Shoigu. Selector meeting under the leadership of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation with

Today at the National Defense Directorate Center Russian Federation Under the leadership of the head of the Military Office of the General Army Army, Sergei Shoigu, the next selector meeting was held with the leadership of the Armed Forces. Scheduled work, the Minister of Defense recalled that the autumn call for military service was started on October 1, which would last until the end of December. In accordance with the decree of the President of Russia. Call 132,500 people are subject to 118,440 - to the Armed Forces. Sergey Shoigu requested the commander of military districts and the Northern Fleet to organize control over the conduct of professional psychological selection and medical examination of conscripts. "It is important to ensure the readiness of all the points of collection, reception and sending personnel , as well as a barracks foundation in military units. Special attention should be paid to the safety and prevention of diseases, "the Minister of Defense emphasized. The head of the military department called the IV of the All-Russian action" There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland! ", Which will be held from October 15 to December 21 in All subjects of the Russian Federation. Sergey Shoigu reminded that "her goal is to objectively and complete the informs of young people about military education, its advantages and prospects." In addition to this before the deputy minister of defense, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, commander of military districts, Northern The fleet and childbirth of the troops, the heads of the central authorities of the Military Office, was tasked with the planning of their participation in meetings with UNARMES, students of graduation classes of schools and pre-university military educational institutions, as well as to organize a subordinate to this work. According to the decision of the Minister of Defense, the results of the promotion will be included I am in weekly reports on selective meetings with the leadership of the military department, the control over the course of its implementation is entrusted to implement the National Defense Management Center and Chief Personnel Management. This applies to the meeting agenda, the Minister of Defense proposed to discuss four thematic issues. The first was devoted to increasing the health of missiles. Tu-160 and Tu-95ms. "In pursuance of the commission of the Supreme Commander, continue to develop a nuclear triad. In particular, such an important component as strategic aviation, "said Sergey Shoigu. The Minister of Defense informed that to extend the service life and improving the use of Tu-160 and Tu-95 MS aircraft and co-operating aircraft and cooperation enterprises. within life cycle, as well as repair and modernization. Work is underway to reproduce the reproduction of the Tu-160m strategic aircraft. On the selector, measures were discussed that would allow the number of good missile officers established by the President of Russia established by the President of Russia. Eliminate -112v. Summals of this class are designed to change the An-26, which is suitable for the end. Eighty percent of such machines will be derived from operation until 2030. "The renewal of the fleet of military transport aircraft must pass in strict accordance with the state contract," said Sergey Shoigu, saying that he currently remains open a number of issues regarding the timing of the aircraft and its mass. . He is how they are solved, reported cEO Aviation complex named S.V. Ilyushin. Also on the selector, issues related to the implementation of the state contract for the manufacture and supply of BarC-M spacecraft were considered. The head of the military department, "the Ministry of Defense systemally improves the system for monitoring the situation from space, a significant place in it is given to modern satellites" . In addition to this, the timely implementation of the tasks for the manufacture and modernization of satellites of mapping and remote sensing of the Earth acquires a special relevance. The representatives of the Progress Rocket and Space Center were performed on the progress of work on the completion of the manufacture of the Barç M space apparatus. Summing up the results of the IV Army International Games, which ended on August 11. Minister of Defense stressed that "our servicemen won 18 of 28 contests, again became leaders in general standings, while the Russian team belongs to 26 out of 29 records installed on games" . Next year Roby jubilee, fifth, army games. Many tournaments are planned to be held in the territory of other states. "Every year the struggle becomes more and more tense and exciting, everything is more difficult to hold the first positions," South Schoigu summed up. On meetings are constantly talking about the interaction of the Ministry of Defense with the regions in solving social issues of military personnel and members Their families, the development of UNARMEY Movement. In this time, participation in the selector accepted the heads of the Arkhangelsk, Bryansk and Kaliningrad regions. In conversation with them, the Minister of Defense announced the intention to create a branch of the Nakhimovsky school in the Kaliningrad region, entrusted to the Commander of the Baltic Fleet together with the leadership of the region to consider the possibility of the dislocation of this Educational institution. "I ask to consider the possibility of the departments of the branch of the Nakhimovsky school. We have a single fleet on which there is no Nakhimovsky school. Now we need to consider the possibility, find a decent, decent place, so that you can place the Nakhimov school there. I believe that this is one of the most important points where educational institution Our fleet and ministries of defense ". In turn, the governors of the Bryansk and Arkhangelsk regions declared the intention to create regional Patriot Parks.

Today, in the National Defense Directorate of the Russian Federation, under the leadership of the head of the military department of the General Army Army, Sergei Shoigu, the next selector meeting was held with the leadership of the Armed Forces.

