then unexpectedly get hit - that is what fate can bring to you. Our life is a tragicomedy. And here a sense of humor is simply necessary, ”said the actor.

After breaking up with the famous husband, Holmes plunged into a relationship with Fox and actively pursued a career, playing in a historical drama "Woman in Gold"   and crime comedy

  0 january 21, 2016 09:25

After a divorce from more than three years, she devoted her upbringing to their general and her career. More magazine interviewed the 37-year-old actress to find out what her future plans are and what she is planning to do in the near future.

Need to keep moving. At every stage of life. You need to focus on the good, remain a creative person, do what you are interested in. Work gives a feeling of satisfaction. It’s like competing with yourself. It amazes me how many people can create something inspiring. If you focus on this, your life will become brighter,

Tells Holmes.

Recall that in 2015, the actress starred in the drama "Manic Days" (Touched With Fire), in which she played and played a poetess with manic-depressive syndrome. She is also in the mini-series "The Kennedys: After Camelot", the premiere of which is scheduled for 2016.

I feel more creative. I feel ready ... When I was a young actress, everything happened very quickly. My second role in my entire career was the Dawson's Creek series, after which I woke up famous. I always try my best. And with age I got confidence.

The actress is recognized.

Holmes does not say much about his personal life. After a divorce from Tom Cruise, Katie, however, the star declines to comment on this.

I don’t want to talk about it .. I have a specific plan for 5 or 10 years. I still feel like a teenager. Now I do a lot of what I did in my youth. I draw, cook. I feel like a girl. Maybe it's because I'm the youngest in our family (Holmes has three older sisters and a brother - ed.). When I’m 90 years old, I’ll probably say: "I'm still not an adult woman. Ha",

Katie Holmes joked.

Source US Magazine

Photo Gettyimages.ru

  The career of Hollywood starlet Katie Holmes resembles a roller coaster: either ups or downs. Having played her first roles, she earned the title of the most promising young actress, but subsequently more than once became the owner of Golden Raspberry. Despite the difficult twists of fate, the actress managed to take her rightful place among the stars and find female happiness.


  Katie Noel Holmes was born December 18, 1978 in Toledo, Ohio. She is the fifth child of lawyer Martin Holmes and his wife Kathleen. The family was very religious, all the children of Holmes studied at a Catholic school. Katie went in for sports, was a cheerleader and participated in school theater productions.

In the evenings, the whole family gathered in the living room and watched evening shows. One such evening, Katie saw an advertisement by IMTA (International Modeling and Talent Association), which organized congresses of young talents, held twice a year. Katie decided to apply for the competition program. But the girl was only 14 years old, and her father advised me to graduate from high school first. Provided that she would receive high scores in the final exams, Dad promised to pay her travel and participation in the competition program.

Dreaming of a career as a film actress, Katie began attending a local modeling school, and in the summer of 1995 got her chance at the IMTA congress in New York. The girl participated in a competition of artists of the free genre, and, while the rest of the girls read the darkly romantic poems of Sylvia Platt, she read a monologue from Harper Lee's political novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird.” The serious expression of the girl’s face and the material chosen by her amused the members of the commission, but Katie’s calculation was accurate, in 1996 she already starred in television shows and soon got her first role in a real movie.

Career. Start

  Katie's film debut took place in the 1997 drama about the difficult relationship of neighbors "Ice Wind", where she played a very small role as a teenage girl Libbets. The film starred the young Elijah Wood, whose career also began with participation in the New York IMTA congress. The main roles in the drama were played by Sigourney Weaver and Kevin Kline.

The following year, a nineteen-year-old girl received an invitation to the teenage series Dawson's Creek, in which she was approved for the role of Joey, a girl from a dysfunctional family. In the Russian box office, the series was titled “The Summer of Our Hopes,” Michelle Williams and James Van Der Beek, who played lover Joey, also participated in the project.

