New generation pistols. What pistol will replace the legendary "Makar"? Russian new generation pistol "Udav" is preparing for state tests

At TsNIITOCHMASH in Klimovsk, near Moscow, preliminary tests of a new generation pistol "Udav" have been completed. General director enterprises Dmitry Semizorov said that state tests of weapons are scheduled to be carried out by the end of the year.

The characteristics of the "Boa constrictor" are classified. It is only known that the pistol uses a powerful cartridge of 9 × 21 mm caliber, the magazine holds 18 cartridges, and there is also a laser designator in the kit. This pistol appeared as a result of the natural evolution of this type of weapon, which is associated not only with the progress of design thought and technology, but also with external conditions, which, for example, include combat tactics and enemy defense.

The self-loading self-loading weapon adopted as a personal weapon by officers of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies has survived to this day and is still widespread. The popularity and "longevity" of this weapon is explained by a number of its advantages. It does not require a long range of aimed fire, since it is a personal attack and defense weapon designed to defeat the enemy at short distances. 20 meters for the PM is the optimal distance. Although aimed shooting can be carried out at a distance of up to 50 meters.

9 mm self-loading pistol SR1M

A cartridge of 9 × 18 mm caliber was created under the PM. It has an undeniable dignity, perfectly suited for melee weapons, one might say, almost contact: the bullet has a good stopping effect. Bullets with a high penetration ability can go through or penetrate deep into the enemy's body.

In this case, the shot does not have to be of high energy at all. This principle was used by Makarov when creating a pistol. The average value of the muzzle energy made it possible to simplify the automation of the weapon; the PM used a free breechblock and a short barrel stroke. The pistol is distinguished by the highest degree of reliability and unpretentious operation. This achieves a high rate of fire. It is comparatively lightweight and compact. The PM uses a multifunctional fuse, unique for the 50s-70s, which allows you to safely remove a loaded pistol from a combat platoon. Resource - 50 thousand shots.

The disadvantages include the significant effort required to release the trigger - about 2 kg. And almost 4 kg with self-cocking. And also a magazine for 8 rounds. But in the modified version of the PMM, which began to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the early 90s, the magazine volume was increased to 12 rounds. Moreover, it is possible to use both the old Peem cartridge and the new 9x18 PPM in the pistol. In this connection, the weapon has become universal. If the PM is not able to penetrate the body armor due to the low kinetic energy of the bullet and its low initial velocity (315 m / s), then the new bullet acquired a high penetrating ability, its initial velocity is 420 m / s. This is achieved due to the sharpening of the bullet and a 30% increase in the amount of powder in the case. True, the APM penetrates the army body armor at a distance of no more than 10 meters.

In the 80s - 90s, unloading body armor began to appear in the West, which were additionally reinforced with parts of equipment and weapons attached to them. In this connection, such equipment became too tough for the existing domestic army pistols. Therefore, the ROC was initiated to create a new type of weapon with increased penetration. At the beginning of the 2000s, three pistols were put into service at once.

GSh-18 (designers Vasily Gryazev and Arkady Shipunov) was created at the Tula Instrument Design Bureau. Equally used in the army and in law enforcementincluding the prosecutor's office. Its main advantage is the use of a powerful 9 × 19 mm cartridge with an armor-piercing bullet, which has a speed of 600 m / s when exiting the barrel.

GSh-18 pistol during inspection of weapons and military equipment (Photo: Sergey Bobylev / TASS)

Another advantage is the 18-round magazine. However, due to the strong spring, you can manually equip no more than a dozen rounds. The GSh design is extremely original. So, for example, the barrel is locked by turning it around its own axis. For testing automation, 12 lugs are located on the barrel. Instead of a trigger guard, a trigger is used ... Shooting from the main gun requires a lot of stress. In addition, the complexity of the design does not contribute to high reliability. One of the uses of this pistol is as a reward weapon. The pistol is produced in small batches.