Starting work, the Minister of Defense recalled that on October 31, the academic year ended in the armed forces.

As Sergey Shoigu stressed, "the preliminary results show that the level of field, air and marine learning of personal composition has grown."

In particular, the intensity of interspecific preparation increased by 16%, by 14% - the number of bilateral exercises.

IN Ground forces In the rank of Rota - the battalion has been conducted over 3800 tactical teachings.

In the air-space forces, raid crews exceeded 380 thousand hours, 615 young pilots were prepared.

In the Naval Fleet 242 of the crew of surface ships and submarines, more than 560 coursework worked.

The pressure of the crews amounted to 15450 days.

In the airborne troops were made 168640 parachute jumps.

17500 younger specialists have mastered the skills of operation modern armament and technology that allows you to fully use all new techniqueentering troops.

As for the thematic part of the meeting, five issues were considered.

The first concerned ship zenith rocket system "Polyment-Red".

According to the Minister of Defense, "it is possible to affect any existing and promising means of an air attack."

During government tests on the Northern Fleet, more than 10 launches of these missiles are carried out in various types of objectives.

Sergey Shoigu offered to discuss their results and suggestions for further development Systems.

Then the progress of the state defense order was considered to create a Space Rocket Complex of the Heavy Class "Angara".

"From successful implementation this project Directly depends on the timely increase in the orbital grouping of dual and military spacecraft. Therefore, the implementation of this task is on constant control of the Ministry of Defense, "the head of the military department said.

Also, special attention was paid to the issue related to the development of a heavy military transport aircraft IL-76MD-90A and the creation of a modern aircraft-tanker on its basis.

As Sergey Shoigu explained, "for this purpose, the design work is carried out, the implementation of which will increase the mass of the transported goods and the range of their transportation, increase the combat capabilities of front-line, special and long aviation."

The Minister of Defense said that state tests The prototype of the military transport aircraft is completed.

An experienced refiner aircraft will be manufactured in the first quarter of 2019.

In addition, at the meeting, the results of the teachings "Ocean Shield" were summed up, which was held in early September in the Mediterranean Sea.

"A similar event at such a distance from Russian borders in modern history Countries were held for the first time, "said Sergey Shoigu.

During the exercise, issues of preparation and conduct of combat actions of the interspecific group of forces and troops were worked out.

The ships of the Northern and Baltic Flotov carried out a transition to a distance of more than 4500 miles.

The ships of the Caspian flotilla were held by the Volga-Don Canal and Chernomore Strait from the Caspian Sea.

Airplanes of sea aviation have made flights from the northern, Baltic and Crimean airfields to the database of Hmeimim, overcome more than 5,000 kilometers.

The teachings were attracted by strategic missile mines Tu-160, aircraft complexes of the radar watch and the guidance of A-50, as well as aircraft-tankers of IL-78 air-space forces.

In the Mediterranean Sea, a large interplotted Navy group was created, which could autonomously solve a wide range of tasks taking into account the changing setting.

The management of the teachings was carried out by the General Command of the Navy from the Department of Management in St. Petersburg and the Support Point of Management in the Syrian Port of Tartus.

As the Minister of Defense stressed, "during the event, the newest tactical techniques and ways of action of ship forces and aviation were tested," adding that such exercises will be carried out on an ongoing basis.

Another issue of the agenda was concerned with the readiness of the barrage and housing stock and utility facilities to operate in the winter season.

Sergey Shoigu noted that by September, all boiler houses were ready for winter, the readiness passports for the heating period were obtained for all military towns.

Meeting participants discussed how to provide this winter military units and organizations by communal services in full.

Separately, the Minister of Defense was stopped on such an important educational project, as an annual geographical dictation, which will be held on November 11 for the fourth time.

Military Office takes in it the most active part.

According to the Minister of Defense, the knowledge of geography in the Armed Forces will be able to check more than 137 thousand people.

To do this, 1025 regional platforms will work in military units, organizations and institutions of the military department.

The main of them will be the National Defense Directorate, where all information on the conduct of a dictation in the armed forces will be blocked.

As part of the event, it is planned to deploy photo exhibitions about those corners of the country, where the servicemen carry service, meet with geographers, travelers and other interesting people.

"We have repeatedly talked about the importance of geographical knowledge, but it is equally important to know the native history. Especially now, when we are still trying to try its falsification. Therefore, the Ministry of Defense addresses the issue of conducting military historical dictations in the Armed Forces, which Will contribute to the preservation of the truth about the country's significant events meaningful, "the Minister of Defense reported on a new important initiative.