From the very first episodes, Katie won the love of the audience, her abilities and subtle sexuality were noticed by the producers. For six years of work in the series, the girl starred in more than ten films and became one of the youngest and brightest stars in Hollywood from the era of the early 2000s.

Released in 1998, the horror thriller "Obscene Behavior", in which Katie played in the company of James Marsden and Nick Stahl, won the hearts of the audience with the bold youth of the heroes, the unpredictable plot and the terrible secret of the town of Cradle Bay, which was to be revealed to the young rebels.

The 1999 comedy thriller “To Teach Mrs. Tingle” with Katie in the title role became the hit of the movie season. Clever and excellent student Lee Ann decides to take a desperate step to fix the certificate ruined by a history teacher, but the events get out of the control of schoolchildren and entail tragic consequences. The role of the hated teacher was played by Helen Mirren, and the students whom Lee Ann involved in a dangerous adventure were played by Liz Stauber, Barry Watson and John Patrick White.

In Curtis Hanson's film “Geeks” (2000), the actress played the role of a strange student, shining in the company of Michael Douglas, Toby Maguire and Robert Downey Jr.

In the horror drama of the same year, “Gift”, Katie composed a wonderful ensemble with such recognized and famous actors as Cate Blanchett, Giovanni Ribisi, Hilary Swank and Keanu Reeves. The script for the film nominated for the Saturn Award in five categories was written by Billy Bob Thornton.

In the 2002 drama with elements of the thriller Telephone Box, Katie played a very small but memorable role as the main character’s mistress, cornered by a telephone maniac. The role of the poor fellow was played by Colin Farrell, also Forest Whitaker, Rada Mitchell and the representative of the glorious acting dynasty Kiefer Sutherland also starred in the film.

In the complex detective psychodrama "Abandoned" actress played a major role. Her heroine from childhood could not stand when she was abandoned and was seriously worried about the departure of her lover. But is the suffering girl so innocent? The unpredictable plot and the beauty of the action taking place on the screen fascinated the audience, not for a moment keeping their attention from the play of Katie and Benjamin Bratt, who plays the role of a detective. In the role of Katy's unfortunate lover, the Hollywood handsome Charlie Hunnam starred.

Top 10 movies featuring Katie Holmes

After the premiere of "Abandoned", critics in unison called Katie "a budding young actress."

Other roles

  In a 2004 adult fairy tale “First Daughter” by Forest Whitaker, who tried herself in directing, Katie played the wayward daughter of the President of America, who became a student at a very ordinary college. To protect her, the powerful dad puts agents to her, one of which the girl falls in love with. Marc Blucas and Michael Keaton also played in light, elegant comedy.

The role in the superhero movie Batman: The Beginning has sparked controversy from critics. Some believed that the image of Rachel was consistent with the concept of the picture, others were unhappy with the performance of Holmes. But after receiving the Golden Raspberry Award for her role as Batman’s girlfriend, Katie didn’t lose her temper and did not become depressed, but continued to work. The role of Bruce, turning into a superhero for the sake of saving the world, was played by Christian Bale, Liam Neeson, Gary Oldman and Michael Kane also starred in the film.

From 2005 to 2012, Katie tried to repeat her former success by accepting a variety of proposals, and not all of them were successful.

So, in the 2008 crime comedy “Easy Money”, the actress played with Diane Keaton and Queen Latifa. The typically feminine and naive story of how to steal money and not rob anyone at the same time was the worst movie of the year. All three actresses deserved negative reviews, their work was not perceived as an acting ensemble, and each of them seemed to exist in a separate space.

The subtle comedy Extraman also did not become a breakthrough for Katie, who by that time had already been in thirty years. The tabloids were full of headlines that “Katie looked ridiculous,” and that “the actress’s fate is periodic roles in television series.” The situation was aggravated by the fact that other actors involved in the film, Kevin Kline and the young Paul Dano, earned flattering reviews from both viewers and film critics.