Over the past few decades, the topic of replacing the Makarov pistol in the arsenals of the army and law enforcement agencies has been regularly raised. This no longer fully meets modern requirements, and therefore it should be replaced with a more perfect model. However, recent attempts to create a new pistol have not always been successful. A new contender for the title of replacement for the PM is a promising self-loading pistol known as the "Boa constrictor". It is already being tested, but its real prospects are still in question.

The development of a self-loading pistol with the code "Boa constrictor" began several years ago. The general public was told about the new project in 2016, when part of the development work had already been completed. At that time, the authors of the project gave him the most optimistic assessments and talked about the imminent start of the necessary tests and checks. Nevertheless, over the past two and a half years, the situation around the new project has not fundamentally changed. This is cause for concern.

According to official data ...

The existence of the Udav self-loading pistol project was announced in June 2016. The project was created by specialists from the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering, and the organization's general director Dmitry Semizorov first spoke about it. According to the head of the institute, at that time the work on the product "Boa" was in the final stage. Preliminary tests were carried out, the results of which were fine-tuned. Also, prototypes were being prepared for future state tests.

One of the first prototypes of the "Boa"

The new pistol is designed for a 9x21 mm high-power cartridge, which should give it advantages over existing models, such as Makarov and Yarygin pistols. According to the plans of the developers, the new "Boa constrictor" in the future could become a replacement for the army PM and PM.

In June 2016, it was stated that the promising "Boa constrictor" would have to enter state tests in the very near future. It was planned to complete these works by the end of the year. It should be noted that information about the work on the "Boa constrictor" theme came only from the leadership of TsNIITochmash. The Defense Ministry and other security agencies did not comment on these reports in any way.

In August of the same year, D. Semizorov again told the domestic press about the progress of the promising project. He recalled the recent completion of preliminary tests of the "Boa", and in the fall it was supposed to bring the product to the state. Completion of state tests was again scheduled for the end of the year. If the Ministry of Defense made an appropriate decision, then the serial production of pistols could be launched already in 2017.

The general director of the development organization pointed out that one of the main goals of the Boa Project was to ensure the confident defeat of enemy personnel using individual body armor. In this regard, the already well-known 9x21 mm cartridge was chosen for the new model pistol, which differs from other ammunition with increased power and an armor-piercing bullet. Previously, this cartridge was used with the SPS / SR-1 / Gyurza pistol. At the same time, the "Boa" project was not based on borrowed solutions, and some new ideas were used in its design.

In May 2018, the Kalashnikov magazine published an image of an experimental pistol of a new type. In July, the publication received a snapshot of another prototype. The products differed noticeably from each other, and it was about successively created samples and the refinement of the basic design. At the same time, unfortunately, the exact technical characteristics of the weapon remained unknown. TsNIITochmash was in no hurry to publish such data, and therefore the press and weapon lovers had to rely only on their own assessments.

In October, the topic of the new project was again raised by the leadership of the developer organization. The new general director of TsNIITochmash Albert Bakov announced some information about the development of the Udav and plans for the near future. According to him, self-loading pistols have been submitted for state tests. New stage activities are carried out at the training grounds of the Ministry of Defense. According to the directive of the military department, the tests should be completed in December. After that, the Ministry of Defense will have to make a decision on further destiny new pistol - it can go into service.

In the wake of this news, Rossiyskaya Gazeta published interesting messages. It turned out that industrial designers worked with the gunsmiths on the new pistol. The appearance of the future "Boa" was determined by the specialists of TsNIITochmash and the Center for High Accuracy Prototyping "Kinetics" at the National Research Technological University "MISiS". The reason for this cooperation was the specifics of the development of modern shooting systems. The weapon has approached the maximum possible technical characteristics, and now one of the ways to improve it is to improve ergonomics.