Also at the meeting was discussed on the activities of the Ministry of Defense for Housing and Arrangement.

According to Sergey Shoigu, "from the beginning of the year 100% was implemented moneyallocated for housing subsidies to military personnel. As a result, 5,500 families received permanent housing.

Fully completed a plan to provide servicemen with service housing. It was received 31 thousand 200 people.

The military-building complex was commissioned 2308 buildings and structures, which is 72% more than last year.

At the same time, emphasis, as the Minister of Defense stressed, was made to create military infrastructure facilities affecting the combat power of the armed forces, first of all the forces of nuclear deterrence.

Much attention was still paid to the creation of a military innovation technopolis "Era", the first stage of the construction of which comes to completion.

According to the Minister of Defense, in November it is planned to hold a departure meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Defense.

Mandatory theme of selector meetings - the interaction of the military department with the leadership of the regions in solving social problems military personnel and members of their families, as well as issues related to the development of UNARMEY Movement.

This time he was heard by the head of the Republic of Adygea Murat Kumpilov, Deputy Governor of the Voronezh Region Vitaly Shabalatov, Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region Sergey Morozov.

"We strive to fulfill all social obligations to residents of the republic, including military personnel. All children of military personnel are promptly secured by children's gardens and schools," Murat Kumpilov reported.

According to him, there are also no problems with the employment of family members of military personnel.

According to Vitaly Shabalatov, all the children of military personnel undergoing service in the territory of the region are also provided in places in kindergartens and schools.

"In order to better solve this issue in 2018, more than 2 million rubles were allocated for the arrangement of one of the kindergartens," he told. The deputy head of the region noted that there are also no unresolved issues with employment, and the family of military personnel are provided by all measures of support.

Sergey Morozov also said that as of November 1, all the children of servicemen were provided with places in kindergartens and schools, and there are no employment in need.

Sergei Shoigu expressed the hope that social guarantees before military personnel in these regions will continue to be fulfilled in full.

Also Murat Kumpilov, Vitaly Shabalatov and Sergey Morozov informed the Minister of Defense on the development of the UNARMEY Movement and the creation of Patriotic Parks of Culture and Places.

"This year we started big work According to sports and wellness camps. We have them in the country more than one and a half thousand were created in the summer season. We hope that their quantity will constantly increase, "said Sergey Shoigu to the closest perspective.

In addition, the Defense Minister instructed the commander of the Airborne Colonel-General Andrei Serdyukov to assist the Patriotic Patriotic Park named after Vasily Marghelov.

30 June. Today, in the National Defense Defense Directorate, under the leadership of the head of the military department of the General Army, Sergei Shoigu, the next selector Meeting was held with the leadership of the Armed Forces.

His work Minister Defense began with the analysis of the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic.

He noted that during the last month, the Syrian government troops and folk militia detachments with the support of the CVC of Russia are developing success in the north-east of the province of Aleppo, in the Palmyra region and in the south of Syria. Actively promoted along the Syrian-Jordan border and borders with Iraq.

Only for June from the militants released 69 settlements and 12177 square kilometers of territory.

Continuing to maintain the cessation of combat operations.

To date, 228 units of armed opposition joined the regime.

In June, agreements on accession to reconciliation were signed with representatives of 329 settlements, the total number of which is 1864.

After signing the Memorandum on the creation of declarations in the Syrian Arab Republic, the number of violations of the cessation of combat operations decreased more.

At the same time, the Minister of Defense drew attention to the fact that "at the same time, the provocations of the coalition forces headed by the United States contribute to the expansion of activities terrorist organizations In Syria. "

"After the US aviation shot down a Syrian plane in the Rusafa area? In the south of the province of Rakka, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation ceased contacts with the American party within the Memorandum on the prevention of incidents and ensuring the safety of aviation flights, "said Sergey Shoigu and reported that the coalition's actions are currently limited to strictly coordinated areas in the area of \u200b\u200bthis tan In the south of Syria and east of the Euphrates River.

"We note that American colleagues act within these zones. While violations are not recorded, "the head of the Russian military department stated.

"For a significant reduction in military activity and violence in the Syrian Arab Republic, preparations for the 5th International Meeting on Syria in Astana, which will be held on July 4-5. Currently, together with Iran and Turkey, we finish working out documents that determine the borders of the deoxylation zones, the procedure for their control and functioning, "the Minister of Defense said, adding that during the negotiations in Astana, it is also envisaged to discuss issues of creating the Syrian Committee of National Reconciliation.

The head of the military department stressed that Syrian experience is generalized and implemented in the framework of the preparation of military management bodies and troops.

To this end, large-scale fees were conducted in February with the leadership of the armed forces of the operational-strategic level.