An exception to the work of the actress of this period is the role of Kim in the atmospheric horror drama "Do not be afraid of the dark." Katie's partner was Guy Pearce, and in a duet with him her talent, which was so unfairly belittled by film critics, again shone with its facets. The tragic denouement of the plot and the self-sacrifice of the heroine Katie for the sake of saving the adopted daughter were a successful attempt to restore the reputation of the actress.

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark Trailer

However, the police drama "Dangerous Quarter", which came out next, did not add a new portion of honey to Katie's career. The picture received a low rating, which even the presence of Channing Tatum, as well as Al Pacino and Juliette Binoche could not raise.

Yielding to the influence of the press and the proposals of the producers, Katie returned to work in multi-series projects. In 2011, she agreed to play the role of the legendary Jackie Kennedy in the Kennedy Clan project. On the set, the actress collaborated with Greg Kinnear, Tom Wilkinson and Barry Pepper. The series was very successful in America and Canada, earning the love of the audience who liked to follow the ups and downs of the fate of the highest layers of American society.

Several paintings in which the actress starred after completing the filming of the first season of “The Kennedy Clan” were not particularly popular, but they also did not cause obvious rejection. In a melodramatic film about the love of two not quite healthy mentally people “Touch by Fire” actress played in a duet with Luke Kirby. The problems of loneliness and social adaptation of "special" people raised in the film were emphasized by the soulful play of Katie Holmes.

In 2015, the actress took part in the drama “Woman in Gold”, in which Helen Mirren and Daniel Bruhl played, and in the science-fiction film “Dedicated”, in which she joined Brandon Twates and Meryl Streep.

A well-deserved success came to Katie in 2016, when she presented her first directorial work “Everything That We Had”. In a frighteningly realistic drama about family life from the lower strata of society, Katie played the role of a tired woman who barely retained traces of her former attractiveness. In order to somehow get out of poverty and despair, she decides to find a man who could help her and her daughter. Also in the picture were Yves Lindley and Marc Consuelos. The social problems of society revealed in the picture, the loneliness and unfulfillment of women in their forties, the subtle drama of Katie’s play, became her triumph both as a director and actress.

The initiator of a big break was Katie Holmes. 40-year-old actress left 51-year-old Jamie Foxx (Jamie Foxx).

According to friends, they have not been together for several months. Roman Katie Holmes (Clan Kennedy, Eli Stone, April Celebration) and Jamie Foxx (Law Abiding Citizen, Django Unchained, White House Storm) lasted six years.

The gap was initiated by Katie. "Everything is over. What Jamie does is his business - we have not been together for several months, ”the actress told her friend. Holmes said Fox had been busy exclusively with business and career lately.

On Saturday, the actor was noticed in the company of a sexy brunette. This is the 21-year-old Sela Vave. At about two in the morning they left one of the nightclubs in Los Angeles together. Fox tried to hide his face by pulling a baseball cap over his eyes and putting on a hood of a sweatshirt. However, he was identified.

His companion was in a seductive tight-fitting mini-dress with an open neckline and high-heeled sandals. Representatives of the actor said that he and Selu are connected exclusively by business relations, reports the Daily Mail.

Jamie helps an aspiring singer in her career. The girl shared a picture with a celebrity on her page. They were in different clothes, so this is not their first meeting.


Katie and Jamie began dating in 2013. The actress then only experienced a difficult divorce from Tom Cruise, with whom she lived for six years. Katie was able to secure sole custody of their daughter Suri.

For a long time, Holmes and Fox carefully relationship due to the actress's marriage contract. After a divorce from Tom Cruise under the terms of the contract, she was not supposed to advertise her novels for five years.

Only in 2018, the couple stopped hiding. Katie and Jamie first appeared together at the Met Gala party in New York in May this year. Ironically, this was their first and last joint release.

The other day in the Western media, rumors began to be circulated again and with redoubled enthusiasm that the ex-wife of Tom Cruise, the pretty and amused Katie Holmes, no longer wants to hide an affair with Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx.

Hollywood insiders are confidently betting that the pair will appear together on the red carpet of the upcoming Oscars-2016 or its afterparty, traditionally organized by Vanity Fair magazine.