The outer contours of the future pistol were determined taking into account technical limitations, ease of use, as well as artistic features. In the future, the original design has undergone certain changes, but its main provisions have been preserved. Also using modern technologies, Kinetics designers and TsNIITochmash gunsmiths have developed some additional devices for Boa. In this case, remarkable results were obtained.

Technical issues

To date, the authors of the "Boa" project have published far from all technical information, but the main features of the pistol are already clear. In addition, the approximate appearance of the product and the parameters of the main components of the pistol complex are known. All this allows you to make various assessments and make forecasts for the future project.

A variant of the appearance of a pistol from the Kinetics Center

The Boa project envisages the manufacture of a self-loading pistol based on well-known and time-tested solutions. This could, to a certain extent, simplify the design, but did not exclude the need to solve a number of design problems associated with the use of a relatively powerful 9x21 mm cartridge. The product is built according to the classic scheme with a T-shaped frame, including a handle, and a movable bolt casing. Polymeric materials are widely used in the manufacture of the product. In particular, the handle and frame as a whole are at least covered with plastic or even made entirely of it. The shutter cover remains completely metal.

It should be noted the curious appearance of the "Boa". If the photographs of the spring and summer of this year featured a utilitarian-looking pistol without any special artistic delights, then in October they showed a more interesting sample. Different prototypes differ from each other in the shape of the main parts, ergonomics and, very likely, the design of the internal mechanisms. For example, one of the most notable differences was the shape and depth of the notches on the bolt casing.

The type of automatic pistol has not yet been specified. According to some sources, an oscillating barrel system is used, in which locking is carried out by the interaction of the barrel protrusions and the liner ejection port. However, information about the possibility of using a silent firing device may contradict such versions.

The pistol is equipped with a double action trigger mechanism with a trigger protruding beyond the weapon. Fire control is carried out by a traditional trigger, covered with a traditional bracket. Older photographs showed that there are safety flags at the back of the movable casing. The sample shown in the fall, for some reason, did not have such details. Moreover, by its appearance, it was generally impossible to speak of the presence of a non-automatic fuse.

Like other self-loading pistols, the Boa constrictor uses detachable box magazines that fit into the inner shaft of the handle. The magazine can hold 9x21 mm rounds, but its capacity has not yet been specified. The magazine is fixed with a side button. The pistol has a slide delay, which allows it to be prepared for firing faster after emptying the magazine. The delay lever is located on the frame on the left, above the trigger.

Apparently, the pistol "Boa constrictor" can have two options for sights of a similar type. They include a front sight and a simple rear sight placed on the casing. On the basic version of the pistol, these parts are low in height. The silencer-compatible modification features an increased height of the sights, which allows the aiming line to be raised.

According to press reports, the development of the Udav muffler was carried out using computer-aided design systems. The prototype product was made using 3D printing technology. The resulting design was able to solve its problems, but at the same time weighed only tens of grams. In addition, the cost of the finished product has dropped sharply.

It is also possible to use other accessories. For their installation on the front of the frame there is a guide rail in standard sizes. It is proposed to use it with flashlights, laser designators and other devices.

Unfortunately, the exact dimensions and weight, as well as the combat characteristics of the Udav self-loading pistol remain unknown. It can be assumed that in terms of combat qualities it is comparable to previous systems chambered for 9x21 mm. In the case of the SPS / SR-1 pistol, such a cartridge made it possible to obtain an initial bullet speed of about 400 m / s and a muzzle energy of more than 600 J. Depending on the type of cartridge and bullet, the SPS could penetrate a class 3 or 3A body armor from a distance of 50 m. How similar is the "Boa constrictor" to the SPS in terms of tactical and technical characteristics - unknown.

Near future

According to reports two years ago, in the very near future the pistol "Boa" from TsNIITochmash was to go to state tests. Apparently, such plans were fulfilled with some delay, and therefore the promising weapon has not yet completed all the necessary checks. Nevertheless, as reported in mid-autumn, the state tests of the pistol will be completed in December. Thus, this stage of work must come to an end - if it has not already ended.