"A further step, as Sergey Shoigu noted, will be an operational collection with the involvement of communists of the joints and commander of the associations planned for July."

In the course of it, the polygons will demonstrate the main approaches to the training of tactical groups, compounds and divisions, including using modern means Training and simulatory complexes.

In addition, it is envisaged to conduct a number of exercises on which various options and methods of actions of troops will be shown.

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03.05.2018 (14:13)

Minister of Defense General of the Army Sergei Shoigu held a selection meeting with the leadership of the Armed Forces

Today, in the National Defense Directorate of the Russian Federation, under the leadership of the head of the military department of the General Army Army, Sergei Shoigu, the next selector meeting was held with the leadership of the Armed Forces.

The defense minister issued five questions for discussion.

The first concerned in the current year of monetary content to military personnel, wages Civilian staff of the Armed Forces and Military Pensions, citizens dismissed from military service.

As Sergey Shoigu stressed, the country's leadership pays great attention to this social aspect of the life of the army and the fleet.

At the initiative of the Ministry of Defense, the Presidency of the Russian Federation decided from January 1 of this year during three years It is possible to index the salaries of servicemen at least four percent.

Since the beginning of the year, four percent has increased pensions to military pensioners and wages to citizens-right personnel. For these purposes in 2018, 38.6 billion rubles was additionally allocated to the military department.

In addition, the Minister of Defense noted, work is underway to ensure the amount of money allowing not lower wages in leading sectors of the economy, indexing of military pensions, over the level of inflation and increase wages to certain categories of workers.

For more information about this, the Deputy Minister of Defense Tatyana Shevtsova told about this.

She informed that, starting in 2012, military pensions were increased by 39.1 percent. The average size Military pensions for long service exceeds the size of the insurance pension of employees 1.75 times and amounts to 24.6 thousand rubles.

"Thanks to a consistently conducted Ministry of Defense of Russia, work together with State Duma And the Federation Council in the absence of indexation of monetary content from 2012 to 2017 made decisions on the annual increase in military pensions to the inflation rate, "said the deputy minister.

Tatyana Shevtsova also reported that in addition to military pensions from April 1, 2018, social pensions 2.9 percent were indexed by such categories of pensioners as participants in the Great Patriotic War, War disabled, war veterans, persons who have reached the 80 years.

Additionally, given the merits of the older generation in the Great Victory, the President of the Russian Federation on April 5, 2018 it was decided to pay annually (and not only in the anniversary years) of a one-time payment of disabled and participants in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 at the rate of 10 thousand rubles.

The Ministry of Defense actively participated in the preparation of the draft Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on this issue.

In accordance with this decision in May - June 2018 additional payment More than 10,780 military pensioners will be provided.

As a result of the focused work of the Ministry of Defense of Russia in conditions of reducing the costs of the federal budget, it was possible to maintain and further increase budget allocations for socially significant issues.

So, for 2018, the Ministry of Finance of Russia increased the expenses of the military department for providing subsidies to the servicemen for the acquisition or construction of residential premises ( the new kind providing military personnel by housing) - 37 000 million rubles;

On compensation for hiring (we carry) residential premises to the servicemen - 1574 million rubles;

For the provision of high-tech medical care to the personnel of the Armed Forces - 946 million rubles.

This will allow, stressed Tatyana Shevtsov, additionally provide social security of military personnel.

Then at the meeting was considered the course of placing a state defense order for 2018 and the planning period of 2019-2020.

Sergey Shoigu said that the state defense order for the current year provides for the placement of more than 3,700 tasks in the amount of about 1.5 trillion rubles.

Almost 70 percent of these funds, the Minister of Defense stressed, will go to the serial procurement of modern weapons and military equipment.

"Given the experience of the implementation of the GOZ over the past three years, this year we have provided the prolongation of long-term liabilities, the duration of the competitive procedures and the signing of contracts with unique performers. These measures will help significantly reduce the risks of late fulfillment of the state defense order, "said the Minister of Defense, adding that this moment Contracts concluded for an amount constituting almost 85 percent of the total amount of allocated funds.

"In general, the placement of the Goz-2018 is higher than last year. At the same time, until May 15, the date of completion of contracting - there is not much time remains, therefore the pace of placement of the state defense order needs to be accelerated, "the head of the military department set the task.

The next issue of the agenda was devoted to the implementation of state contracts in the interests of the navy.

The Minister of Defense recalled that in the framework of the implementation of the State Program-We are wearing construction, repair and maintenance of almost the entire nomenclature of warships and vessels are carried out by the United Shipbuilding Corporation.

In March, the company handed down a new velot to Elbrus rebar.