According to several sources, Katie and Jamie have been secretly dating for more than two years, although to this day they are. The paparazzi never managed to take pictures of the stars, at least somehow hinting at their tender feelings.

So it turns out that there is not a single photo, but there are enough rumors and speculations for an entire action-packed novel.

What are eyewitness accounts of the fact that they have wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses. Can you imagine Katie's classic “good girl” in this way? We are not. All the more interesting, what makes two successful, famous people reach out to each other through the thorns that they seem to create for themselves?

Passion on the dance floor

For the first time, Jamie and Katie started talking about the romance back in 2013, when they were noticed dancing together at a party:. Since then, journalists have not tire of writing about the tender feelings of the stars, and they continue to stubbornly deny that it is becoming more and more obvious. Even after an unambiguous picture appeared in the tabloids at the end of 2014, albeit of poor quality (it was taken by one of the employees of the music studio where Jamie was recorded - a site comment), on which Holmes and Fox hold touching hands, the actors were silent as partisans.

“Guys, how much can you? You’ve been trying to bring us together for a long time, but we are just friends, ”Jamie said in an interview with the American portal TMZ.

However, after only a few months, Katie Holmes still "pierced." One of the readers of the American version of OK! Magazine, flying in a business class next to Tom Cruise's ex-wife, witnessed the next interesting scene. Landing at the Los Angeles airport, the actress immediately called Fox and said that she flew safe and sound.

“Katie dialed Jamie (I heard her say that name) literally a minute after the plane touched the runway. She said that she loved him and was looking forward to meeting him, ”the source said in an interview with the publication. Fans immediately began to discuss the stellar union in social networks, and the actress's agent even had to explain that in fact his ward called her daughter in New York. Needless to say, few people believed the representative of Holmes?

Distances contrary

According to other friends of the star, Holmes often visits Fox's mansion in Santa Monica: “Katie is madly in love. She has no other man, only Jamie. ” The actress values \u200b\u200bthis relationship very much and tries not to leave her chosen one for long: she comes to his concerts (Fox often acts as a DJ), cancels all meetings for the sake of their dates.

In September last year, Katie even had to skip her daughter’s lineup because of a long-planned tete-a-tete with Jamie: after the summer holidays, 9-year-old Suri Cruz was taken to school not by her mother, but by a nanny.

Why is this cute couple hiding their relationship? Perhaps the fact is that Jamie does not want to upset ... no, not her relatives, who are rumored to be crazy about his chosen one, but. The actors starred together in the movie "Accessory" in 2004 and remained good friends. Fox is not at all eager to admit to Cruz that he is in love with his ex-wife (they say that Tom still cannot forget Katie).

In addition, almost nothing was known about the personal life of Jamie Foxx before meeting with Katie Holmes. The actor does not even tell who gave him the daughters! Apparently, Jamie likes a secretive lifestyle, and he does not want to change his habits.

Opposites attract

There is another version of what is happening. Katie began to realize that she and Jamie were actually quite different - for example, she was used to spending quiet evenings with a book or in company with Suri, and her lover is known as one of the main Las Vegas party-goers, where he comes off to the fullest. Rumor has it that Jamie is not very constant in his sympathies - recently reports appeared in the tabloids that. It is unlikely that Katie Holmes will long put up with the artist's similar frivolity.

According to the sources of the British magazine Grazia, despite all the obstacles, Katie Holmes is still trying to persuade Jamie Foxx to finally tell about their happiness not only to his relatives and friends, but also to his fans.

They say, and understands that the current boyfriend is an ideal candidate for the role of a caring father (Jamie has two daughters, Korin and Annaliz, in whom he does not have a soul). Or, in this way, Katie hopes to give the necessary impetus to her relationship with Jamie: perhaps after everyone finds out about their romance, Fox will treat her lover more responsibly. In any case, we wish the beauty and clever Katie Holmes good luck and real female happiness - she definitely deserved it.