Expert Silenced Pistol

The Ministry of Defense has not yet talked about the testing of the Boa pistol and has not announced its plans for it. Based on the results of the current inspections, the military will have to draw final conclusions and decide whether they need a promising self-loading pistol chambered for a powerful cartridge. Perhaps this kind will appear in the near future, and the public will find out the real prospects of the new pistol.

In the meantime, you have to rely only on a limited amount of data and your own estimates. Apparently, the product "Udav" is a typical modern self-loading pistol, but it differs from many other samples by the use of a relatively powerful cartridge 9x21 mm, which gives it advantages in combat qualities. Also, differences can be found in some of the ergonomics features developed by industrial designers. In this case, the internal mechanisms of the "Boa" are based on proven solutions, although they are adapted to the characteristic loads of powerful ammunition.

What decision the military will take, and what will be the further fate of the new domestic pistol "Boa" is a big question. In light of the published data, this sample looks good. modern weaponsable to find their place in the troops. However, tests at the proving ground should reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the pistol, so that the army can make an informed decision. It is quite possible that a situation in which the disadvantages of the pistol cannot outweigh the advantages.

The used cartridge should be considered an ambiguous feature of the project. 9x21 mm ammunition was adopted by the army back in 2003, but it did not become truly massive. This was due, first of all, to the insufficient number of weapons for them. It cannot be ruled out that the "Boa constrictor" will eventually be able to change this situation, but so far the use of an "unusual" cartridge looks rather a disadvantage. What the command thinks about this will probably become known later.

According to the news of recent months, the Ministry of Defense should complete state tests of a new self-loading pistol in December. Based on the results of these events, a decision will be made on the future fate of the Udav, as well as on the future of the PM and PYa pistols. The army will have to decide whether it needs a new weapon, and whether a promising development from TsNIITochmash will become this new model.

Based on materials from sites:



The UDAV pistol being developed for the army and law enforcement agencies is being prepared for state tests, Dmitry Semizorov, general director of TsNIITOCHMASH (Klimovsk, Moscow region), told RNS.
"Work on promising pistol "Boa constrictor" chambered for 9X21 mm in its final stage. Preliminary tests have been completed, the shortcomings identified during them are being eliminated and samples are being prepared for state tests, ”Semizorov said at the Eurosatory 2016 arms exhibition in Paris.
He explained that the Boa constrictor, which will replace the Makarov and Yarygin pistols, is a pistol of greater power than all existing analogues. It is designed for the standard cartridge 9X21 mm.
“We will try to complete the state tests in 2016,” Semizorov said.

Preliminary tests of a new pistol for the Ministry of Defense have been completed, serial deliveries may begin in 2017. This was announced in an interview with TASS by Dmitry Semizorov, Director General of the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering (TsNIItochmash)
Now the most massive pistol in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the PM (Makarov pistol). Special forces of law enforcement agencies use the Stechkin pistol, oriented chambered for 9x18. Currently, the special forces are being rearmed with a Serdyukov pistol (SR-1) with a more powerful cartridge 9x21. The industry has been tasked with making a mass pistol to replace the PM under the cartridge 9x21.
"The preliminary tests have now ended, in the fall we are entering state tests, which we must complete by the end of this year, and next year, if the Ministry of Defense makes an appropriate decision, serial deliveries will begin," Semizorov said.
He explained that one of the main tasks small arms, which is in the hands of the military ¬defeat targets dressed in individual body armor.
“The new pistol has been selected in a powerful 9x21 cartridge. We have experience in such work with a Serdyukov pistol. But in the pistol that is being created now, new technical solutions have been applied so that it can become widespread and replace outdated samples, ”added the agency's interlocutor.