In April, the first serial base miner of the project 12700 "Ivan Antonov" was lowered.

By the end of the year, the sailors will receive six more constructed and four renovated ships.

The selector also discussed steps to improve the training system for the engineering troops of the Armed Forces.

Now specialists in this area are preparing two universities.

In the Universal Academy (military institutions (engineering troops), 52 people are studying under the program of magistracy. In the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School, the Program preparation higher education (Specialty) 1175 people and 135 students receive secondary vocational education.

"A strong teaching staff and a high level of acquired knowledge attract more and more foreign listeners to these educational institutions. Currently, representatives of 30 countries are trained in the Tyumen School, in the General Academy - Nine, "said the Minister of Defense and proposed to assess the possibility of optimizing the training system for engineering troops.

In addition, the participants of the meeting reviewed how the housing provision of military personnel within the framework of the cumulative and mortgage system.

Sergey Shoigu stressed that this form of acquisition of housing is gaining popularity among personnel.

Since 2012, the number of participants in the cumulative and mortgage system in Armed Forces increased by 2.5 times and now exceeds 216 thousand people.

For example, last year out of 23 thousand military personnel who received housing, 13 thousand took advantage of the mortgage.

"As we see, in general, the system works well. In order for it not to give failures, it is important to strictly follow the period of granting military parts necessary documents In the housing authorities, "said the Minister of Defense, who proposed to hear how to improve this work.

In addition to the agenda, Sergei Shoigu drew the attention of the meeting to another important event. It directly concerned the area associated with the preparation of military personnel.

The Minister of Defense said that in Armenia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia, the fourth international Olympiad of cadets in a foreign language, mathematics, was held military history and computer science.

"It's nice to note that in all subjects our guys have become winners," the head of the military department noted with satisfaction.

Sergey Shoigu explained that this year "Professionals" competed for the first time in knowledge of foreign language and informatics
and "Aytishniki".

"And here our teams were the first," the Minister of Defense stressed.

He reported that from next year it is planned to hold international competitions among Suvorov, Nakhimovtsev and Cadet. This proposal was supported by the Ministers of Defense Armenia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

"I ask the main management of the personnel to continue working in this area with the countries of the Commonwealth, on the results to report on the next meeting of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the CIS member states," the Minister of Defense entrusted.

Sergei Shoigu also reminded that the holiday was most important and revered in Russia - the Victory Day was left less than a week. In total, there is a preparation for the military parade.

Traditionally, perspective samples of weapons and military equipment will be presented on it.

Among them, anti-aircraft missile systems "Tor-M2", combat machines Terminator, Robot-Technical Complexes "URAN-6" and "URAN-9", Modern drones, Army Motthodes and snowmobiles.

In the aviation component of the holiday, in addition to modern airplanes, SU-57, Su-30cm and MiG-29cmt, upgraded MiG-31K, equipped with the latest hypersonic rocket complex "Dagger".

The Minister of Defense said that today the second night training session of the frontal calculations will pass. The draft rehearsal consisted on May 6th.

The head of the Ministry of Defense drew attention to the need to comply with the safety measures and the rules of operation of equipment during these activities.

IN lately Selector meetings are constantly talking about the interaction of a military department with regions in solving social issues of servicemen and their families as part of the commission of the Supreme Commander.

So it was this time. The meeting was attended by leaders of the three regions - the Sakhalin region, the Republic of Crimea and the Republic of Khakassia.

The head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov said that a sustainable trend was observed in the Region to improve social conditions for members of the communals.

"In general, in 2018, the problem of military personnel will be completely solved," he expected.

Governor of the Sakhalin region Oleg Kozhemyako promised to close the question in the near future. In addition, he told what was being made for the employment of family members of military personnel. According to him, there are no problems with employment in the Sakhalin.

Governor of Khakassia Viktor Zimin also reported that the problem would soon be solved finally. In addition, according to him, the design of another one began in Abakan kindergartenwhere places for children of military personnel will also be highlighted.

In turn, the Minister of Defense said that the military was ready to begin construction this year in Kyzyl-Kuragino railway in Khakassia.

Sergey Shoigu said that for this, most likely, the railway brigade will be attracted. He paid particular attention to the complete staffing of the compound by personnel, engineering technique.

Deputy Minister of Defense General Army Dmitry Bulgakov explained that all the legislative framework For the construction of the railway, the government's disposal is already prepared, and a meeting with the Ministry of Transport and Railways has been held.

"Ten battalions are ready for exit, all tested and prepared, including the 5th Brigade," Dmitry Bulgakov reported.

The Minister of Defense thanked the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for a constructive dialogue.