Pistol SR-1 "Vector", aka "Gyurza", developed by the designer of the Klimovsk arms enterprise "TsNIITOCHMASH" Peter Serdyukov, is one of the most powerful 9 mm caliber in the world. Once created for special forces units, it may soon enter the Russian army to replace the most massive one - the Makarov pistol.
The reason for this was the successful completion of preliminary tests. The general director of TsNIITOCHMASH Dmitry Semizorov told TASS about it. “The preliminary tests have now ended. In the fall, we go to the state ones, which we must complete by the end of this year, and next year, if the Ministry of Defense makes an appropriate decision, serial deliveries will begin, ”the agency quotes Dmitry Semizorov as saying.

There is information about the completion of state tests of the replacement of the Makarov pistol

The Russian army will soon receive a new pistol to replace the Makarov. According to experts, this sample will become one of the most powerful pistols in the world with its low weight and dimensions.

According to the information announced by the new director of the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering (TSNIITOCHMASH) Albert Bakov, the stage of state tests of the pistol in the framework of the Udav development work has been completed in Russia. This pistol should replace the good old Makarov pistol, which for many years was the main personal weapon in the Russian army and various security agencies. At the same time, we note that it became known about the preparation of replacing the PM for a long time, and directly about the "Boa" in Russia they heard about two years ago. On the this moment representatives of the press managed to find out some details about the Russian secret development.

Talks about the need to replace PM began a long time ago. Recall that the well-known "Makarov" was developed back in 1948, and since 1951 it entered service. The most common pistol in Russia was designed on the basis of the German Walter PPK for the police. Despite its reliability, simplicity and low weight, the domestic copy turned out to be less powerful. For example, the Army Colt used in the United States is significantly superior to the PM in this respect.

The assignment for the development of a new pistol for officers and other representatives of structures who are entitled to personal weapons according to the staffing table was given by the Russian military department at the end of the 20th century. They began to solve the problem immediately, but they could not immediately achieve the desired result and design a suitable sample. Subsequently, several times there were problems with the financing of the project, and the very view of how the pistol of the future should look like was revised. As a result, the Klimovsk Scientific Research Institute of Precision Engineering managed to cope with the task. The pistol was developed under the guidance of the chief designer Alexander Borisov. Note that in creating a new model of personal weapons for the army, this time they did without copying foreign technologies.

First, let's pay special attention to the design of the pistol. The sample of the "Boa constrictor" project turned out to be very pleasant, elegant and even beautiful in appearance. This is due to the extraordinary decision of the TsNIITOCHMASH management to involve in work on appearance a new pistol by a group of specialists headed by Vladimir Pirozhkov, who is a world-class industrial designer.

Pirozhkov has worked on the design of a Citroen car for the head of the French state, and also spent several years in the design department of the Japanese automobile giant Toyota. However, during recent years specialist worked on site Russian Federation... Pirozhkov also collaborates with the Klimovsk Research Institute on a number of other projects, such as work on the appearance of the equipment of the future.

If everything is clear with the design, which we can evaluate on the photos available on the network, then about technical characteristics pistol is still little known. Developing a weapon to replace the Makarov, the designers set themselves several main objectives, including simplicity, reliability, weight and acceptable power. And here it is important to note that the more powerful the cartridge of the pistol, the more difficult it is to achieve high reliability of the weapon. If you believe the words of representatives of the research institute from Klimovsk, then they managed to solve this practically unsolvable problem. The size of the new pistol and its weight (890 grams) do not critically exceed the performance of the Makarov, but at the same time the Boa constrictor is much more powerful than the American Colt, which, in turn, has a greater weight and dimensions.

As we noted above, the exact characteristics are still unknown, since they are classified, but it can be assumed that its power will exceed almost all pistols in the world. Such conclusions are prompted by the fact that when designing a new army pistol, the developments of the outstanding Russian designer Peter Serdyukov were used, in particular the Serdyukov self-loading pistol (SPS).

"Boa constrictor" will have one of the most powerful pistol cartridges at the moment - 9x21 millimeters and an aiming range of one hundred meters. According to available data, from this distance, there will be enough power in order to pierce body armor made of titanium plates and Kevlar or steel sheets 4 millimeters thick. Also, the new pistol has the prospect of inheriting one interesting feature, namely the possibility of using cartridges of a different caliber. Serdyukov's self-loading pistol, with a simple replacement of certain elements, could be adapted to use standard nine-millimeter cartridges from PM or chambered for 7.62 caliber cartridges for a TT pistol. Let us add that the clip "Boa" will hold 18 rounds and it will be possible to adapt the collimator, sight and flashlight to it.

At TsNIITOCHMASH in Klimovsk, near Moscow, preliminary tests of a new generation pistol "Udav" have been completed. CEO of the enterprise Dmitry Semizorovreported that state tests of weapons are scheduled to be held before the end of the year.

The characteristics of the "Boa constrictor" are classified. It is only known that the pistol uses a powerful cartridge of 9 × 21 mm caliber, the magazine holds 18 cartridges, and there is also a laser designator in the kit. This pistol appeared as a result of the natural evolution of this type of weapon, which is associated not only with the progress of design thought and technology, but also with external conditions, which, for example, include combat tactics and enemy protection.

The Makarov self-loading pistol, which was adopted as a personal weapon for officers of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies, has survived to this day and is still widespread. The popularity and "longevity" of this weapon is explained by a number of its advantages. It does not require a long range of aimed fire, since it is a personal attack and defense weapon designed to defeat the enemy at short distances. 20 meters for the PM is the optimal distance. Although aimed shooting can be carried out at a distance of up to 50 meters.

A cartridge of 9 × 18 mm caliber was created under the PM. It has an undeniable dignity, perfectly suited for melee weapons, one might say, almost contact: the bullet has a good stopping effect. Bullets with a high penetration ability can go through or penetrate deep into the enemy's body.

In this case, the shot does not have to have high energy at all. This principle was used by Makarov when creating a pistol. The average value of the muzzle energy made it possible to simplify the automation of the weapon; the PM used a free breechblock and a short barrel stroke. The pistol is distinguished by the highest degree of reliability and unpretentious operation. This achieves a high rate of fire. It is comparatively lightweight and compact. The PM uses a multifunctional fuse, unique for the 50s-70s, which allows you to safely remove a loaded pistol from a combat platoon. Resource - 50 thousand shots.

The disadvantages include the significant effort required to trigger the trigger - about 2 kg. And almost 4 kg with self-cocking. And also a magazine for 8 rounds. But in the modified version of the PMM, which began to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the early 90s, the magazine volume was increased to 12 rounds. Moreover, it is possible to use both the old Peem cartridge and the new 9x18 PPM in the pistol. In this connection, the weapon has become universal. If the PM is not able to penetrate a bulletproof vest due to the low kinetic energy of the bullet and its low initial velocity (315 m / s), then the new bullet acquired a high penetrating ability, its initial velocity is 420 m / s. This is achieved due to the sharpening of the bullet and a 30% increase in the amount of powder in the case. True, the PPM penetrates the army body armor at a distance of no more than 10 meters.

In the 80s - 90s, unloading body armor began to appear in the West, which were additionally reinforced with parts of equipment and weapons attached to them. In this connection, such equipment became too tough for the existing domestic army pistols. Therefore, the ROC was initiated to create a new type of weapon with increased penetration. At the beginning of the 2000s, three pistols were put into service at once.

GSh-18 (designers Vasily Gryazev and Arkady Shipunov) was created at the Tula Instrument Design Bureau. It is used equally in the army and in law enforcement agencies, including the prosecutor's office. Its main advantage is the use of a powerful 9 × 19 mm cartridge with an armor-piercing bullet, which has a speed of 600 m / s when exiting the barrel.

The GSh-18 pistol during the inspection of samples of weapons and military equipment (Photo: Sergey Bobylev / TASS)

Another advantage is the 18-round magazine. However, due to the strong spring, you can manually equip no more than a dozen rounds. The GSh design is extremely original. So, for example, the barrel is locked by turning it around its own axis. For testing automation, 12 lugs are located on the barrel. Instead of a trigger guard, a trigger is used ... Shooting from the main gun requires a lot of stress. In addition, the complexity of the design does not contribute to high reliability. One of the uses of this pistol is as a reward weapon. The pistol is produced in small batches.

SPS - Serdyukov self-loading pistol... Designers P. Serdyukov and V. Belyaev, developed by TsNIITOCHMASH. It is mainly used by special forces of law enforcement agencies, but it is also "registered" in the Ministry of Defense. It has the most powerful cartridge for pistols in 9x21 mm. A bullet with an energy of 635 J, penetrates a 5-mm steel sheet from a distance of 50 meters. This is an armor-piercing bullet. Under the ATP, two more cartridges were created: low-ricochet and armor-piercing tracer. These two cartridges have high stopping properties.

American actor and musician Steven Seagal (left) with self-loading pistol Serdyukov (SPS) with a silencer at the International Exhibition of Arms, Technologies and Innovations "Oboronexpo-2014" (Photo: Sergey Bobylev / TASS)

SPS store for 18 rounds. At the same time, it does not weigh so much for its unique striking power - 0.9 kg without a magazine and 1.11 kg loaded. Sighting range - 100 meters.

The ATP also has disadvantages. For example, in addition to the usual safety catch, a safety key is introduced on the back of the handle. Shooting can be started only if the shooter, grasping the handle with a brush, drowns the key.

PYa "Rook" - Yarygin's pistol. Created at the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, designer Vladimir Yarygin. The caliber of the cartridge is 9 × 19 mm. This pistol was more fortunate than its two aforementioned competitors. In Izhevsk, its large-scale production is deployed for the armed forces, internal troops, special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies. That is, this is exactly the pistol with which the legendary PM has been replaced since 2008.

Yarygin pistol (Photo:

It has 18 rounds. The cartridge, created under the PYa, has an energy of 550 J. The bullet is armor-piercing. However, it has high not only breakdown, but also stopping properties due to the use of a lead core. It is also possible to use the cartridge 9 × 19 mm Parabellum, which has a lower energy efficiency. Equipped with a flashlight and laser designator.

The pistol is designed for "strong men": the effort applied when self-cocking - 5.8 kg, with the hammer cocked - 2.6 kg. At the same time, it is ergonomic. The disadvantages include "rough execution", that is, "clumsy" forms, sharp edges that can injure the shooter.

TTX PYa "Grach"

Cartridge caliber - 9 × 19 mm

Weight - 0.95 kg

Length - 198 mm

Barrel length - 112.8 mm

Width - 38 mm

Height - 145 mm

Bullet muzzle velocity - 465 m / s

Sighting range - 50 m

Magazine capacity - 18

It is quite understandable that Central Research Institute Tochmash is unhappy with the fact that it was not their SPS pistol that was chosen to replace the PM, but the Izhevsk PYa. However, according to the general director of the enterprise Dmitry Semizorov, the new development, "Boa", based on the same powerful cartridge 9 × 21 mm as in the SPS, should surpass the performance of the "Rook". By the way, the development team also includes the author of the PCA - Peter Serdyukov.

And it is precisely "Boa", according to Klimovsk, that it is necessary to replace the PM. Well, technical competition is a positive thing. In contrast to the undercover struggle. But there is an intractable moment here. Large-scale production is extremely inertial. Its flywheel has already been spun in Izhevsk. So, the "Boa constrictor" may go to the troops. But not instead of "Rook", but in parallel with it. The need for pistols of widespread use is enormous, and the definition of "together" rather than "instead of" is quite appropriate here.